looking for people to play with on ps4 as i have no psn friends due to being xbox for the majority of last gen.
if you're up for it post your IDs here… and xboxers add your gamertags for other people.
mine is the same as my username here
looking for people to play with on ps4 as i have no psn friends due to being xbox for the majority of last gen.
if you're up for it post your IDs here… and xboxers add your gamertags for other people.
mine is the same as my username here
mine's also the same as my username here
wakopatto -PSN
Semiotosis (PSN)
Brittanz - PS3/PS4/VITA
mine's also the same as my username here
khaleesijaylcee - psn
USWickzki or Wickzki — both are PSN
PSN = SoulOfTheHunter
Is it just me or is this game stupidly repetitive? Goto point A kill enemies, goto point B and kill enemies. It just seems a total grind with a very thin layer of story on top. So far they seem to just introduce new 'The' enemies eg The Fallen, The Hive, The Vex. It really is a poor man's Borderlands. Most annoying thing is how they overdo the whole 'mystery' thing. Nobody in the game knows anything.
I can't help but feel Warframe would be the best comparison… except that is free.
I was pretty into it until it was like "LOL you've earned all your crucible marks for this week, kthx come back next week!"
So it throws up a 'paywall', with no way to pay past it?
"Go to point A to kill enemies" is literally every game ever, so I think that's kind of an unfair point. Some just disguise it better. On that note though, it is a bit repetitive. I dunno, I seem to find comfort in grinding lol.
Also, I don't know about you, but I think that's the most depressing ending of a game ever. "All is good but it's not GG go play multiplayer" "The vex are totally scary even though they have't done anything other than walk around aimlessly also they apparently turned Mercury into a robot?"
Pics or it didn't happen, Bungie.
One of the multiplayer levels is on Mercury, just looks like another planet.
Apparently i didn't know my PSN Username.
It's actually: XR5_Turbo
Keen for any strikes, missions etc and to help anyone beat some. Level 24 Warlock.
mine's also the same as my username here