Car crash

Hello I was driving my mums car and she has the Coles comprehensive car insurance which doesn't cover people under 25 which I am. I got in a car crash,just wondering if anyone can find out how much excess I have to pay ? The other person has insurance as well we have lodged a claim



    Might help .pg 41
    your excess should be on your insurance policy

  • +1

    call coles car insurance buddy

  • Hi,

    If it is the other parties fault, no excess for you.
    If it is your fault, you pay for everything, your and their car.
    If it is shared, you pay all for your mums car.

    Either way Coles excess is not relevant.

  • Yep, key piece of information is who is at fault. If it is you it depends on the policy you took out, it may just be an increased excess if you under 25, or you may not be covered at all. If it is your fault and your mothers insurance doesn't cover you at all, this may be terrible advice, but if the police were not involved tell a story to insure that you were not at fault. Without a police report, they don't really have any grounds to get the money from you. In short, 2 many unknowns to give accurate advice, first point is to call coles and see what your policy says.

  • +2

    You say you were driving and are under 25 which is not covered . there is no excess because you are not covered

    • Exactly, be prepared to pay the full cost of the other car's repair. And your mum's car will not be fixed unless she puts in a separate claim.

  • Hmm anymore info about the accident ? Eg if you got rear ended its not your fault no matter what

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