Our vehicle lease has ended and we're in the process of transferring the vehicle, which includes obtaining a roadworthy certificate. We're up for a couple of new tyres and the place who did the roadworthy can supply Sumitomo Tyres for around $100 each ….. are these any good?
They've also picked on a couple of small stone chips, which we've been meaning to get fixed, but haven't gotten around to doing. There are already a couple of existing repairs, so it might be better to look at replacement, will have to get advice from the windscreen place on that I guess. My question here is, from the date the lease lapsed (coming up to a fortnight ago,) we took out insurance which includes glass damage. Do we have any hope at all of the insurance company paying for this or do we just have to wear it this time around?
I am not sure about tyre, but i guess they should be alright, maybe some else can share their thought on this one. As for windscreen there are plenty of places who replace windscreen glass with after market ones (they are tough and looks exactly the same). It costs around $200, few will even come to your place to do the job without extra charge.