Setting up a desktop to connect to my Samsum TV

Hi all computer experts,

I am thinking of getting a desktop but I would not know how to set it up. I need some advises from you all. Here is what I am expecting:

  • I don’t play games at all.
  • I watch lots of HD/bluray movies / dramas.
  • Some minor typing on Microsoft words, power points
  • Sometime I compile video or making some video.

Would like to set up a desktop to connect to my Samsung TV (55” 200hz) through HDMI.

I wonder what processor ,CPU and other IT stuff should I get. I don’t require a super computer thou…

Your helps are much appreciated!



  • First three points mean you can get away with almost anything.

    The last point ruins it. My understanding is that video complining/editing requires some pretty decent specs in then all three main areas - CPU - Video Card - RAM.

    Do you NEED a video editing computer, or have you got an existing one you use and just want a bigger screen?

  • I converted my old desktop(Pentium 4 with 2GB ram) I have into a media player for my tv. It runs XBMCBuntu and connects to the tv via the VGA port. For a while(maybe 2 years ago), lots of TVs I have seen have a VGA port, not sure about the newer TVs. I bought a cheap usb Xbox media center remote off ebay, maybe around $10.

    • Opps.. I thought you wanted a media player. Not an actual desktop computer using your TV. Forget my comment. :)

  • MercSal :

    I need a new desktop which I will be connecting to my new TV. Yes I make video at times (But not a complicated Video). So basically, I need all new hardwares.

    Geek001, Thanks for the comments.

    • Go with AMD for CPU and GPU, get an 8 core CPU and a low to mid tier GPU and a min of 8Gb (Personal opinion, could probably do with 4Gb) and that should be more then enough with video editting… might not be fast but it will get the job done.

      Strictly speaking, a non discrete GPU will do the job as well… but having a GPU speeds up the process abit.

      • Do you mind if you could list down the hardware etc? which include the brands?

        • The sidebar on will be a pretty good guide. Start with Incremental upgrade to find your budget, then use pc partpicker

        • AMD FX-8320 @ $179

          ASUS M5A78L-M @ $79

          ASUS R7 240 @ $75

          Kingston Value 8Gb Ram @ $95

          For the RAM, if you don't mind paying a few extra bucks… get one with a heatsink on it lol… looks better but other then that i don't think there is much difference.

          The GPU is a must in this because the CPU does not have an iGPU. Also, you can get something more powerfuly for GPU but just having a low end GPU is enough unless you want it to be instant encoding (exaggeration). It may just take more time for the low end compared to a high end GPU, but still do-able.

          All these prices are from PCCG

  • -3

    English is not your first language is it…

    • +1


      Is a forum. What I need is the advices about building a new desktop.

  • Does your tv support miracast or widi(wireless display). If it does maybe you could consider a media player for you video needs and a laptop/tab that supports miracast or widi. Just another option. Otherwise and basic range desktop will support what you need with even a basic video card these days. Id even suggest a laptop with onboard dedicated video. Should support all you need plus youd have the advantage of using it as a laptop if need be. Just make sure it has hdmi out and definately an onboard nvidia or ati card. A lot of the intel cards suck for video playback.

  • +1

    The best solution for what you want to do is get an Intel NUC i5 with an SSD hard drive and 8gb ram. It has hdmi with up to 7.1ch surround, wifi N, bluetooth, intel HD5000 graphics usb3 and 2 port. The only thing it doesn't have is a dvd/blueray player but you can get an external slim blueray drive to plug into it andnuse wireless kb and mouse.
    best of all it is 11cm x 11cm x 5cm in size which means it will take up very little space.

    • That's actually a good idea, was thinking of getting a NUC for a media server myself. Low power usage and all, though i have to disagree with the SSD as a normal HDD is more then capable, cheaper and have more storage.

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