28 degrees used to be the way to go because you could withdraw money overseas at a good rate, but now they have a cash advance fee of 3%.
What's the new go for travel CC's? Bonus points for earning FF too.
Best credit card for travel?

Plantain on 06/07/2014 - 11:45
28 Degrees (credit card) for purchases.
Citibank Plus Account with Visa debit card for cash withdrawals.Don't bother with any FF/rewards points cards as they all have transaction fee charges as well as crap rates.
Should have watched this last night shows all about travel cards the good and bad.
http://www.abc.net.au/tv/thecheckout/episodes/s02ep16.htmforward to 45 seconds in to the show for the segment to begin
See Ozbargain wiki OZB
Short answer - Citibank Plus Account.
Don't leave home without them. (As Karl Malden used to say)