Galaxy S5 on kogan, just received this in my email.
Samsung Galaxy S5 4G LTE (16GB, Black) Ultimate Bundle [$649] [$22.99 Delivery] @ Kogan

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I'd be all over the g2 of it had expandable memory. It seems that all flagships this year fail somewhere (admittedly the g5 looks the most well rounded one).
I'm not too fussed about the expandable memory, I don't have a lot of apps/games/media stored on my phone :P I just want the G2 for as cheap as I can get it hahaha
Then again I should probably just cough up and buy it from DWI/T-Dimension.
Just checked.. t-dimension has dropped the G2 32gb price a little bit more… now under $390 for white or black… and they have the 16gb red for $375 which I thought was cheaper than Kogan? You will get it quicker from t-dimension than kogan as well.
g2 is last years flagship
Yeah I meant the S5, M8, G3 and Z2.
Edit: what I was trying to say was the G3 looks the best but it is hurting from that screen. Therefore the next logical choice is the G2 (only 6 months behind the G3 and still quite a good phone) but I want expandable storage (otherwise why would I change from my N5 that I'm perfectly happy with).
because s5 has a 801 processor vs the nexus 5 800 processor?
and better display
and expandable memoryan average non-sheep would rather buy a Note 2 knockoff so he can join the crowd without spending the requisite cash, look here
Better Camera. What the hell are you so mad about? Not your money
And better than that terrible battery in the nexus 5 mate :)
For sure. I know because I have one lol
What? My battery last a full day.
Ur signal must be weak
removable battery
the lcd is not fused to the glass
usb 3.0
much better build quality
water resistantN5 is USB 3.0
Removable battery.. Why is that a good thing?Build quality.. Lol yeh better than n5 but definitely miles behind iphone Sony and HTC.
n5 is not usb 3
go look at the picture of its usb port
removeable battery is good because you can have backups or even replace it with a higher capacity battery
sony and htc suck
but different models use different materials as well giving the impression one is better than the other
All built by the same foxconn factory so the quality is the same
I'd agree a couple of generations ago a removable battery was a big advantage, back when the phones were power hungry dogs and the only way to save battery was to switch to aeroplane mode or dim the screen, but the latest models all have the ultra saving mode, and apart from a remote few, who isn't near a charger at least once a day?
To say Sony and htc suck is a bit over the top…
Because the stock google OS is ugly? Screw that, I want the Samsung skin on top, I LOATHE stock google, it's gross.
…then use ThemeChooser to make it look however you want. SMH.
Why? I can just buy an S3/S4 or S5 and it's preconfigured how I want my phone.
you're both retards
you can flash with CYANOGENMOD on both phones
and its fully customisable if you want a different look
if your as lazy as hamwhisperer, you can go the next level and buy a prebloated tizen/touchwiz ontop of it
If your minimalistic, get stock android nexus 5 and save money
but the samsung phones give you flexibility since you can have the best of both worlds and flash either one to stock android CMod
Of course you can flash CM on S5 (and countless other devices). My point is buying an Android phone simply for it's looks is stupid. When it's so easy to customise.With that said, there's alot more custom ROM options for the Nexus, with teams giving official support for the Nexus line rather than others porting their work.
But for the technology clueless who have switched over from Apple, simply because Samsung is the new 'hip' phone, then go for it. Enjoy the bloat of Touchwiz and the delayed OS updates. Long as it's pretty, right?
Cyanogen mod is ugly garbage like the stock google launcher / ui.
I use the Samsung OS for a reason.@hamwhisperer:
Missed the point again. CM includes ThemeChooser, it can look like how ever the hell you want. As for launcher, who on earth uses the stock launcher?
Wow that's allot of responses for what is obviously a trolling comment
I have the S2, S3 and S4. I am a bit tired running after the Galaxy S series. I am pleased with them in comparison with the "I" thing, but frankly speaking, I am not happy with their battery life, and the paint around the edges of my phone came off pieces by pieces.
I want to "separate" with Samsung to try out with LG G3 when it comes out in August. I might "divorce" Samsung if they cannot wow me with their upcoming flagship(s)
Same here
Been using galaxy since s2.
Using n5 now and its great.Waterproof is stupid. They wont cover it if u take it for a swim. who cares about expandable memory nowadays.
For music 32 is plenty.. For video, Why r u watching movie on a tiny screen.Galaxy camera and all that crap… Now its apple fan boy and Samsung fan boy vs the rest.
waterproofing is rated to a certain IP standard
meaning its intended to save your arse in case you accidentally drop it into water for a few seconds
Not meant to take for swimming
Do you also take your hairdryer into the bath?
Hair dryers aren't rated to be waterproof.
If you want to use that analogy though I take my electric razor into the shower.
can reccommend highly
but FYI you couldve easily upgraded the battery to a GOLD higher capacity battery for a few bucks
Thats the whole benefit of having a replaceable battery
I'm still waiting for the Red G2 to come back in stock :(