Hey all. Just posted a deal about the reduction of prices at Palace cinemas Brisbane which includes $11 Adult tickets down from $18.50. With the really high prices of Event Cinemas do you think they will reduce their prices too? Will they try and increase revenue through increasing candy bar prices? Will this encourage you to go to the cinema more?
Will Event Cinemas follow Palace Cinema's price reductions?

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Adult palace movie club members were about $12 or so. Now they're $8. Makes it cheaper than cineplex weekend and evening tickets now.
It's been a few years since I had a membership as I moved out of the city but I always remembered it as the best cinemas due to the great pricing and also just a classier feel compared to the big chain cinemas.
I doubt it tbh,
- It appears they're not owned by the same company
- Palace shows more arthouse or alternative films which wouldn't have the same fees.
- Hoyts/Events usually set up in bigger places where rent is higher
- Different markets, not direct competitors.
I think you're right. Interesting article though from a few months with the chief of Palace defending high prices: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/movies/cinema-chief-defeā¦
Will be interesting to see if it works though. I hope it does as $18.50 is just way too high.
It's likely also that the big chain cinemas will raise their prices considerably within the next couple of years. A lot of these larger chains rushed into digital projection conversion around 2009, the cost of which was offset by film distributors. But what has become apparent now is those first series of projectors have a limited life-span of around 5 years and their replacement by improved second series projectors will not be offset by the distributors this time. Projector costs have gone down, but it's still expensive to fit a multiplex. They'll want to recoup that outlay.
any movie price over $10 I class them expensive. what @%$#% Hoyts charge $21 for adult movie ticket
Cheap Tuesday and Sunday FTW. $9.90(12.90 3D) at my local Hoyts.
I doubt it. Event spend a lot of money modernizing.
Not likely, Event Cinemas Myer Centre and Indooroopilly offer $6.50 tickets to Students to combat similar pricing to Cineplex and United Cinemas. They previously offered a "Movie Saver" discount but that was discountinued (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/40535).
This pricing seems to be more combating the new New Farm Cinemas (http://newfarmcinemas.com.au/ticketing)
Event are smart/know the market, Australia Fair Cinemas (gold coast) moved to this kind of lower standard pricing, if it makes sense for business reasons Event will do the same.
I thought this was always their prices. The deal was that you bought a membership for $10 (apx?) which entitled you to a free ticket and then all subsequent tickets would be $10 too.