My bro needs an adsl2+ modem router to replace a Telstra issued one that is 3+ yrs old
He is experiencing drop outs of the wifi around his house
Modem wasn't recommended for adsl2 (issued when we had 1) but has worked ok
Not sure what has changed but may be getting interference etc now
So any recommendations please?
His needs are basic - doesn't need voip, usb sharing ports etc - but will take that if included
Most important is robust wifi singla performance around his standard brick veneer single storey house
have seen the following by way of example, am thinking Billion may be the go:
TP Link w8968
TP Link w8960n
I use a Billion 7800NL and have not had any issues with it for the past few year (touch wood)
The Netgear and dlink units I had in the past lasted about a year if I was lucky.
So I vote the Billion only because they seem to be better built and there is a fairly regular firmware update cycle on them to boot.