Free Cancellations Fees/Restrictions Waived on All Flights Refund with Malaysian Airlines

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Until 24th of July, Malaysian Airlines is offering free refunds to all flights booked until 1/1/15. Even those cheap flights with no refund options that are offering free refund! also the normal change/cancel fees are waved too! potentially saving hundreds.

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Malaysia Airlines
Malaysia Airlines


  • -3

    Sorry but how is this a bargain?

    • +7

      normally a service (cancelling the flights) cost a lot of money or is not doable (if you bought the cheapest fare). but for a limited time it is free and doable even if you bought a no refund fare.

      so things normally cost something is free for a limited time.

      an example of this situation being a bargain is android/ios apps which normally cost money but is free for a short period of time.

      or when woolworths have a weekly discount or promotion to make items cost less then normal.

      applying this principle, since you can't normally cancel flights or have to pay and now you don't. this fits the definition of a bargain.

      • +3

        applying this principle

        etc etc

        With logic like that you'd make an ideal candidate for a minor party senator

        While Malaysian are doing the right thing.

        1. You would have had to buy a ticket beforehand. Buying one now wont entitle you to a refund.
        2. A refund doesnt mean you have got a cheaper flight, all its doing is giving you back what you paid.
        3. Reducing a penalty isnt a bargain
        4. You havent got a cheaper (although maybe safer or you will more relaxed with your..) flight, in fact most probably cancelling the flight will mean a higher cost alternative flight needs to be arranged.
        • -2

          Points 1-4 do not distinguish a bargain!
          1. It's a bargain for those already with a ticket who cancel now instead of after 25 July.
          2.the flight has already been purchased. It is not for those who havnt bought a ticket yet.
          3. Getting a good price for something is a bargain.
          4. Again, this is for those who have a flight who are canceling.

          This is in fact a bargain for those unwilling to fly on the ticket they have purchased.

          Is this a bargain?

        • +6

          I think the point is that this was and is a horrifying situation…

          It's not a "bargain" because the cost was 298 innocent human lives…

        • +9


          I think it is a very helpful post. I think it in no way comments on the tragedy nor was done in poor taste

        • +5

          I think it is an informative post and one that is helpful too for people who feel concerned about flying MAS. Putting it in the main bargain section or even calling it a bargain.. lacks recognition of the actual cost and the tragedy of this.

          I will contend your point 3 - was this a good price? 298 innocent human lives?

          It is not a bargain and shouldn't be suggested or considered as one. Yes, it is informative. No, it is not a bargain. No way.

        • +1

          @grasstown: You confuse a good information piece, as I already acknowledge (for those who want to get out of their flights already purchased) with a bargain.

          If you want to cancel, you save the cancellation fees. You will need to book elsewhere, which maybe more expensive - so that wont be a bargain.

          Now if the OP had posted alternative flights that were cheaper, then it would be a bargain.

          You forget that this was originally posted as a bargain, and now is in the forums, where it belongs - a GOOD information piece for those who are now doubting the wisdom of flying Malaysia Airlines, and can save money should they wish to do that.

          Is this a bargain?

          NO IMHO its not as you will see when I made the comments in that thread.

          Again an info piece

          Taking the same points

          Is being told about a speed camera location a bargain?
          Reuse postage stamps by putting tape over stamp?
          Reuse discount voucher/coupon by using self checkout?

          All save you money so ergo are they bargains?

          Bargains save money
          Not all saved money equals bargains


          Bargain a thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected.

          offered for sale. A refund isnt an offer for sale.

          AGAIN I dont criticise the posting it just didnt belong in the bargain listings. It belongs where it now resides - in the forums. And my posting was directed to the OP who was arguing that it shouldnt have been moved.

        • +1


          You have too much time on your hands.

          Arguably (and not a particularly difficult one at that), this piece of info needs more attention, not less.

          I'm sure an exception can be made to draw attention to what does have the potential to save people hours upon hours of stress and anxiety as they worry out the days and weeks to their flights.

          Travel agents aren't advertising this one, we had to be proactive and make enquiries ourselves (although Malaysian Airlines were tweeting it for the twitter-savvy).

        • +2

          Its a bargain if you have a flight booked and want to cancel because you are terrified of flying and till now you get hit with cancellation fees.

          It might also safe your life…the biggest bargain.

        • -1

          Removal of a penalty is a bargain

        • +3


          It's not a "bargain" because the cost was 298 innocent human lives…

          c'mon it is fairly decent for Malaysia Airlines to offer free cancellations. We know why they are offering it and it is unfortunate that these incidents have happened, but they are under no obligation to offer free cancellations, so credit should be due where it is deserved.

        • @eevee888:

          A bargin is how much it saves you other costs external to yourself is irrelevent. so when woolworths sells something at a discount of $5 then the cost is that woolworths looses $5 right? but thats will a bargin as YOU save $5. external costs are irrelevant.

          applying your principle means there are no bargains in this world. since every discount means the supplyer or the subsidising body looses out on the diiscounted amount.

          If you read my post properly i made no mention of the tragedy or victoms or anything. I stated a limited time offer from a company that could save people(already with tickets that want to cancel) some money. the reasons why this argin came about is irrelevant.

          Many bargains come up due to different reasons (advertising for grand openings, liquidations, promotions, increase marketshare of customers, discounts to be competitive etc.) so reasons of the bargain is irrelevent. and since i made no mention about this tragedy in the OP how is this incencitive?

          Arnt you being incencitive for bringing the tragedy up in a bargain website?

        • Malaysian would have done a far better thing with not flying over this airspace which most other airlines have re-routed from because of the problems within Russia/Ukraine at the moment.
          I totally agree that we will not fly with them again & certainly don't blame anyone from trying to change airlines/flights. It's just the word " bargain" being mentioned so much here when such a terrible tragedy has occurred.

        • +1


          It is interesting that you call people who recognise or acknowledge the suffering as "insensitive".

          In my previous posts, I was actually referring to the people arguing if this was a bargain or not. I did not realise that you specifically considered this a bargain and that you specifically considered that the lost lives were irrelevant. Please reconsider.

          If the above points truly represent your frame of mind, then I understand why you would call it a bargain.

          I will reiterate my position, that I don't consider this a bargain but an informative post. You will not be able to convince me of otherwise.

        • -2

          @grasstown: More helpful a post knowing MAS was intentionally flying over prohibited area to save on fuel… So, do they really value you when you fly with MAS?

  • -2

    One plane missing, another shot down, I am not flying this airlines anymore.

    • well then this bargain will save you some money if you choose to cancel.

    • +1

      I assume you'll take the same approach with United Airlines and American Airlines?

    • +4

      Other that the use of two exclamation points in the post (which for reasons indeed of taste, should be removed) I don't have a problem with it, given that it has been moved from 'deals' to the forums, where it belongs.

    • +2

      How on earth is this poor taste? The only people who really would benefit from this is people who have already booked a flight. I don't blame them if they want a cancellation.

    • +1

      If you read my post properly i made no mention of the tragedy or victoms or anything. I stated a limited time offer from a company that could save people(already with tickets that want to cancel) some money. the reasons why this argin came about is irrelevant.

      Many bargains come up due to different reasons (advertising for grand openings, liquidations, promotions, increase marketshare of customers, discounts to be competitive etc.) so reasons of the bargain is irrelevent. and since i made no mention about this tragedy in the OP how is this incencitive?

      Arnt you being incencitive for bringing the tragedy up in a bargain website?

    • +3

      if I choose to cancel my flight and get a refund, would that make me a rat as well ?

      I'm supposed to fly on 22nd, there is no way I am gonna do that now, with or without refund.

      • -5

        What would make someone a rat is using this to somehow get a bargain. Like cancelling flights now to book something cheaper as opposed to doing it for safety etc. It wasn't Malaysia Airs fault.

        • +2

          even if they cancel it when they find something cheaper, they are still not a rat, it is still within their rights. A rat will be taking what is his/her and others as well.

          We're not taking what isn't ours, only what is ours which is permitted by MAS

          are you saying that the only way of not being a rat is by sticking it through or booking a more expensive tickets ?

          Just so you know, price isn't the ultimate factor of safety

        • Actually it is partly malaysian airlines fault.
          They chose to fligh over a warzone where SAMs where being used to recently bring down high flying aircraft.
          Poor risk management strategies and fuel saving measures to blame.
          British airways chose to avoid the route months ago.

        • +6

          @Garagesale: It was all above board. The height it was flying was all approved. It could have been the singapore airlines flight ten minutes before…

          Most flights to Europe actually flyer over Iraq and Iran. Some flights even go over north Korean airspace. Its all good to play the blame game, but realistically no one would have expected this. What your saying is all conjecture.

        • @mrjames: so, are you saying that they fly over an active war zone rather than around it for anything other than the fuel cost savings? (im no flight path expert but did have a conversation with someone who works for an airline about alternate flight paths over that space and she confirmed that they exist)

          im also an active shooter at a gun range, when the rage it "hot" (actively people shooting) you cant just walk down the edge of the range etc, you have to wait till all firearms have been inspected that they are flagged clear before being aloud to cross the line where the shooters stand. you could certainly walk down the edge of an active range and be "fairly safe" but you dont do it because of the inherent dangers if moving around where people are shooting pointy metal objects at very high speeds at other things in the distance. i would have thought the same goes for aircraft. when theres been several (maybe only a couple? im not 100% sure but its been a number greater than zero) aircraft shot down in that area in the previous few months common sense tells you that you would avoid it like the plague….. specially when you have another aircraft that has been missing for the last few months with no sign of it. you just shouldnt gamble with peoples lives like that. glorified game of russian roulette… so to speak…..

        • how many times have people cancelled a pre-order (like a pre-paid airticket) because they found something cheaper…..

  • I had an idea that flts from Aus are not covered by the cancellation clause.

    • +1

      they are refunding all the flights regardless of the destination

  • I saw this too, “These waivers are only applicable from 18 July 2014 until 24 July 2014, for travel between 18 July 2014 until 31 December 2014.”

    • +2

      yeah, I'm thinking the same as well. I'm ready to book a flight with them if the price is right. Does it make me a vulture?

      • +2

        The thousands of people who work for MAS around the world probably don't want to be unemployed, so buying cheap airfares from MAS because other people don't want to fly isn't being a vulture.

        What would be highly questionable behaviour is cancelling a booking that was made pre 17/July in the hope of rebooking the same airfare at a cheaper price.

  • +2

    I do not think OP meant it to be a 'bargain' as such, but was providing some useful advice in case one didn't already know. I would say for many, the reasons for wanting to cancel and refund would be superstitious and the worry that lightning does strike twice in the same place as in the case of Malaysian Airline. And may possibly strike thrice! They are a wonderful airline with the sweetest of inflight staff, where that is concerned do even beat some other airlines. It is a shame that they have been jinxed with double tragedy which may bring the airline to its feet (literally). Those who choose to fly on and patronise the airline should be thanked for trying to help in their little way in keeping the company afloat.

  • +5

    I have a return flight booked with Malaysia Airlines (to/from Oz) in September, which when I booked it last month was a real bargain.

    I won't be taking up this kind offer from them.

  • +2

    I have two separate tickets with them which arenow cheaper by $250 total. But I won't use this tragedy a means to wrangling a cheaper deal.

    As an airline they are fine for the price you pay compared to the difference with Qantas or Singapore.

  • +1

    I just went to the head office for refund in Indonesia. Lost around $70 due to some calculations involving current pricing and the fact that my ticket is not 'fresh'.

    So yes, tickets are getting cheaper as they can't fill the plane in short notice.

    One family affected by the latest incident brought about 15 members to demand for compensation. Involved a lot of crying and shouting, no compo is given atm.

    Don't even want to think how the staff in Netherland handle this .

  • -3

    Why are people trying to gain a bargain from such a tragedy ?

    • -1

      To save money

    • +1

      for me, it is so that possibility of me becoming part of the tragedy diminished greatly. Blame me all you want. I value my life more than $70 I lost for cancellation. Perhaps yours is not the case.

      If somebody gives you a legitimate way out of something that might prove to be troubling in the future, you're not gonna take it ?

      • -1

        Well it depends. It was just luck that Malaysian Airlines lost a plane so close together.
        Conspiracy theory alert:
        Either that or a rival airlines is paying off people to get rid of these planes so they push down Malaysia Airlines.

        Anyways, when you look closely enough pretty much every airlines have had a accident before, so you better stop flying at all. Statistically speaking, the more you fly the higher chance you will get into an accident.

        Malaysian Airlines were actually rated one of the safest airlines (e.g. number of accidents) prior to the 2 incidents this year. They must have either pissed off some people or their luck has finally ran out.

        If you want to avenge those lost, you should return the tickets then re-buy them at a cheaper price! make them bleed!

        • Why are you talking about luck? Both the planes and lives lost were not directly their fault. Why would you want to make an airline you is already losing millions a day, and is quite likely going to close their doors bleed? Gaining from lost lives and a company about to go under is not something to be proud of unfortunately.

        • @markj:

          Both the planes and lives lost were not directly their fault.

          how do you know? you dont know why the first one went down and dont seem to understand why the 2nd one went down a couple of months later. knowing their financial situation both accidents could quite well be directly caused by cost cutting. the first one from poor maintenance causing a fire (which is still one theory) and the second one is directly caused by fuel cost cutting to go through a known dangerous area and risk getting shut down rather than spend a little more in fuel and fly around it as some other airlines apparently do…..

          seems to be it could well be 100% MA's fault….

        • If MAS is running out of luck, then I am better off looking at other airlines with bigger luck.

          sure pretty much every airlines have had an accident before, but people will always remember the few recent ones and I think you can agree that two of the latest incident from MAS are very damning.

    • Why is the airline offering it? I'm sure they'd much prefer not to give people their money back.

      • -4

        because they changed their route to go through Syria instead of Ukraine so if they refund and less people get on the plane less people will die.

    • +2

      Unfortunately, capitalism is all about exploiting the mishaps of others to one's own advantage. A true capitalist doesn't care about anything but themselves.

      • Correct.
        With all the people who is against using this to their advantage needs to remind themselves.
        We live in a world which for somebody to gain there is somebody who always loses out.

        You should stop taking medicine as almost every single medicine have killed somebody during testing phases. You are taking advantage of somebody's death for your personal gain.

        Quite alot of pharmaceuticals use 3rd world country testing, e.g. "We give you these TEST meds which may fix you, however may kill you. We hold no responsibility for your death.", then they basically have no choice, because they cannot afford meds so either they take it or die.

  • I would like some advice. I have been reading Oz Bargain daily for over a year and this is my first post. I am booked to fly on Malaysia Airlines 3/12 December from Sydney to Kuala Lumpa. After my stopover I then fly onto to Amsterdam with KLM. I will return from Amsterdam by KLM to Kuala Lumpa 24/12 December and then fly onto Sydney with Malaysia Airlines on 25/12. My question is should I cancel the flights with Malaysia Airlines? I am flying with my adult daughter. I really am unsure and I only have until tomorrow 24/7 to cancel. I just can't seem to find any flights. I have paid for the KLM flights. Any help would be great!

    • My question is should I cancel the flights with Malaysia Airlines?

      short answer… yes

      long answer.. depends on how much you value your and your adult childs life? 2 planes down in a couple of months, first one probably from cost cutting, second one definitely from cost cutting and now they will have less money than ever.

      • +1

        I dunno, i'd feel safe flying them now, as they have so much heat on. They will want to do better if they wish to recover the company.

        If another plane goes down, then bye bye company which will piss off a lot of investors.

        Logically speaking, they will wise up and be extremely careful with what they do from now on, as they are currently in the spotlight.

        Also the news reports are skewed at making MAS the bad people. They are saying "No other airlines are flying that route, they must be cost cutting!", however you can find other reports on the web which shows that some airlines are still using that route, and plenty of freight planes are still using it.

        Remember the saying:
        once is chance, twice is coincidence, third time is a pattern.

        They haven't hit their 3rd time yet, so it isn't a pattern yet!

        You can cancel it, but pretty much every other airlines is expensive now, because people are hopping off MAS and going to other airlines.

      • +2

        The alternative answer is, do you want to think rationally about this.

        There is no shortage on this thread of those who have not done so.

        I have made my rational decision, and will be flying with MAS in

        Hopefully there are plenty of nervous Nancies who have cancelled, and I will have plenty of room to stretch out both ways, and be assured of getting the meal and drinks I want.

    • What makes you concerned about flying MAS from KL to Sydney?

      If your concern is the MAS brand then you may want to check if your KLM flight is codeshare with MAS as if it is, you may want to cancel all flights.

    • if you cancel, then you'll get full refund as you have fresh tickets.

      what do you mean you can't find any tickets? A quick browse from show flights from multiple airlines such as jetstar, airasia, spore airline, vietnam airlines on 25th Dec.

      There are always flights available from hubs such as Kuala Lumpur and Spore

  • +3

    Thank you all for your help in my decision making. I successfully cancelled my MAS flights and am now flying Cathay with my stopovers in Hong Kong. The price difference was only $184.for the 2 tickets.
    I must say this is a wonderful site, I have learnt so much from reading the daily OzBargain newsletter.

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