ok, when leaviing to come to australia I had a mobile phone plan, i rang them up and tried to cancel and was told i couldn't but they put me on the lowest available tariff. and i was promised by the girl on the phone that when my minimum term was completed then the contract would be cancelled.
fast forward about 3 years and i check my english bank account to see that a direct debit from Orange (the phone network) was still be taken from my account each month. not wanting to call their customer service from over here, i simply cancelled the direct debit on my online banking.
3 months later my parents back home opened letters from orange demanding payment for the money from direct debits they had tried to take.
i called them up and said that when i originally left the country i was promised that the contract would be cancelled after the minimum term and they they actually owe me money not the other way around. after being passed to 2-3 other people they finally agreed that they they would cancel my contract officially and process a refund of all money taken from my account after the date my original contract minimum term expired…
all good… nope..
now my parents are getting debt collection agency letters demanding the money. we contacted these guys and explainied the situation, who contacted orange and we got another letter from the debt collection agency saying no agreement had been made re: refund and we still owed money.
i realise things could work differently here, but what can i do?
As in any country.. you have to cancel the contract and set a mutually agreeable date for it to end and then close your direct debit to coincide with that date.
You don't just stop the direct debit …. in any country.
You could have paid the contract out?
Right now… you owe what you owe. Email them and explain your situation and ask when the account might be able to be closed, after you bring your payments up to date.
All this was explained to you in your t&c with your contract. It would be the same as the one you have here.