This was posted 10 years 6 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Battlefield 4 Appreciation Sale on US PS Store - PS4 $28.79 Premium $31.99 (USD)


Battlefield 4 Sale going on.

Battlefield 4 usually $35.99 now $28.79

Battlefield 4 Premium $39.99 now $31.99

Save 20% on expansion packs as well.

AU PS Store selling PS4 Battlefield 4 for $47.95

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Never again EA.

  • Does the PS4 version have (m)any of the issues the PC version had?

    • Yes.

    • All….every….and then some.

      • +1

        In that case I revoke my +ve, good deals are low price on products that work as intended.

        • All my friends who used to play BF4..are now having more fun playing Last of Us MP… am thinking of picking it up for the PS4.

        • -1

          Loving TLoU multiplayer but tbh the matchmaking was stuffed worldwide last night when ND updated the game server side. We could make and invite friends to private matches but no proper matchmaking at all.

    • In simple terms, it is less shit than it was; far less shit.
      New Dragons Teeth maps are pretty cool too.

  • Anyone know what the online population is like? Have people stopped playing this is or is it still going solid?

    • +2

      Solid, there are a lot of us that are gluttons for puni

      • +1

        Sorry, my comment crashed on me and I had to restart.

        ……Gluttons for punishment.

    • I just got this game (part of the recent PS4 ebay 20% off deal) and found it really difficult. Game mechanics are different and the controls are all whacked if you've been accustomed to BF3. Different controller was part of the reason (and possibly the awesome 1080p graphics).

      As far as the game population goes, I think the Conquest games are still popular. 32 vs 32 brawl was something new to me. But I prefer Rush games and there appears to be only one 32 player active server. Two at most on the weekends. Rush games are generally quick as you either on the punishment dishing side or stuck on the receiving side.

      • Set your server browser to include West US too. The ping isn’t that bad to it, I spend more time on West US than Aus. You will relearn controls, it completely sucks for a little while, then it’s second nature as always.

        • Thanks for the tip!

          Yeah those grenades (spot in BF3) in my face were really annoying!

        • @mikaelkn:

          Ahh yes, forgot about that one. I play hardcore so it’s even better when you’re throwing grenades at team mates accidentally ALL of the time.

        • So do you think Premium is worth it? Got burnt from BF3 and ended up playing in vanilla maps most of the times.

        • -1


          No way (I actually have had it since launch as well) I'll never buy another season pass to an EA game.

        • @mikaelkn:

          Only you can answer that, I play Dragons Teeth and some Second Assault. China Rising sucks as far as I am many others are concerned. Naval Strike is a bit ho hum.

  • US PS Plus required

    • :( PS Plus? that changes everything.

  • I'm keen to upgrade to Premium, but from what I've read you can't use US DLC with an AUS copy of the main game. So my only option is to set up a US PSN account, get credit (through Amazon etc as they won't accent AUS credit cards) then download both the full game and premium add on. Then sell my AUS disc copy. Still cheaper that paying $75 for the AUS Premium upgrade though, but a lot of stuffing around…

    • +1

      Benefit is you will then have a US account ready for the next sales etc.

      • True. US prices are always cheaper than ours too. Despite my comment, I'm still pretty keen to do this… if simply just because I can.

        • I was in the same position. I went and made an account with the intention of buying this game, but with the above comments about it's quality and my general dislike for EA, I'll save my money for the next deal.

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