Snapit – Tagit – Shareit – and Make Some Money. Free App $0

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There is a new social network which is launching in a few weeks and which will enable you to monetize images. In other words, you can make use of an image, attach an affiliate item to the image (you don’t have to sign up anywhere to get that affiliate link) and then share it via all the other social networks.

Someone who sees the image, requests information to find an online retailer that offers the item at the best possible price, (there are in excess of 18,000 retailers already involved) purchases it and then you receive an affiliate commission on the sale.

To do this, you need the App and its FREE. There is no strings attached with getting the free app. This is the ultimate win/win/win situation.

Although the whole system is still in beta, I already have my app and it’s brilliant. This is a great time to get on this before it actually launches.

You can sign up immediately.

If you want to really up your game and multiply your potential income several times, You can choose to become an associate, which is what I did, but you don’t need to just sign up for the free app and when it’s ready you will be one of the first to know. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO THIS TO ENJOY FREE USE OF THE APP.

Whoever heard of a social network enabling and encouraging you to actually earn an income off of it? Well this new social network will do just that.

This one is a winner, no matter whether you go the free route or the associate route.

Will this be bigger than Facebook, Instagram and Twitter? Maybe, at least go check it out, learn more and sign up for the free app and when it is officially released you will be one of the first notified.

I just want to add that this, itis being tested across the world right now by about 1000 beta testers and is also being picked up by news services in the U.S. It doesn't worry me if you go sign up or not. As a beta tester and someone who is testing it right now i can see it has a lot of potential.

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  • +3

    gone in 3… 2…

    • +1

      No, trapezoid.

    • -1

      If you become an associate it can work similar. But if you just get the free app it costs you nothing and you are not in any hierachy like in MLM. You can use the app to make some money.

      The app is completely free without any strings attached. Go watch the video and find out for your self.

  • +2

    "which will take the Internet World by storm. I don’t want to over hype this "

    • Yes i think that's probably a bit rich. I'll take it out.

    • -1

      The app is free that's really all i'm promoting.

  • Is it available to Australia yet?

    • I'm a beta tester and am already using the app. It will be available worldwide.

  • +2

    Will this be bigger than Facebook, Instagram and Twitter? Maybe, at least go check it out, learn more and sign up for the free app and when it is officially released you will be one of the first notified.

    Keep dreaming buddy

    • -1

      Well you just keep an eye out and see for yourself. I fully understand what you are saying.

      • +1

        I'm still waiting to see a single review/rating online for the last deal you posted.

        All my online courses are 5 star rated by over 57,000 students.

        Teaching so many students the art of web design/development and not a single one of them is able to post a review. Seems a bit strange.

        • -1

          Look Kamoi i'm not here to scam you or anyone. On the last one i promoted , which was the first, go and do your homework on Robert Farrell.

          Then come back and have a go at me.

  • -1

    affiliate link? is it automatically attached?
    oot: is ozbargain link also have affiliate link? if yes, scotty made lotta dough from the last ebay deals only;)

  • +3

    "If you want to really up your game and multiply your potential income several times, You can choose to become an associate"

    this is the cliche MLM/scam line

    • -1

      I'm just being upfront. Go and have a look for yourself and make up your own mind. I had a good look at it before even considering, but had an open mind.

  • +3

    Reported, this crap isn't suitable for OzBargain.

  • +1

    Ok i'll remove it if that's how you feel.

    • +1

      it suits in forum. you might get more negs (bad publicity is still publicity). either way, imo leave it to mod to decide.

      • -1

        I don't want bad publicity. I know it will take off but i'm not out to upset people. Thanks though.

  • Surely this can't be good for efficiency in market prices?

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