Hi all computer experts,
I am thinking of getting a desktop but I would not know how to set it up. I need some advises from you all. Here is what I am expecting:
- I don’t play games at all.
- I watch lots of HD/bluray movies / dramas.
- Some minor typing on Microsoft words, power points
- Sometime I compile video or making some video.
Would like to set up a desktop to connect to my Samsung TV (55” 200hz) through HDMI.
I wonder what processor ,CPU and other IT stuff should I get. I don’t require a super computer thou…
Your helps are much appreciated!
First three points mean you can get away with almost anything.
The last point ruins it. My understanding is that video complining/editing requires some pretty decent specs in then all three main areas - CPU - Video Card - RAM.
Do you NEED a video editing computer, or have you got an existing one you use and just want a bigger screen?