This was posted 10 years 8 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

CLEARANCE SALE: Hoselink Snow Foam Lance Car Cleaning Bundle. Was $124.90/Now $89 (Free Ship)


Hello again Ozbargainers!

UPDATE: not too many more of these left. Sorry, I had to take the discount off the evoworks (quick connect bundle) because we are dangerously low on the adapters for these. If I have explicitly offered you one as a response on this post, please PM me and I will sort one out for you.

Thanks for all the great feedback down below. If you really want to wash your car right - take it from "Snuke" in the comments below - they knows what's what!

We've got about 100 of our popular pressure washer snow foam lances left and need to make some room for some incoming stock.

This video does a better job illustrating what this product can do than I could, so if you are interested, check it out:
Youtube demo (first 30 seconds)

Just for you guys, we are offering our full car cleaning bundle for $89, which includes the following:
* Brass Snow Foam Lance - RRP $79.90 (choose from karcher/gerni) - reviews
* 2x 1L Bottle of Snow Foam Soap - RRP $16.90
* Super Drying towel - RRP $24.90 reviews
* Merino Wash Mitt - RRP $24.90 reviews

Separately these items are sold for $146.6, regularly bundled for $129.90. The lance alone is normally $79.

Simply use the promo code at checkout (limit 2 per customer).

As always, free shipping on orders over $30.
The lance is covered by a 1 year warranty (it's bombproof and should last many years).
There's also a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee if for any reason you aren't 100% Satisfied.

If you have a Gerni or Karcher pressure washer and would like to wash your car quickly and effectively from home, this is perfect for you!

Similar Brass lances sell for about $100 elsewhere, so this is a great bargain. Unfortunately, the stock is quite limited, so I will have to cut it off at about 100 units.

This forum contains a lot of great info about foam lances + pics:…

Each of the soap bottles is good for approximately 10-15 washes of a large sedan, but when you run out, you can use any high foam soap on the market with this Foam lance.

Please note,the lance for Karcher is not compatible with a couple of Karcher models:
* Karcher Winner 10/11 (2010-2012): Not compatible (non-standard connection unlike any other Karcher connection).
* Karcher Series 2 (~2008): Bayonet connection is very similar, but the adapter must be filed down slightly to fit.

Let me know if you have any questions.
At this price, I expect these won't last long.

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closed Comments

  • Any chance of a hose bundle to go with it?

  • -2

    I never understood why people pay so much for the foam lance..

    • +1

      Have you seen the video? It works exceptionally well.

      There's typically two levels of quality for these foam lances, the cheapo all-plastic ones that don't deliver the foam and brass ones like this that do.

      This lance is a commercial grade product and is built like a tank.

      It's not for everyone, but if you're into washing your car at home, this is the best way to go by far.

    • +1

      I don't either I mean what's the actual benefit? From watching the video it looks really awkward to use with the big bottle hanging off the bottom plus if you've got to rub the car down with the mit anyway then what's the point?!? I suppose that's why they've gone on Clearance :)

      Looks like the only benefit is the fact that you get a nice even spread of foam over the car… very pretty but to me that's not a benefit if the rest of the process isn't automated as per a Laserwash machine.

      • +1

        The point is that the soap foams up and remains relatively dry so it stays in place, so you don't have to keep going into a bucket of soapy water with a sponge, only to have it run off the surface.

        This method saves a huge amount of time, but don't take my word for it, there's plenty of posts (like the one I linked to) that go into depth on why this is the best way to clean the car at home.

        • +2

          OK, fair enough. It was a genuine question BTW, I wasn't having a dig so thanks for the reply.

        • It's a good question. I wouldn't have known about this product if I didn't work here.

          I can say for certain that I won't be going to the drive-through car wash any more. :)

          That said, having a laserwash would be nice. What do you figure they're worth? $25,000?

        • Yep but I'll do you a discount. $24,500 plus shipping. ;0)

        • +3

          What's a Laserwash worth? Whoa, I'd say all up you'd easily be looking a $300,000+ surely… maybe even more! Building, Robot, Controller, Plumbing, massive f-off Pumps, Tanks, Filters etc.

          EDIT: Just found this: Awesome, I'm off to Texas to do a 'Breaking Bad' :p

        • Nice Find!

        • +1

          You do have to keep going back to a bucket, because the sponge/cloth you use is going to accumulate dirt as it moves over the car. You still need to rinse it in the bucket every so often to get rid of that dirt build up on the cloth. So there's no really no advantage I see here.

        • +1

          The consistency of the foam lifts away the dirt, so you'll find that the sponge, mitt, etc. doesn't get too filthy.

          I typically start by giving the car a rinse to remove the larger bits of dirt, then foam the entire surface down, leave for a minute, give a wipe down, rinse. At no point will I fill up a bucket for use.

          Anyone I've spoken to who has tried this method of cleaning wouldn't go back to the sponge and bucket routine. This is not only quicker, but uses less water to boot.

        • I've gotta agree with MrZ. I'm a two-bucket washer… one with the detergent and the other with clean water to rinse before loading the mit up again… but only after I've already blasted the car to get the big grit off either at home or at the 'local' pressure cleaning bays. I find this is the best way to keep those awful swirlys out of the clearcoat and have done this for around 15 years on three cars and they've always looked incredible after a simple clean & wax every few months.

        • +1

          Id imagine the best way is - pressure hose dirt dust etc off car first. Then foam car up with lance. Then wash with mitt to wash off all the finer dirt/bird poo/plant sap etc. Then rinse and dry. That way you don't rub excessive of dirt around the place when using the soapy mitt

        • That's exactly how I and many others do it.
          The whole process start to finish is about 5 minutes.

      • +1

        The foaming bottle is in the wrong position in the video, and makes the gun look very awkward. It should be further back as per the smaller image on this page -….
        Quite surprised they left the video as is considering nearly falling over the washer and cumbersome positioning of bottle. Ideally you shouldn’t be wiping down before spraying off too.

        The idea is that you let the chemicals do the work. Spray the car with a good thick layer of foam (do not bother rinsing beforehand), and walk away for 10mins (weather and exposure dependant). The shampoo and moisture do their job and loosen all of the dirt, grit etc..
        You then wash it all off with high pressure, thus negating the need to physically be touching the car with anything other than water pressure. The better treated your car, the better this all works. So cars that have wax or sealants, will allow the dirt etc to come of easier than cars than have a super rough (higher surface tension) finish.

        If there are still some residual items that haven’t been removed, then a quick go with the two bucket method to finish off. NOT before you rinse of the first lot of foam. The idea is to be touching your cars paintwork as least as possible. So even the best two/three bucket (3rd for wheels) means you are touching the car with more dirt/grime on it that ultimately desired. Possible swirls will be minimized to the max (that makes sense right?) with a snow foam.

        I just ordered one of the Pro 200 Washers with this kit the other day with your EOFY deal. I hope to try it out this weekend.

        • Excellent observation!
          I use an evoworks pressure washer, and unlike the Gerni or Karcher configuration, the bottle is at the end of the lance, rather than close to the trigger.

          Using this with a Gerni or Karcher is much more natural than is shown on the video.

          Another thing to note is that our Evoworks pressure washers use a quick-connect rather than a bayonet fitting which can rotate freely so you don't feel like your fighting with the bottle too much.

          I hadn't given this much thought until now, so thanks for bringing it to my attention.

        • Hmm, I was hoping that wasn't the case with the Evoworks and bottle position. Frankly that is a poor design to end up with the weight that far out.
          I'm sure I will live.

        • While I still don’t think it is ideal, there was no issue at all with the bottle on the end of the lance. The person in the video simply makes it look far more awkward than it is. I think the room they gave themselves to move was too small, one step further back and it would have looked a lot better. Also making sure they don’t nearly trip over the pressure washer. The washer (Pro 2000) worked well, I had doubts thinking that maybe I should have gone the next model up, but the for car cleaning it is more than enough. The only negative was the hose from unit to gun, it is too stiff and prone to clamping on itself. I see the next model has something called Durahose, maybe that is more malleable.

  • +1

    Thanks rep… this is something I've never heard of and sounds like should deal with the frustrating bucket with floaty soil bits… Now, how do I find the time to use it?

    • Well, it's kind of fun to use.
      Perhaps you could pawn the job off onto someone else?

      • +2

        This is one of the few reasons to have children I would have thought

  • I've never had anything like this before so sorry if it seems like a stupid question, but do we need a pressure washer and if so, what's a basic model that will do the job without breaking the bank?

    • A pressure washer is required. You can find very cheap karchers or $60, but don't expect them to last long.

      If you'd like, I would be happy to throw the full Foam Lance Kit in with the purchase of one of our pressure washers:…

      At $219, It's not the cheapest out there, but it does come with a 2 year warranty, a complete set of Hoselink fittings, plus all of the various angle attachments and turbo nozzle.

      The reviews give a good idea of where it excels

      What separates our pressure washer from others in the market is their low centre of gravity which means they won't tip over while in use. The compact is light, small and should have enough grunt for most jobs. It has a telescopic handle which makes moving it around a breeze. It also has brass connectors to and from the unit - common areas that fail on cheap pressure washers.

      Let me know if you have any questions.

      • You can find very cheap karchers or $60, but don't expect them to last long.

        I have heard heaps of people say this, but I bought a cheapo Karcher from Bunnings about 4 years ago and have done heaps and heaps of hours on it. No issues or problems at all. I must be one of the lucky ones.

      • +1

        Are you saying if we buy any of the pressure washers, you will include the whole free $89 (discounted) bundle? Or only parts of it? Cos if yes, I'm sold!

      • Hi Rep,
        How do I get in on this deal?
        I'd be interested in:

        What kinda deal can you do?

        • Hey there, I'm really sorry, but were extremely low on stock of the evoworks quick connects and I can discount them/include them with the pressure washers. The discount on the other two, Gerni and Karcher still stands and it's a good one.

      • Please confirm that $219 includes the pressure washer and the Foam Lance Kit in the OP. Also, which version of the kit should we chose if buying your pressure washer?

        Well… I figured out that I need the Evoworks Foam Lance Kit. I tried adding the Compact 1900 Pressure Washer and the Evoworks Foam Lance Kit to the cart and I get no discount after applying the code. I don't even get a discount on the Foam Lance Kit.

        • Unfortunately, I couldn't include the discount for the Evoworks kit because we have so little stock of the evoworks (quick-connect) adapters.

          At this point in time, the only offer is on both the Gerni and Karcher kits.
          Sorry for the misinformation on my part!

      • Thanks Rep - I bought the pack and will probably pick up a cheap Karcher at a later date! Appreciate the response and offer.

  • Too bad there isn't an easier way to dry the car which is what I always find most time consuming.

    • It may sound strange, but I'm always amazed at how many rave reviews we get about the drying towel. It kind of steals the show.

      It holds over 10 times it's weight in water and makes drying quick, easy and without spots left behind.

    • +2

      I find using a waffle weave towel really helps

    • Microfiber waffle weave towels, they hold a lot of water and are gentle on the finish.

      You can usually get them for under $20.

    • +1

      See my comment below linking to what I believe is the same towel. I own over 100 microfibres and this is one of my favourite drying towels. Not all microfibres are created equal

      heyimsu also mentioned waffle weaves are also great for drying and I would support this

      Throw out the chamois and replace with a decent microfibre. Not only safer for your paint but works so much better.

      Using a leaf blower as a drying technique is becoming very popular with household car detailers

      • +2

        Leaf blowers are not ideal, as from a filtering standpoint they were never designed to be blowing onto paintwork, as such you can get particulates and oil/lube spraying through.
        Specific blower like the Metrovac blowers are ideal, however they can cost a lot more -…

        A true leather chamois is the best for absorbing, but you're correct, not the safest. A waffle is safer to use in case there is still grit on the paint.

        • What particles? What oil/lube? Sounds like a wad of marketing talk. Never seen it mentioned on any detailing forums. Any links? I would never use my garden leaf blower/vacuum. People use a dedicated cordless blower.

        • It was in a detailing forum, sure as hell can't remember where though. I do remember a lot of agreement about that though. No hard facts were stated but all agreed the OPs concerns were relevant. Oil/lube from the blower itself was the fear. As they are designed to be blowing into dirt or concrete etc and not paint, they have less need to be concerned on what goes where.

          What ones can you recommend? With a good nozzle.

        • @snuke: I don't have a blower and just use my towels. If I was to get one I would look at the 18v Ozito or Ryobi. The water the towels miss doesn't bother me so much having a silver car. A darker car for likely be different situation

        • +1


          Blowers in one form or another are great on a nicely waxed or sealed car. shoot that water right off. I go over the car with detail spray after drying with a waffle and plush microfibre.

        • +1

          Just realised you did say cordless and recommended 18V hence electrical. This I would have no issue with, it is the petrol blowers that I wouldn’t want to use.

          This one from Masters might be worth a try. Looks the nozzle can be easily shortened.

  • +1

    My pressure washer has the fitting similar to your evoworks version. Will you include that one in a bundle?

    • I don't see why not.

      I've added the Evoworks bundle to the promotion code, so you can get the same price for the Evoworks quick-connect version.

      Please only buy if you're certain it's the same diameter quick-connect.

      Evoworks Snowstorm Bundle

      • Hi, can you tell me what size diameter quick connect it is. Wondering if it the same as my pressure washer also.

        • I'll check in the morning, no worries.

          What make / model do you have?

        • Hi, I have a BAR 2770. I think they are 1/4" quick connects.

        • Sorry for the delay in my response! It's been a crazy day.

          Ours are 1/4" quick connects and from looking at the pics on google regarding your pressure washer, this should work just fine.

          I've fixed the discount on the Evoworks bundle, so it should be working correctly now.

  • +1

    Very temped to snap this deal.

    Most lances sell for around $100+

    I believe the drying towel is the same as the rubbish boys one. If so, this I have this towel and is a very high quality towel. One of my favourites -…

    • I thought you just made up a nickname for Poorboys until I checked the link.

      • Yeah not a well known name. Best known for their homebrew wax with Dodo Juice

    • +2

      Looks very, very similar. Could be the same. If so, they are on the money with that towel - it's legendary for its water absorbing properties.

      Yeah, legendary!

      • +1

        Without seeing them side by side I can't be sure. Almost towel. Great value for $25 itself compared to other over the counter towels available. This is a big, thick and thirsty towel

  • +1

    Great deal. I was about to pull the trigger on a $99 Autobrite lance (which has a plastic connector), so this package deal for $10 less was perfectly timed. Snapped one up, thanks.

    • Awesome. You won't be disappointed!

      • Kit arrived this morning so I gave it a whirl this afternoon. No instructions so took a minute or so to get the right settings (it's not brain surgery, but a basic guideline of what each dial controlled would be a nice addition to the box). Once I'd dialed it in right I got a nice thick layer of foam evenly spraying. The suds from the provided foam liquid were actually so long lasting that even after I'd dried the car and put it away in the garage, the foam stayed on the grass like a blanket of snow for another 20minutes :). The drying towel is really excellent, soaking up a lot more than my other waffle towel I was using before.
        Overall very happy with the kit. Thanks.

    • +2

      I asked someone on Monday who has used both the Hoselink and Autobrite side by side, what differences they noticed.
      This was his reply:

      "They both work the same and no complaints with the foam quality from both lances."

      So at a better price, the Hoselink one is a no brainer.

  • +1

    Been wanting to get something like this for a while. I'll write a quick review once I get it.

    • Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

  • +2

    Hi Rep

    Discount code doesn't work on Evoworks bundle. Works on others. Advised for info only.

    Bought your products at Sydney Easter Show. Fantastic. Thank you for your support of OzB

    • +1

      Thanks for the heads up and sorry I couldn't fix this up sooner!
      Discount is now working on the evoworks bundles as well.

  • I have a karcher k2.180

    What would I have to do to make this fit exactly?

  • Hey mate! Noticed you mentioned you'd throw in the kit with purchase of a pressure washer? Just confirming if I purchased the Compact 1900 for $219 with free shipping you would throw in the lance washing kit? Does this refer to the kit being offered here at the discount price of $89?

    • I'm also interested.

    • did he ever get back to you?

      • Nothing yet.

        • ..

        • +1


          No reply and I've messaged him a couple of hours ago..Bit shitty to mention a deal then just stop replying when people are interested, hes also replied to others in this thread.

        • Hey there,

          I updated the offer description and replied to a few people on this comment thread. I'm sorry I hadn't gotten to my PM's yet.

          No excuse, but I've been much busier than I had expected and couldn't respond to everyone until now.

        • @frantelle:

          I typed something and realised I was wrong so deleted it.
          I can’t see where the rep offered this though, so I was confused by your original request.

          Noticed you mentioned

          In which post was this mentioned? I seem to be kitchen blind at the moment and can’t see it.

    • Unfortunately we're extremely low on the evoworks adapters, so I can't discount them or throw them in as freebies.

      This offer was part of our EOFYS which I posted on ozbargain and ran for about 3 weeks. It sold so well that we nearly ran out.

      Sorry I couldn't continue with this offer, but I certainly will honor it for anyone I have explicitly offered it to in this thread.

  • +1
    • I am going to go on the safe side and say no.

      It looks as though that pressure washer uses a proprietary bayonet connection that is different from Karcher or Gerni.

  • +2

    To those who are unsure of why you would use a snow foam lance or how to use it. If you are prepared to polish and wax your ride and want to avoid swirl marks from carwashes then the snow foam lance is a great addition. Snuke described the ideal process brilliantly in an earlier post. Just purchasing mine now to upgrade from my previous snow foam lance. Cheers

  • +1

    Awesome. Just ordered. Been eyeing one of these off for ages! (Along with a new drill kit which I picked up off the dewalt deal the other day).

    Ozbargain has done it again!

  • +1

    Damn split shipments. The pressure washer arrived today, but the foaming bundle and filter didn't. Aus Posts fault, not Hoselinks, and no big loss they will arrive tomorrow to be used this weekend.

    • +1

      This box just arrived.

  • Ive gone for the gerni kit. Any reason why id choose a particular gerni out of the <$200 models at supercheap and bunnings ( bunnings have a 139 and 199 model, supercheap similar but all 4 are different models and psi)? Or watevers cheapest will serve its purpose soley for car washing and snow foam?

  • Hey mate I have a Gerni washer bought from bunnings earlier this year. It came with a soap bottle attachment. Will I be needing one of these or just the shampoo for it? As I have used it with the car shampoo I have (Meguiars NXT wash) and it doesn't foam up at all.

    Cheers for the post!

    • Just ordered one, we'll see how it is! 30 day guarantee! :D

  • I just used this with the Hoselink Evoworks Pro 2000 pressure washer. Worked very well on the company car that has no wax or sealant applied. There are effectively no instructions for the foam nozzle itself though, so I was unaware of what the dial did until I used it. First go I had it as it was out of the box, quite thin application of foam, used about 300ml, waited 5mins or so and blasted it off. Removed a lot of stuff, but not the very fine mud that had been stuck on for 2 weeks down near the wheels.
    This time I fiddled with the dial on the foamer, wound it down, the foam was massively thicker and went through the remaining 450ml much quicker. Gave a quick wipe over (only one bucket with grit guard is required of course as shampoo is on the car) with a cleaning pad, and blasted off. This time it was all clean as hell.
    There was very little grime showing on the cleaning pad after wiping over the area that was still dirty, so the initial application had removed most of it.
    I expect it will pull more off our personal car which is double coated in both sealant and wax without the need for any wiping down.

    The drying towel is great.

  • My kit (Gerni) arrived very quickly, next day after ordering.
    The Brass Snow Foam Lance looks much better then expected - heavy brass, Made in Italy - very happy.
    The rest of the gear looks pretty good compared to other stuff I used.
    I have not used it as yet, next weekend I hope, but so far it looks like quality gear.
    One suggestion Store Rep - you might want to make sure the shampoo bottles are screwed tight - some of my shampoo spilled all over the contents of the parcel.

    • I had a very small leak with mine too. Perhaps something to do with the bottles? They feel very soft to me.

  • Bought! Hopefully it works with my model karcher. Looking forward to putting it to the test this weekend :D

  • Instead of the snow liquid detergent, can I use the armorall wash / wax with the lance?

    • You could, but why would you want to? That stuff is very raw and frankly quite horrid. Spend a few dollars more and use a decent shampoo.

  • Hi rep,

    Does this work with Karcher K2080 1450psi??

    I bought this a while ago and still haven't used it. Do I need any other attachments so I can wash my car?

    Any advice appreciated.


    • See the Reps Notes

      Please note,the lance for Karcher is not compatible with a couple of Karcher models:
      * Karcher Winner 10/11 (2010-2012): Not compatible (non-standard connection unlike any other Karcher connection).
      * Karcher Series 2 (~2008): Bayonet connection is very similar, but the adapter must be filed down slightly to fit.

      You have a K 2.080, that is series 2.
      The only other attachment you will need is the nozzle to spray the foam off, which you should have with the washer.

  • Karcher units are now showing as out of stock.

  • damn was just about to order one.. i guess that ship has sailed.

  • Very impressed with Hoselink's customer service.
    After contacting them re leaking bottles they've acted very promptly & professionally.
    I will not hesitate to buy from them again.

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