Rated 4.5 stars with over 19000 5-star reviews at Google Play. Not sure how long the freebie will last.
Simply download the free version, hit MENU, choose SETTINGS, then enter promotion code APPOFTHEDAY to unlock all PRO features.
Rated 4.5 stars with over 19000 5-star reviews at Google Play. Not sure how long the freebie will last.
Simply download the free version, hit MENU, choose SETTINGS, then enter promotion code APPOFTHEDAY to unlock all PRO features.
That's why I use xprivacy
This is why I use a BlackBerry. Get to choose which apps use what permissions. Google apps are a pain though.
Thanks poster, got the app working on my BlackBerry too
Yes it does.
I just tried it again and get "The entered code is unknown"
Worked for me too
As with their other deals I'm assuming you need to download it through the appoftheday app.
And I think it will be available for the next 2-3 hours (till like 11 am aest or something)
I just tried it again and get "The entered code is unknown"
You're obviously doing something wrong.
Not try hard enough, work here
Alright no worries, just thought I'd put the suggestion out there. I didn't get the app but from previous ones where the code didn't work, that was the case and it was something else for 95331140 to try out.
1) Download and install the "FREE" version (Not the paid $4.99 version)
2) Once installed, open the app "Settings"
3) In Settings, scroll to the bottom and look for "Enter Promotion Code"
4) Enter "appoftheday" and redeem code
"appoftheday" must be upcase.
No it doesn't.
Code worked for me - had app installed previously. Cheers!
Thanks, one of these freebie apps that I might actually use.
What happens with these APPOFTHEDAY specials when you get a new device? Does the app remember that you had access to the pro features on the previous device or do you loose access to the pro features?
isnt everything tied to ur google gmail play account!?
yes but im not sure if this APPOFTHEDAY code gets somehow registered with the play store account. Wanted to know if any one has tested it out once the promo has ended with a new device
No I don't think it will work
I just entered the code on my mobile, then downloaded the app from google play store on my tablet using the same google account and after installing the app the PRO features were restricted on the tablet.
I even tried singing into my runtastic account on both devices and it still didn't unlock pro.
So it looks like it is for the life of your device (or ROM) only.
I'll going around installing on all the family devices today.
What a pain in the Arse. I know when I redeem stuff in BlackBerry World. It's yours to keep.
Good to know I won't be getting rid of this app anytime soon.
I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think you might need to restore backed up apps onto your new device. I say 100% not sure because I installed an appoftheday running app a long time ago, never used it (ozbargain level: expert), but always restored the app after rom flashes. Subsequently, I accidentally deleted the running app, but was unable to restore full pro functionality. Not a huge problem as I am currently testing 5 diff running apps, some updated to pro using amazon free coin credit.
You can use something like Titanium Backup to backup/restore the app to a new device.
I thought Strava covered everything and more and it is free
Strava user here - wouldn't use anything else, love it
Which of these sports tracker apps would you recommend for offline use? I do not want to always have to log onto their service or upload my data to their website.
I have been using an ancient version of Endomondo Pro mostly for running. I am looking for the usual features of accurate GPS tracking, good maps and routes, interval training, advanced voice coaching, good HR monitor support, data export etc. I own Droid mini with Android v4.4.
I have been a big fan of Runkeeper but recently got myself an Xperia Z1 compact. I used it with my iPhone 4 and wahoo fitness Ant+ Adapter to add HR but Runkeeper on Android doesn't support Ant+.
I now use Garmin fit as the Xperia has Ant+ built in and Garmin fit is Ant+ compatable.
Both Runkeeper and Garmin fit seem to work with my phone in Airplane mode (once GPS signal is locked) so that's about as offline as you can get and they both upload your data to their website but you can discard if you would prefer.
I'm actually syncing my Garmin runs with Runkeeper as I like Runkeepers website and it also has a few years of history.
My experience with GPS accuracy has taught me that the phones GPS capabilities are the key factor as opposed to the chosen App.
Before my iPhone 4 I had a samsung Galaxy which was absolutely useless when it came to GPS.
TA for the tips. I will add Garmin and Runkeeper to my candidates list. So far I am thinking of migrating from Endomonto to Runtastic which seems similar and it still allows me to skip the sign-in screen. Will need to do some research on Strava and MapMyRun as well.
I don't have an Ant+ enabled phone so the HR monitors I am thinking of getting are Bluetooth-based (Polar H7/Zephyr Smart or older Polar Wearlink+/Zephyr HxM).
Bluetooth ones are also fine it's just that I have Ant+ already so I didn't want to fork out for another chest strap. The added bonus with mine is that I can wear my garmin watch and the chest strap works with both the phone and watch at the same time so I don't need to keep the phone screen on to see my HR.
I've been thinking about a wrist device as well. I run with my phone in the back pocket of my shorts wirelessly connected to my BT headset and use voice clues to monitor the runs. It would be great if a watch could monitor your HR and feed it to and control your sports tracker app. Something like mio aplpha but with added controls for the app (like Start/Pause/Stop).
BTW, Runtastic sell a Bluetooth 4.0 HR monitor chest strap that comes with a free Runtastic Pro activation code.
if you format or reinstall the app once the promotion is over it reverts to basic version not the pro one.you have to buy the app.
Is this the same as GOld membership, as I am seeing that this Gold service is available for only 15 days free?
No it is not.
For more info on what features the PRO version gets above the free version see this page:
strava strava strava…
Is this any different to RunTastic? As you can choose to do cycling on that app as well.
You can choose cycling, Handbiking or Road bike.
Installed but would have liked to get Runtastic PRO for Running.
Strava! Shamefully, I can no longer go for ride without it. Which is ridiculous, I know. But….its just that good!
Wow…nice free kick TA. Haha. IOS has the same ;-)
1 closer to 1k.
Good app, got me into cycling last year. 2,250kms since.
Code does not work. Expired?
Yep I think the deal has expired - it doesn't work for me either
Tried this yesterday and code did not work…got excited and tried again today, same thing. App installed ok but cannot redeem code. Why do things get posted when they run out or expire. I log in each morning to find things and a lot of them are already expired. What am I doing wrong?
It worked fine yesterday.
They get posted when they work and often apps are free for 24 hours only. They are perfectly valid posts.
Did you install the free version of the app? Used appoftheday without spaces as the code?
It expired yesterday, probably 5 hours after posting.
appoftheday is a 24 hour deal only
"My Scans" is the current deal and will end within the hour.
Thnx for the reply….worked out it was my bad, yesterdays post of this did not include the details as to how and where to enter the appoftheday code to redeem. I was trying to redeem it when trying to purchase it and entering the code there. Now I know to go into settings on my phone after installing the app. Duh!!!!!
The description for this hasn't changed since it was originally posted.
it seems to require too many unnecessary permissions.