Time Magazine - FREE TRAVEL CASES.
Cheapest subscription appears to be $74
Time Magazine - FREE TRAVEL CASES.
Cheapest subscription appears to be $74
Ok didn't know
Yep, they'll send you a pen in a box and say it's the same value. They always have these sub deals, get a clock, a bag etc.
Yup. Happened to me. Didn't have some item that I was supposed to get. Ended up with an ugly silver looking bag which was co-branded Fortune.
same, looks crap
Could I reverse the charge since they do not fulfil the sale ads ?
I think it's fair enough since I believe it can be fairly definitively shown that they never intended on having enough stock (assuming they had any in the first place).
As long as you do it just after you've received the 'free gift' and not when you have 1 issue left on your subscription.
@rekabkram: Though you're actually subscribing for their magazines and they very likely have a clause in the T&C's stating that they can swap the free gift.
Great deal 'SARCASM'
Not a freebie and people have said in the past that Time do a switch and never send the suitcases and instead swap the free gift out for something that they deem to be of the same value even though it's worth 1/5th of the stated RRP.