
As we grow, this will tend to happen, but as these are discovered could they be deleted and and a thread created which tells what deal has been deleted and why. that way the poster knows what happened.

Eg - Thread title - What happened to my post?

Original Topic heading - then Poster - link to other deal

Big Bill Payoff - Freddie Smith
Duplicate - see xxxx

or Spam

or inappropriate


I posted a double on a Dominos voucher which one other member voted negative and explained that it was a double post. In this case I deleted it myself, but not sure if others know or are willing to do that themselves


  • I would/do that all the time if I post a duplicate - I deleted 2 duplicates last week.

  • Agree. I am afraid that it is going to be too much work if we need to track down every duplicate posts.

    Currently the neg-voted deals "sort-of" disappears -

    1. It disappears off the recent deals page/sidebar block.
    2. It marks itself as not-indexable so Google/Yahoo/MSN won't pick it up.

    Yet the content is still accessible. Hopefully there will be a comment or two to tell the OP that it is not a good deal or a dup.

  • Ok I understand, BTW that also answers the question why the AirNZ deal has "disappeared" as it got a negative vote - which is a pity as the person who made the negative vote even says that they jumped the gun. Especially as it is still available and there are some great deals still being offered until the end of next week.

    So is there anyway that a negative vote can be reversed??

    • So is there anyway that a negative vote can be reversed??

      Maybe a function for the moderators later.

      The AirNZ deal is actually still visible — only deals that went under a threshold (currently #vote+ < #vote-) that will disappear from listing. I think it is just "too old". It's submitted on 5 Oct and the last item on the front page is 8 Oct.

      I think I might need to adjust the threshold for the front page again as it gets too easy to get onto the front page when the community grows.

      • just want to raise another issue .. i see people voting for expired deals with negative votes and calling it expired !! with people who misuse negative votes a warning should be sent to them that their rights to further negative vote should be revoked..

  • Great

    Only one more thing. Now with the 2 week rolling voting, how about changing the 7 days 30 days buttons to 14 days 30 days or something so that the past 14 days deals can be seen?

    • I've added the 2 weeks option. However for the top 5 deals side bar, it will still show the 5 most voted deals from the last 7 days for freshness.

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