Hi all,
Sold a red 1995 Honda Civic back in November 2012 and had neglected to remove plates. They were Victorian plates and I was in Queensland. The sale was without rego, and plates were set to expire in a weeks time. Began receiving infringment notices for this vehicle around March 2013. Then began receiving notices for another vehicle, a blue Civic that seems to be a later make, with my old plates attached. The police staff that I spoke to said that I am liable for the new infringments. Can someone confirm this?
I have close to twenty infringements and have gotten most overturned, but have some with the Brisbane City Council that are proving difficult.
Vicroads website states this is the case, but in a few dealings with their call centre they have consistently said I didn't need to return them.
On this note I'm reconsidering throwing my old plates in a rubbish bin, and I'm glad I removed a different set from a vehicle I just sold unregistered!