I'm off to bali soon and usually when going OS I would get a travel money card through CBA as I get them for free because I have my mortgage with them. They don't carry bali currency though so now I am not sure if this is my best option or not? It would probably end up being same kind of charges as withdrawing cash from my savings card and charging purchases to my usual credit card. Any ideas?
Going to Bali - travel money card or something else?

Thanks. In regards to visa arrival payment, my travel agent said the $35 can only be paid in cash and in US$. Credit card would be a lot easier
Last time I went to Bali (albeit a fair while back) the VoA could be paid with either USD, AUD or RP…despite what the travel agents are still telling people after goodness knows how many years.
I'm with eutama below on the money thing, I'd just be changing money on the street, plenty of reputable offices around…stick to ones with no commission though! ;)
Yes, you can pay with almost any currency. The exchange rate is poor but it's only a small amount so doesn't really matter. They will give you your change in IDR (local currency) which I actually find handy for paying the small taxi fee before going to exchange my AUD somewhere with a better rate.
You can pay in Australian dollars currently $42au give them $45 and they will give you IDR change
No coinsDon't forget it's now 200,000 IDR to leave
I use these web sites to check current street exchange .
Only use reputable moneychangers
plenty of money changer on the street - you just need to know which does the best rate.. alternatively, CBA also has ATM in Bali, with $2.50 withdrawal fees if you want to avoid the money changer..
otherwise.. If you stillhave time, citibank debit card is the best..if I have to choose between travel money card or doing exchange on the street.. i'd prefer exchange on the street.. rate is much much much better.. Note: Not all money changer on the street are bad
Yeah, as others have said the Citibank card works pretty well but I usually just take cash and change on the street with reputable moneychangers (watch out for 1. too high rates, 2. back of shop type kiosks, 3. never let them handle the money after you count it).
As for the VOA it does need to be paid in cash but can be paid in most major currencies and you will get your change in IDR. However, the rate they use is worse than the official rates so if you can get US$ easily and cheaply then pay in US$.Just take some aussie dollar with you and exchange it there.
Plenty of banks and money exchange kiosk everywhere. In other places than bank, never let them recount your money after they hand it back to you.
Things are cheap so you don't even have to worry about the exchange rates. Keep whatever bank card you have with you at the moment in case you run out of cash.
I would get some cash before you go. You can go to a website www.rateselect.com.au and you can see what the best rates are. For cash you can order the cash to pick up at the airport before you go and you will get a much better rate that if you just turn up at the airport to exchange or what you would get from any exchange kiosk.
Good luck
I had the commonwealth bank travel money card also we loaded it with a couple of 1000 amd used it at the motels etc and we had australian money and changed it $500 at a time $2000 all up $1000 each (2adults) we came home with plenty of money in the travel money card and because it was Aussie money loaded on it we just transferred it back into my account.
Can anyone provide an update of the current VoA charge?
What is the departure tax?
Is there a Citibank ATM at the airport?
A Citibank debit card is great for withdrawing money overseas. There's plenty of Citibank ATMs in Bali - so no foreign ATM fees. Else the fee for making withdrawals with an Aussie bank ATM card isn't that bad for a short holiday. Just choose ATMs that dispense 2.000.000 rather than 1.000.000 max. It will say on the top of the machine the max withdrawal and the note value. ATMs that dispense Rp. 50.000 generally have a Rp. 1.000.000 limit whereas those that dispense Rp. 100.000 have a Rp. 2.000.000 limit.
Credit cards are widely accepted across Bali, including for visa on arrival payment (which has recently increased).