This was posted 10 years 8 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free District 9 Download PS Store (Valued $7.99) with Purchase of Any Paid Download (Avatar $0.35)


Got this in email

Purchase any paid download from PlayStation Store between 1st July - 31st July 2014 and we'll offer you the hit movie 'District 9' (Standard Definition valued @ $7.99) that you can download with an exclusive voucher code at no extra cost.

cheapest is any avatar starting @$0.35

To be eligible for this offer, you must (i) be aged 18 years or over (ii) be a SEN master account holder (iii) be a resident of Australia, Germany, Italy, Spain or the United Kingdom and (iv) purchase downloadable content from the PlayStation®Store between 1 July 2014 at 00.01 (BST) and 31 July 2014 at 23.59 (BST). Maximum of one voucher code per eligible person. Voucher codes are subject to availability and expire on 30 September 2014, and must be used to purchase a pre-defined movie in Standard Definition from the PlayStation®Store. Full terms and conditions can be found at… .

Please make sure you have read the terms and conditions before making your paid download.

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closed Comments

  • Says "take advantage now". Is this a targeted offer?

  • +1

    does not look like targeted offer…it just a link to playstation network homepage

    • Not targeted. It was posted on the EU blog a day or two ago.

  • +17

    Fooking prawns!

    • +8

      Great movie. Highly recommend.

      • +3

        D9 still my favourite movie of all time

        • Is that what the cool kids call it?

    • +1

      I did not have pornographic relations with a fooking creature man!

    • +2

      This film is so under appreciated. It's one of the best of the last 10 years easy.

      Can't be arsed with downloading SD movies via PSN but this is definitely worth a watch.

    • "Hercules Returns" used the line 21 years earlier :D

  • So purchase a $1.45 game/addon, get the movie?

    • yep..purchase of "any downloadable content"
      may be avatar starting @ $0.35

  • +5

    Yes its free but its a pretty poor effort on Sonys part not to offer the HD version

  • +8

    District 9 = awesome

    Standard def = ew

    Get this, for your conscience, then "obtain" the HD version.

    • +2


    • +5

      SD is pretty pointless to begin with. Who would have a PS3+ but still on a crappy old CRT?

      • +1

        Not just for PS3 but also PS Vita, PSP, Sony Mobiles. No need for a HD copy on those.

  • +1

    Was going to post this too, good work OP. I hadn't been able to verify it being away from my ps3 til tonight.

    Also bought a 35c avatar that was sitting in my basket already.

    Definitely not a targeted offer.

    There are 6,500 voucher codes for District 9 for Australia.

  • +1

    Make sure you have your account is set to receive emails or you won't get it.

  • I bought a game last night but haven't received a code? I already receive emails from Sony - I got the one saying that this deal was on in fact. Has anyone received a code at all?

    • I just purchased MM9, same deal, no code.

      • Me too! I made a purchase last night and didn't receive a code.

        • I guess someone didn't agree with us? lol, it takes all kinds.

  • +1

    Combo this with the Japanese games sale which starts today.

  • Bought 2 games last night, never received an email or even a mention of this promo?

    • "You’ll need to be signed up to receive emails from us to be eligible for this offer – but if you’re not on our email list already, don’t worry. You can still sign up here – just make sure you’ve done this before you start your paid download."

  • Instead of complaining all you need to do is read the T&C's:

    • The Promoter will use reasonable endeavors to send the Voucher Codes to Eligible Persons, to the email address linked to their SEN account (“Email)”, within 14 days of the Eligible Person’s successful purchase of an Eligible Item according to the steps in Clause 3 above. Instructions on how to redeem the Voucher Code will be included in the Email.
  • -6

    I feel like this isn't free if its: FREE WITH…

    • +3

      So "buy 1 get 1 free" isn't a deal?

    • +3

      Nobody said this deal was completely free.

    • +1

      Free when you come into our store - Pfft, nobody said I'd have to go anywhere.
      Free and delivered to your door - Hmph, nobody said I'd have to wait.
      Free and instantly teleported to your hands - Bah, nobody said I'd have to use my limbs.

  • +3

    Just a heads up, to purchase from the PS Store you need a minimum of $10.00 in your wallet, so even on a purchase of .35c, it will take $10.00 of your CC if no other funds are available.

    • +1

      I had $2.60 left in my ps wallet, used $0.35 cents of it with no problems.

      Playstation wallet sucks in terms of topping up amounts though.

  • What's the download size for this flick gang?

  • +1

    Just received my code via email :)

    Edit: and successfully redeemed the code via browser

    • Me too.

    • Me too!

    • same here. got it yesterday.

  • Movie Info:

    District 9
    Sony Pictures

    File Type: MNV
    Parental Control: Level 7
    Produced: 2009
    Size: 1364 MB
    Length: 1:47'38"
    Resolution: 720 x 576
    Video Codec: AVC 768 kbps
    Audio Codec: AAC 255 kbps
    Remaining Time: No Time Limit

    The picture looks quite good on my (FHD capable) 42" Panasonic Plasma.
    2 Channel Audio is a bit disappointing, but since it cost me 35 cents I won't complain :)

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