I bought a PS4 from Dick's ebay shop last weekend. Anyone has some clue how long the shipping will take?
Dick Smith shipping time??

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I ordered a tv on the 1st of July and have not received it yet, depends on how lucky you get with who ships it. If you get Startrack road delivery your stuffed, they will take ages.
I have ordered a Chromebook and a printer from Dick Smith which were both shipped with Startrack. On each occasion, they came the next business day. Seems you were just unlucky.
i got startrack and got my ps4 today! (Brisbane)
when did you order? same on last sunday?
I ordered a PS4 over the weekend too and have no indication of when it will be arriving, or whether it has shipped. I ordered a PS4 controller right after I ordered the PS4 and that was shipped promptly and, in fact, has already been delivered to my local post office seeing as I wasn't at home.
I'd be pretty miffed if DSE didn't ship my PS4 this week.
UPDATE: My controller was shipped with Startrack.
seems like some already have their dse ebay ps4s. mine is "processing" at sydney dfpo (since 9.14pm last night). was hoping they'd put it on an overnight trip to melbourne for me, but no luck.
That's great man. I assume DSE sent you a shipping notification?
yep, dispatched at about 10am yesterday.
mine was overnight sydney to brisbane,
Overnight for me
i am in sydney, but i have received anything from ds yet not even a shipping notification.
I'm in Perth and still nothing heard from DSE. Hopefully I hear something tomorrow.
23 Jul 2014 00:14 Melbourne DFPC Arrived at StarTrack Location for processing
woohooooo! looks like delivery tomorrow!
Anyone else yet to receive any sort of communication saying their ps4 has shipped? Still haven't heard anything on whether my ps4 has been shipped or not
I'm still waiting for mine as well. The accessories were delivered, but the console itself has not. This was their response when I tried contacting them yesterday;
Due to the high volume of orders placed for the PS4 Console we have had to wait for a second shipment from our supplier. Therefore some orders have been delivered in parts. Your console is due to be dispatched today and should arrive within 2-3 days.
Still no shipping notification until now though…
Yeh they sent me the same last night. Received an email today saving it has been dispatched today from them. Was about 15mins ago
I just got a notification that my order has been dispatched. I won't be able to track it till tomorrow, but hopefully I won't need to.
Just checked my email, they finally sent me an invoice indicating it will be dispatched today :D
So earliest tmrw, or hopefully latest by Monday it should be in my hand.they marked my ps4 delivered and i also received the email to track the order. BUT the status is "NOTIFIED" and has never been changed since 24/7.
wtf it is!!
I also just found out there is an issue with my order! Received the invoice email from DS on Thu 24/7, but didnt get email with tracking number. I've just contacted them again, and they said their records says it's been delivered and signed for! They told me they will be investigating this with Startrak now.
Update: looks like mine is all sorted out now :) I contacted DS through eBay msg, and the person who handled my query was actually quite helpful and responded quite fast. Looks like their system failed to mail out the delivery notice, but the delivery was still processed, and its waiting in the post office for me to collect now :)
3-5 business days http://www.dicksmith.com.au/shopping-with-us/delivery-inform…