Hi guys,
Thanks for taking the time out to read my post. My name is Mitchell, I am a 30 year old Sydney sider with a new baby, new wife, and now a new Shopping list and competition application that I have had built!
I was sick of shopping list apps not recognizing Australian barcodes and being full of ads so I have created an app that recognises more Australian products than any other with no ads at all and being the competition enthusiast that I am, I have added functionality to scan a product barcode, and if there is a proof of purchase competition for that product at the time you can enter it straight from your mobile phone.
I am hoping I can find some Australian residents who would be interested in testing my app and providing some feed back on what you like and don't like about it.The person who provides the most comprehensive feedback (in my opinion) will receive a $20 Coles voucher on 5/08/2014.
Just sign up here (this is the application I am using to test the app and your details will not be shared with any other 3 parties, AT ALL): http://www.testflightapp.com/join/fd602acc82fdbe39468da0da55… and I will send you an email to download the application.
Thanks again and looking forward to hearing from you.
You can also find the website for this application here: http://www.nabbit.com.au/