I just saved off my booking in Germany, so just putting the word out there for those that don't know about this deal.
(To obtain the $29 credit, a qualifying reservation has a total value of $98 or more, excluding cleaning fees)
Update 5/4/16: To obtain the $46 credit, a qualifying reservation has a total value of at least $131.
Update 8/6/16: To obtain the ~~$35 $40 credit, a qualifying reservation has a total value of at least $136.~~
Update 21/2/17: To obtain the $50 credit, a qualifying reservation has a total value of at least $99
Update 17/9/19: Now $55 Credit. "When you sign up, you’ll get $55 AUD off your first home booking of $110 AUD or more" New terms link
Referrals via the referral system below.
Does the credit immediately get applied to the new member's first booking or is it for a future booking? When does the credit expire for the existing member?