One of the best Android music players is on a Summer sale. It's been cheaper in the past but well worth the $2 IMO.
PowerAmp Music Player for Android - $2.22 (50% off)

Last edited 09/08/2014 - 12:52 by 1 other user
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Such a great player (very happy- have been using the full version for ages)
thanks, bought with telstra prepaid credit :D
Neutron is the best with 64-bit audio rendering, although its interface sucks.
I realise arguing with many audiophiles is pretty silly because they completely ignore what psychology and science has to say about human hearing because they're the first human with super magical ears and a brain that doesn't suffer the same issues as a normal human to go with those ears (just because ya know … that's how they feel about it!) …
… but that is pretty much the silliest thing I've read about sound quality perhaps ever my friend. :p
Sounds like snake oil.
Audio CD is 16 bit and so are most of mp3s. Even 32 bit processing will be an overkill for using equalisers and simple effects on the phone and in the end it all goes through a DAC that is likely 16 bit in a phone.
You are just wasting battery.64 bit audio means you have around 18446744073709551616 sample points. But most music is recored with 16 bits, giving only 65536 sample points.
Even if you had a 24 bit audio file, upconverting to 64 bit audio is still around 1099511627776 x overkill.
This is ignoring frequency, which again, due to the limits of human hearing, playback above 44.1 kHz is a waste.
Ahh yes, 64-bit will give you 384dB of dynamic range, just what you need to hear when you want to hear a cricket chirping and the sound of the universal big bang at the same time…
will this make my 192kbps mp3's sound better on my beats
We should all go down foobar's website and fund their mobile app instead
/shamelessplug+1 for Neutron. I use it together with my hrt micro streamer and XBA4. Personally I find neutron gives me the best sound, however subjective it is.
Does anyone know if this can boost the volume. I have got an LG G2 and the headphone volume of that thing is not so good.
Yes, in the EQ you can increase the preamp level to make it a bit louder, all be it at the loss of some quality.
Edit: I should note though, it isn't that much, but it is something.
Thanks. Maybe I Should try the trial and see if it works.
I find the premap on max is basically the same as the eq off
This is because the preamp still works with the EQ off. try turning the EQ off and slide the preamp up and down. It still effects the volume. The preamp most definitely makes a difference to max volume.
I have the Z1 Compact as the headphone volume is also pitiful. Does anyone know how i can boost the volume?
Headphone amp
hold it closer?
as in IEM. Its pitiful.
I have no had to resort to carrying around my old iPhone to the gym. The Z1s earphone loudest output is around 60% of the iphone.
Yep, goto settings>audio>advanced tweaks
and turn off 'direct volume control'Another tip:
If you can adjust each of the bands manually, do so… to the highest, meaning that each of the bands will be played at their maximum.
Obviously this will affect the sound quality based on your speakers, so you will have to play around with them to get a balance of louder and clear sound.
Dammit, I paid full price for this just 6 months ago!
A great player, much better than stock Android.
Sigh, I paid full price last week, after i lost patience waiting for a sale :(
Great app, gladly paid full price for this about a year ago.
Another happy PowerAmp user here.
Robbed! I paid full price last week.
Great player but needs Opus support.
I really wish google would open up an API to allow third party players access to your google play music library, and possibly the all access library.
Having said that, this is one of the best music players on android.
I haven't used Google Play music before, but isn't there an option in it to download your tracks? Would third party players be able to see your music then?
It does download your tracks, but doesn't open it up for other apps to use. On a Nexus, syncing is an absolute nightmare, but play music makes it much easier, which is the main reason I've switched.
How do you use it? Upload your music to Play music and stream it to your Nexus?
Not on all access.
Does it play multiple tracks in the same folder?
Believe it or not I haven't found an android player that will do that.
So say I have a folder with 10 songs in it, will it play all 10 songs or do I have to manually play one after the other?Yeah, just hit the icon on the right next to the folder name and click 'Play'.
Yes it exhibits that behaviour although I find your comment very strange as I've never come across a player that does not do this …
Could be just me then. :)
Have tried MX player and ES player and a couple of others…?
I also want to play by folders and as you say many audio players will play your tracks by artist, album and playlist. It does this by reading the track metadata and unless you run tracks through software on a PC to destroy that metadata many android players will continue to sort your tracks this way and not in a mixed folder with edited name and/or track order. I purchased rocket player as during the trial it ticked all the boxes in a player for me. That is folder play so I can mix and match tracks from various albums in one folder, gapless play so live albums don't get chopped between tracks and is capable of playing flac files as well as mp3. Rocket player did this, I wish it could play tracks on my tablets direct from the USB drive and not have to save them to the software first.
Having said that Rocket player has become flaky recently so for a couple of bucks I'll grab poweramp which appears to be almost identical. Perhaps it's about as different as a Holden Apollo and a Toyota Camry from the 80's :-)
Great player. I have been using it since many years…simply awesome
I'm also a user of Poweramp and wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for a music player.
The best player on Android. Make sure you get the KitKat skin to go with it!
Love this player. It just works.
I tried this on my HTC One M8, and the M8 absolutely sucks for listening to music on. I'm not convinced by this player, its very popular app and I'm sure it'll continue to be.
I have an HTC One M8 and using this application as well… it's an AWESOME combination for listening to music on!
a whole $2 saving??? Thanks ozbargain.. lol
Take your nieces/nephews to Maccas for 6 cones ;)
Bought it a while ago too..only because the pirate copy kept updating :P
If you use telstra credit, its only 1/3rd the cost. It's cheap enough to support the developers.
Where can I find starter kits for 10 dollars?
+ve because this has been my default music player for about 2 years now.
Has everything I need & want. What do I need? Lots of settings to configure & stuff around with! You don't need to do this though, I just like to tweak & the stock android player has bugger all in the settings department.
Playlist options are great.
File management is great (can browse folders etc).
You even have control over album art & MP3 tags. Long press the album art on the current playing track & it will find other options inc hi-res pics. Don't want album art? You can turn it off.
Plenty of sound quality settings & adjustment.
Auto detects headphones being plugged in & continues where it left off.
The list goes on. Think I paid $1 for this but can't remember. It's good value even at full price!
I just noticed there's some Free HD skins for Poweramp…
Recently added to the store.
e: Aluminium HD skin is sweet
How does it compare to Google Play Music? Any opinions please before I buy?
If you like streaming from google play, then maybe GPM is ok.
Personally, google play music is crap. For all the things it doesn't have and the things it does have I'm not interested in, eg streaming.
Read my post above if you want to know some of the features…
You can always try the trial version of Poweramp first.
Just tried it and… Oh my god, never knew my headphones could handle so much bass. Definitely going to buy. Have never used streaming so its not an issue for now.
Well for one, you can't use Power Amp to stream Google Play All Access. It's the only reason I still use Play Music.
I much prefer the sound of the stock Sony music app (Walkman) and even LG's stock music player sounds better. Poweramp is a waste of money in my opinion, unless it has some specific feature you need. Still it doesn't sound very good to my ears…
Has anyone compared this with N7 Player and have any comments? Shame it doesn't seem to be on Amazon store as I have some coins left.
Well I haven't used N7 player much and it was when it was a beta version still - but I did like the way it presented your music collection in a tile format when I did.
You can do this with PowerAmp but N7 implemented it in a better way IMO.
+1 Really great player, been using for 2 years!
Respect the app for the following it has, but i've always found it clunky. GoneMad is a great alternative.
Awesome! Thanks for posting this. I was thinking about buying this today anyway.
For those who don't want to pay for this, I would recommend a free player called JetAudio.
Best thing about it is that it has crossfading. Everything else is nice too.
I used to use the free version of PowerAmp until the trial ended. It was good, but I'm stingy and found JetAudio. Couldn't be happier with this free version.
So I just opened this on my S5 and it had no price listed? I hit install and bam update worked as intended.
Not once asked for password etc (and I have it set to ask) or any sort of "you're making a payment" type prompt.
Is it now free or what? If that's the checkout process on Google Play now it has me alarmed… what do other people see on the link? Is there a price listed etc?
You sure it wasn't just the trial you installed?
Yeah, the pro version is just a "key file".
Already had trial installed. Hence why wanted to buy this to unlock it. Instead appears to have been free?…
Have been a happy poweramp user for ages!
lol i don't get what the downvote was for…
I've used this for many years now, but what makes it so good compared to the stock music app from Google these days? I've just been using this out of habit.
I have two requirements for a music player; shuffle & black interface. Up until recently I have been using Shuttle+ which is one of the best I've tried but a bug in a recent update made it useless on my phone. Been using Google Play, but the white interface annoys me.
I'll give Poweramp a go, time to use the store credit earned :)
I'm a little disappointed in power amp. The interface is not very navigatable specifically the back button often puts me back to the 'desktop'. Also the volume is very quiet, I have to turn it up to nearly double what I would on other players.
Great buy, i think i got mine full price at the start of the year.
Use it mainly for the EQ, i believe this player has the most bands you can tweak for the EQ. Please correct me if i'm wrong.
I personally don't hear any difference between this and google play music, so if you don't use EQs then stay away from it, otherwise this is highly recommended.
EDIT - I've actually trialled some of the other music players before making a decision, the GUI isn't as good as one of the others i trialled but again, the EQ on this app is amazing.
Any recommendations for large music collections? Using stock Google Music now.
How large of a collection are you talking about?
Personally, i have about 19 to 20 albums on my phone using poweramp, apart from the UI not being as good looking as the others i've tried, as long as the information you feed it is good (i.e. track info, album info etc.) this does a decent job.
It's a little odd for a music player to require access to your contacts…
It's actually $2.22 if you're accessing the Australian Google Play store (which will be the absolute majority of users in Australia) but still a decent deal.