I'm after a 15 meter HDMI cable to plug my PC into my TV. Jaycar are charging around $100, is there any good ebay items or other stores online when I can get an adequate 15m cable to run 1080p signal over 15 meters? If you can link me to it that would be great.
15 metre HDMI cable?

I thought that the cheapest on ebay might be crap at 15 meters? Desn't it need a certain AWG rating or something?
Heard good things about HDMI over Ethernet but the adapters can be pricey
I bought this two years ago and I can get 1080p signal with no drop outs.
MSY offer Cablelist 5m for $12, 10m for $19; add an adaptor and that may be the answer for you.
There is a wholesale cable supplier in Ashfield on the Hume Highway that sells cables very cheaply. They can cut to size as well. I remember us getting quite a few long cables for one of our trade shows and they work fine.
I bought from iiBuy- gold plated HDMI 1.4 cable (supports 2560x1440) and run it bout 10 metres. Easy
I you use a 15m cable the signal quality will drop with out an in line booster. You will start with 1080p at your PC and end up with 720p or (Standard Definition) less the longer the cable. So you get what you pay for!!!
Inline boosters are available as a joiner! At 10m is ok then boot after that.I bought a no-brand 15m cable at a small local computer shop for $20 few years ago also to connect the pc to my tv in another room, and had no problems with it at all. It still works and there are no indications that the video is less than 1080p.
At 10m is when the Data band width starts to drop. As a 3D Ethernet cable, running beyond 20m in to the tens of meters to get the best picture you extend with Cat6 shielded cable if it is going in to a wall etc permanently that can be replaced!!
A booster/amplifier is not necessary.
Make sure you don't buy a flat cable and try to buy what looks like a good quality cable.
The issue is beyond 10m a very small percentage of hdmi cables will have some issues but most are fine.
Just go to MSY/Umart etc and buy the cheapest, you get a 12 month warranty with it instead of when you buy it form eBay.
i got a 10m cablelist hdmi cable from MSY like 2 years ago to connect my pc to my tv and it was like $15, works perfectly
Just get the cheapest on ebay.