This was posted 10 years 4 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Frozen Hearth - Free Steam Key


Go here,enter you email and captcha.By entering your e-mail containing a link-bound games to your account


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closed Comments

  • Thanks for the heads up!

  • More game to hoard. Cheer!

  • +2

    The reviews look terrible.

  • You have to link your steam profile to indiegala to receive the game..

  • +1

    Alright, I might be doing something stupidly wrong here — but how on earth do you link your steam account? It says I should "[…] find the 'To redeem your games connect to Steam" Text in your indiegala profile, it is next to 'Your Game Keys' text."

    But I can't find the phrase 'To redeem your games connect to Steam' or 'Your Games Key' text anywhere on the page? Can someone post a screenshot of it?

    • +3

      Join IndieGala STEAM GROUP *
      Enter your email address in the textbox. *
      Fill in the recaptcha. *
      Click the SUBMIT button! *

      There are 4 steps did you complete them all?

      Also i already have an account @ which is link to both my steam account and my indiegala account. If you havent already done you i think you have to do that as well.

      • i got the confirmation email from indiegala.. when i click on "CLICK HERE for Frozen Hearth" it doesn't seem to be linked to my steam account unlike the other 2 freebies i got from indiagala (AfterFall + Woodle Tree).. so then i made an account on galagiveaways… linked my steam… verified my email… but then i can't verify my steam games on it :S

        • "activate" button finally appeared in my indiegala account after 2 hours

    • I forgot to enter the captcha the first time.

  • +1


    The giveaway will be back in a few minutes, we're sorry for the inconvenience.

    Unfortunately they have lost all concept of time, because a few mintutes has stretched a lot longer..

    Edit - back now, thanks OP.

  • Thanks!

  • +1

    Free game.
    Australian developer.

    It's un-Australian not to support it!

  • Awesome, Thanks

  • meh, gave up. too many hoops to jump through for a game i'm not going to play.

  • its only half working, it shows i have purchased the bundle for free but no actual games and or keys are showing

  • +3

    "The giveaway will be back on in a few minutes. We're sorry for the inconvenience."

    Temporarily down

    • Same here… :(

    • It's back up! For a while at least. Just got my key now.

  • For those who have registered but cant see the "link to steam" button when you click Frozen Hearth, just keep refreshing now and then and it will come. It took about 1 hour for the button to appear for me.

  • Thanks, worked fine.

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