I'm presuming the deal's been on for a while, but haven't yet seen it posted here. Battlefield 4 premium's now on 20% sale throughout all the origin stores. Using a VPN to access the Mexican store results in BF4 premium for $27.99 (which is pretty cheap, comparatively). EA's also having a promotion for FIFA 2014 in lieu of the World Cup (Brazil2014)- as highlighted by Triggywiggy here: "https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/151531", except that it's even cheaper when the code's used at the mexican origin store. use HolaUnblocker extension for chrome to access the store.
Battlefield 4 Premium USD$28, Fifa 2014 $12- both on PC, in Mexican Origin store

Last edited 06/07/2014 - 13:40 by 1 other user
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I bought it last week for $45
is titanfall for sale?
Demarco… nope, it isn't, however you could just buy it from my bargain posted yesterday >> https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/151690
can you write a short detailed "how to" plz?
I would assume, one would download Hola Better Internet Extension (or a similar extension) for Chrome. Choose the country (in this case Mexico) - then just go to the origin store (through chrome, not the app).
- Start with Firefox (Chrome will do also I believe).
- Install Hola VPN add-in in Firefox.
- Log in as your user in Origin as usual.
- Switch to MX VPN in Hola.
- Add items to your cart.
- Go to checkout, and get to the payment details point.
- Switch back to Aus region with Hola.
- Proceed to pay and receive lovely Mexican confirmation email.
I followed these steps when I bought Titanfall but there's some variations to the process that seems to work better for some than others. I switched back to my region when paying as I don't generally like entering credit card details through a 3rd party VPN.
thanks for the guide, however after a bit of searching, everyone is saying bf3 is better which I already have, bf4 suffers from bugs and bad "network code" as they say..
A lot of the bugs that we encountered early on in the game release are gone I'd say. Been playing since release and I'd say that it's smooth and very playable these days. Although that's my 2 cents and your mileage may vary, depending. :)
Good deal! Am finding it hard to resist, but I hear that BF4 is still fairly buggy and although it's never really a single player game, the single campaign is supposed to be kind of rubbish…
i've only just started playing it (in the last week or so), and seems relatively fine to me. Not that i'm really looking for any bugs etc.
It used to be buggy to the point of unplayability. Then they released a huge netcode/reliability updated a couple of months ago. It still is buggy, but I can actually get through a match without thinking "Damn this game sucks"
Hi, how long does it take until your receive the game code to redeem? They sent me an order number but I cant find any code enable download the game
go to your origin client and it should start downloading - otherwise go to view order history or something in the client.
anyone know the download size?
Just need to work out whether I need to buy the internet first.
of what? battlefield 4 premium is just the expansion packs, only 3 released so far, about 4-5GBs each. Battlefield itself (not included in this) is around 25GBs or so (not sure exactly)
oh piss off, I just bought bf4 premium yesterday for $43 haha