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Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 BOX CPU LGA 775 L2 2.4GHz


Intel® Core™2 Quad Q6600 Processor 8MB L2 2.4Ghz 1066Mhz.

  • 3 Year Manufacturer Warranty
  • $15 postage

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eBay Australia
eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • cough cough spam!!!!!
    Not even remotely a good deal
    Same CPU $315 @ fluidtek
    $360 at a lot of other IT discount stores

    • $315?? there is a condition with that….you got to buy something else with the CPU.

      Also the ebay one, offered courier service for free (look at other listings).

  • Clearly SPAM, an eBay listing does not a bargain make….

  • Price comparison from staticICE. There are many places selling it cheaper without any condition. Also where does the eBay item says free courier? The postage is clearly listed at $15.

    As of spamming — merchants periodically come here and offer our members good deals so I won't call a merchant posting "spam", but clearly in this case the poster (which I think is the merchant) has not done much research.

    eBay listing is pretty grey. You might find a bargain there but there are all kinds of seller on eBay and some can be really dodgy. I would prefer not to see eBay listing posted as a bargain here.

    • all rite, post no more ebay listing…

      ** sorry **

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