This is great, use the code and you get the VIP membership for only $5 for years membership. Worked for me!
I see they have updated their link - so you don't have to put the promo code in, it should automatically appear now.
This is great, use the code and you get the VIP membership for only $5 for years membership. Worked for me!
I see they have updated their link - so you don't have to put the promo code in, it should automatically appear now.
Every coffee I've ever had from there was rubbish, too.
Edit: though apparently this VIP club gives you two for one, which is pretty good.
so does entertainment book
But does that give you the discount every day of the year?
Also its 2 for 1, upto 4 coffees in one go… So you can get 4 coffees for the price of 2!
@Level380: Yes and so last time when I bought 6 without notice and they charge me the price of 4. Paid with paywave and did't check the price in the before tagging the card. What a…
P.S. The coffee wasn't that bad, it may depends on the one who made the coffee. The same happened to other brands too.
@andrewchk: Max 2 free coffees per day.
So what you are saying is that the coffee was 'rubbish' but if you get two for one then the coffee is acceptable?? I'm confused here.
Because it's twice as rubbish.
Two wrongs make a right?
AKA Doughy's pizza syndrome.
Homer: Wow! A Valu-Qual coupon book! … Two pizzas for the price of one at Doughy's!
Lisa: Doughy's has terrible pizza!
Homer: Yeah, but there's two!
Their food is about as good as their coffee.
I thought their coffee is rubbish as well, tried it at Top Ryde a few weeks ago and it was actually really good and the barista made some nice latte art as well. think it varies between stores.
It's not great coffee, but at ~$2 a cup if you're splitting it,it's acceptable.
you people must be hard to please.
as a normal coffee drinker, I think their coffee is quite nice. I do admit I get coffee from normal cafes, usually use campos, but they aren't made by people with neck beards or beanies or make me sit on crates with jars because it's 'fancy'
I regularly drink Aldi instant coffee without complaining, so when I say they have bad coffee, I mean they have bad coffee.
obviously to each their own
I think the only note I'd make would be that it is more milky than most other places, but as I go through about 2L of milk every few days, milky has never been an issue for me.
Agree 100%. Had it for free last year and used it twice at two different stores.
On both occasions;
- they don't know how to make coffees, yet over-priced.
- The owners gave me a dirty look when I got BOGOF coffee offer. One store person at actually gave me a lecture that the BOGOF coffee offer is invalid and I shoudn't be using this - whether I understood the terms and conditions of the card. yes, seriously. I felt really offended to the point where I thought I write a letter to head office but thought it would be better not to waste any more of my time.
Anyway that was the last time I went to coffee club.
I don't understand how this even happened if you are buying plain coffee then it is simple buy one get one free it's splashed all over their brochures and website
Australia's most generous cafe loyalty program. VIP members - Buy one hot beverage, get one free, EVERYDAY
Plain as day. However in the terms and conditions is buried that it doesn't apply if you getting some fancy ass coffee with syrups and shit but otherwise you're all good manager has no reason to take issue
fancy? I get flat whites.
I hope you were asking me how this could happen because I am baffled myself.
I can only assume that owners are not happy with giving this away and few of them are taking the anger on the customers. I don't know how they think they can afford to do this either…
Totally baffling, and totally wrong for the owner to take their unhappiness with head office out on you. If they're not happy with the franchise they should go run an independent. Mark up on coffee is enormous so 2 for 1 is doable but unusual
Do you mind sharing the store locations? How can they do this, when the VIP Card is generally sold for $25.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Worst retail experience at Chatswood, NSW.
Other shop was Rhodes, NSW
I've been to five or six stores and most of them are good and people are nice too. The coffee they made are the same as when I don't have the VIP card with me.
The only thing is that some staff person may not know how to make coffee or haven't got enough training or in bad mood.
Most of the cases, the person who made the coffee didn't really care/know how you pay for the coffee. The computer print out the order and they just make the coffee according to the order ticket. I won't believe that the order ticket will show something like "make the coffee shit becos it BOGOF" :/
Beats Oliver brown at least
I am not so sure… But yeah, in terms of Coffee, 90% of the coffee places in chatswood are bad. How hard can be it be…
ah, already renewed at $12.
I renewed at $12.50… you've saved $0.5
I renewed at $25. You've saved $12.50. :-(
Good deal. Renewed again.
Personally, I am a fan of the cake and the hot chocolate ( I don't drink coffee). I think the food is overpriced as it's not their specialty but for 5 dollars, I can easily make that up.
Works for me too! Thanks
Bugger me too, paid $12 (still a bargain)
Compared to DOME where I have to buy 10 coffees to get a free one, coffee club memberships are awesome. Just don't expect quick service ;P
I would if their Cold Drinks were BOGOF too.
If you make your own iced tea and iced coffee by getting the hot beverage with a glass of ice (guess this only works well for non-milk-based drinks), those are BOGOF as well. :-)
I've overhead someone ordering a budget iced coffee similar to this before.
Customer: "I'll have a flat white but I want it cold…"
Barista: "Oh you want a Ice Coffee then?", * pointing to a fancy clear cup that has $6.50 written on it.
Customer: "No, just a normal Flat white coffee but don't heat up the milk.."
Must have been a ozbargainer
Absolutely! I do it with long blacks and herbal teas. And order a cup of ice. And the retreat to a table and play chemistry set. It never crossed my mind NOT to do it. It just seemed like an obvious thing to do, and not cheating the system at all.
Oh No!!!!Paid $12 couple months ago!!!!Can i renew now for the year after?
where does the code gets applied..step 2?
Enter the code click submit, next screen has the reduced price and a confirm purchase button
Thanks OP !
Got one..thanks
thank heaps OP
Thanks for the post!
what does VIP membership give you?
Just applied for the new membership. Thanks for posting this deal!
how about renewing for 2 years in a row are they doing advance renewal ? anyone ??
it changes when u submit and after that it will ask to confirm, it is then you look into the payment and confirm paid …. 2 steps …
+1 to you i was worried about that, thanks
Do you have to type in all caps?
Thanks OP, our card was just about to expire. :)
p.s. can this be used for a card renewal?
(edit, yes it can. :) )
how can you renew an existing card ? Mine is still good until March 15
I thought this was just for new members ..
Same question, how can I renew my card expiring in 10 months for another extensive 12 months?
BOGOF coffees everyday of the week! Thanks OP.
They offered free membership to obtain database last year in hoping they will increase membership revenue this year. It worked! Good bargain for those who enjoy their coffee!
Thanks OP got myself one worked fine :)
Got it. You have a chance to see the final amount charged before committing to it. A new screen will load showing the $5 charge.
Thanks OP, they offered me half price renewal, but glad I held out until now :-)
I still prefer the previous soccer mum deal!! :D
They wouldn't know a decent coffee if it jumped up & bit them on the bum - even Maccas is far better - absolute rubbish
Thanks Op- was hanging out for a good deal. Got it free last time but $5 is very worth it. Baby Chinos are free too at our local Coffee Club.
Now to find someone to drink coffee with…
I rarely go to coffee club, but even if I go there twice with a friend for a hot drink that pays for the card already!
Got it….thanks OP… will find out nearest CC store…..
they also give 1 free coffee every time you renew or if you become new member. So $5 membership comes down to $1 effectively.
Where does it say that?
you will get voucher along with your card in post.
Thanks OP….expiring in 2 months…good deal if you like their coffee…which we do.
Great deal - even if the Coffee is *^&%@#^ terrible, surely there'd be a day or two in the year where you'll be in some shopping centre you don't want to be in with the mother in-law you don't want to be with - Picture this: You're passing the food court and say "Hey (Insert wicked name here), would you like me to buy you a coffee?" And proceed to get a cheap cup of coffee and look like a nice guy :)
where do i sign up!
For the coffee or his mother-in-law?
I like the cut of your jib sir, you've sold me on signing up for another year.
Thanks OP …. application processed. Nice discount $25 to $5. Will enjoy the 2 for 1 benefit.
Great deal! I was lamenting over the missed $12 membership yesterday and the ozbargain gods must of heard me!
Coffee here can be hit or miss depending which store you go to and which barista you get but as long as they don't burn it and add enough milk, then that's fine. Food is expensive and I wouldn't bother with it unless desperate. I definitely will get my $5 worth out of this in a year.
There are ways to hack the menu, too, so that it's an OK value with the 10% off. Get a side salad and add grilled chicken, for example. You get not much less salad than you'd get with a main salad, plus a good chunk of protein, for considerably less than the cost of a main salad. Get a side of chips with a side of chicken breast.
Thanks OP! Great deal! Not the best coffee in town, but the price you pay is not for just the coffee, it's for the experience and convenience too, my local club @ Norwest Sydney has good interiors, great seating options and open till 9.30 PM, even on Sundays!
Thanks, glad I talked myself of not getting this deal at $12 now. :) Tomorrow it'll be free knowing my luck. :P
Or $25 ;-)
is it still working.. ? It says $25 - i put the code in and still says $25
Their original membership cost $25
Tow month ago they offer $15 for existing member who renew
Now they give everyone $5 to sign up
Anyone know why they doing this? Because their food is OVER PRICED!!! and not value for money.
Many of their stores doesn't have enough customer traffic.
I think if you just go there and buy coffee, this deal really worth. But don't wast your money on their food.
As existing member next time just wait till they tell you $0 to signup. I think this is going to happen soon.
Actual this is a code that was distributed to Brisbane Roar members as part of their sponsorship of the club.
While overpriced (I don't drink coffee but I hear that's bad as well) all the stories in my area are constantly busy.
You're right about the value of the is card, members were given free VIP memberships and I never used it once, for discount or a freebie hot choc.
I just used it no issues.
Just bought one, no problems.
I signed up just now.
There are a few asterisks in the email received (conditions) but it doesnt contain details of what they mean.
Buy one hot beverage, get one FREE*
10% discount off all other food and cold beverages, Monday - Wednesday*
The chance to win great prizes*
Can this be interpreted to mean buy on get one free only on Mon-Wed ?
Whats FREE* mean ?
theres a limit of 2 free coffee per day, 7 days a week
So can I go and ask for 2 coffees a and get two free at the same time?
7 days a week : so then I can't go to 8th day of the week asking for BOGOF coffee??
This kills the deal lol
Thx. I always thought the buy one get one free is only valid Mon-Wed. Now I can enjoy my free coffee on weekend.
if you need to drink more than 4 (2 paid 2 free) coffee a day then you need career counselling.
You can't get the buy one get one free on public holidays. That's what the previous condition was on the card I had before.
Yep, I think it exclude public holidays.
Pretty sure you could use the bogof. It was just that you couldn't do the 10% off food if Monday to Wednesday was a public holiday.
I could be wrong tho.
So what are people putting in their "Personal Messages"?
Every thing I tried to add was too long and in the end put nothing.
I wanted - "Pull out if desperate for coffee"
I Love Coffee!
"Espresso yourself"
Cum join me for some "coffee"
wrong. just wrong
"Prefer Dome's"
I had this for free last year… if it was free again I wouldn't bother… their coffee is terrible! At least the 2 different places I visited… doesn't mean its a bad deal though I guess food looked ok?