This was posted 10 years 8 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Last of US PS4 Remastered Version $49.98 When Pre-Ordered at DickSmith


Cheapest Price yet for The last of US remastered.At $49,98 that is the same price as Tomb Raider for the PS4.
Great for people who missed out on the original The Last Of US or would want to experience The Last Of Us in better graphics.

Note that The Last Of Us for the ps3 is still selling for $79 at JBHIFI and $60+ at other retailers.
So right now is the best time to trade in or sell your ps3 copy before the price goes down.On ebay there are a couple of sold listings i check that sold for $30+.

For gamers that don't have the Ps4 Yet.
Dicksmith is Selling The Last Of Us(PS3) for $39,98.Starts Tomorrow also.

Related Stores

Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • I preordered this at $59 from Dicksmith last week. I wonder if I can cancel my preorder.

    • +2

      You will be granted the Cheaper price.

      It happen to me when i pre-ordered Watch Dogs and they lowered the price just before the release date.

      • Thanks Pepsi, $49 is a good price for this game, good find.

        • +11


  • Also best time for those who want to play multiplayer. I bought this late on PS3 and mp was deserted. Buying again for all of the DLC and mp personally.

  • -1

    for us that have the ps3 version of TLOS, have they said anything about a $10 upgrade like they have done with previous games on the PS Store?

    • $10 upgrade? What do you mean, and what other games have done this?

      • AC4, BF4, NBA 2K14, Injustice etc

        No, there is no upgrade plan for this game. All of those other plans have ended now also. That was an early adopters thing.

        • Ah, I understand, it was $10 to get the PS4 version of the PS3 game you owned when PS4 was released. I took advantage of that for a couple of games.

          Details Price

          Call of Duty®: Ghosts PS4™ Digital Upgrade (Pre-Order) $9.99

          Battlefield 4™ PS4™ Digital Upgrade (Pre-Order) $9.99

          Killzone™ Shadow Fall (Pre-Order) $59.99

          The Last Of Us™ (Full Game) $35.99

        • Thanks for the feedback, considering trading in my TLOS and GTAV now.

  • +1

    Still 59 online despite advertised in the catalogue for 49.99

    • I saw that too, but the catalog doesn't start until tomorrow.

      • Still the same price.

  • How much would you expect to get for a trade in of the PS3 version?

    • +1

      Probably not much. I tried trading in GTAV a couple of months ago at JB and they offered me $15. I sold it on ebay last month for $40.

  • Awesome, I preordered this from Dick Smith late May when they had a similar deal but the price was at $78(preorder for $68). So this is almost $20 cheaper.
    I'm going to save a copy of this catalogue though just in case. :)

  • tried to pre-order this yesterday at this price, but the guy said no. thankfully it's in a catalogue now. I will pre-order today.

  • -7

    Why would you pay full price for a remastered version of a game? The best thing about the last of us was the story and that will be exactly the same as the ps3 version.

    • +5

      Not everyone who has a PS4 had a PS3. And this isn't full price to begin with.

    • +1

      Nintendo are known for doing re-releases and have been doing quite well. Look at sales figures for Wind Waker HD for example.

      • Re-release of a game over 10 years ago though, this game what? 1 year?

        • Many people like myself stopped buying PS3 games like TLoU, GTAV etc after preordering the PS4. This game is primarily for them. I'm hoping for a GT6 remake also.

        • Don't think a gt6 remake will happen

          They are working on 7 for 2015

    • A lot of people, like myself, will be double-dipping for multiple reasons: Playing at 60fps, hopefully using the up-scaled character builds they used in the cutscenes, will be a transformative experience. It think it's good to support the developers for putting the work into an upgraded version at a budget-ish price too. I'll be doing the same with the Metro games next month.

      • I'm getting it, but it would have been nice for save files to carry over.

        Rockstar are doing it with GTA 5, there's no excuse not to in this day and age.

        • Saved files for SP or MP, or both?
          I can understand MP fully, not fair for those to have such a long advantage over all others just getting the game.

          I only got about 18% of the way through SP when PS4 came out, and haven’t been back. MP doesn’t look appealing to me, but I do want to play this story. I think I will wait for a special price or promo before getting it, there are enough other games I have to play.

    • Well, I haven't played the game yet, and I have a PS4.

      I also have a PS3, but just didn't get around to playing this. Now that it's remastered, and including all DLC, I'm certainly in.

    • +1

      Selling my PS3 copy for PS4. One of the best games made. Great to play again and experience story on next gen console and graphics.

  • +1

    Does DSE still have the issues with was having with staff not knowing about preorder pricing/etc? I really can't be bothered arguing with a staff member who doesn't know what's up, so if that's the case I'll hold off and grab it elsewhere.

    • +2

      yes and no, i had the world of problems with getting my ps4 from dick smith modbury, had idiot staff who didnt know what they were doing , 1 helpful staff who was great, and a manager who was a complete ****tard.

      Not only did they allow my ps4 to be removed and held in Sydney for the 300 raffle sales, during the first release they were painful as hell about a refund, I couldnt even get an order from any other retailers that would arrive pre-febuary so I had to continue to deal with their crap and they even refused to guarantee my ps4 would get there before Xmas.

      I had to take the fight to head office, finally got mine personally couriered to the shop from distribution dec 19.

      Dec 21 they had a special where you could get killzone or knack for $50…. and the store manager refused to do it as 'it scanned at the shop as $99.98' despite it showing up online as $50, had a massive argument with him over australian law and how it wasnt online only as it did not say it was online only…. ended up having a mate who worked at EB price match the online price.

      I'd been avoiding DSE like the plague until a few months ago when they started doing these cheap preorders and found the service improving heaps, the guys being nice at modbury and very attuned even letting me in on a staff only discount day to get some psn cards, and like most first and second wave ps4's that the controller thumbsticks have died I mentioned this to them and the manager at modbury marched out two brand new controllers in boxes and swapped them over no dramas, has given me a guarantee on anything I buy from him or on him price matching stuff.

      Thought it was too good to be true and asked if the other manager that f*** me over on the ps4 was still there to be told they've gotten rid of him, so they do seem to be improving.

  • Is the catalogue active? Can I go down to DSE and preorder now?

    • As Stated It Starts Tomorrow.You can still pre-order it today by leaving a $10 deposit and at release they will charge you $39,98.

  • I preordered the Day One Edition for $52

    • From?………..

      • Ozgameshop

        • Pity you won't get it on Day One though. Unless they ship it early.

  • +1

    Don't waste your time…

    I pre-ordered 2 PS4 games from dicksmith.

    Infamous second son - Went to pick it up after work and they couldnt sell it to me because the POS wouldnt let them. That night was the only time for a week or so that i had free so basically didnt pick it up for another week.

    Watch Dogs - Price got reduced but they made me pay the reduced price based off of the original price… So got it for the price on the shelf… Could have just walked to target and got it for less.

    Pre-orders should have strong incentives, dicksmith has dicked me around twice for me being dumb enough to tie my money up with them.

  • To double dip or not… hmm… TLOU was awesome, but yeah, not sure if it's too soon.

    • I am

    • Honestly if you've completed it on PS3 (the base game and the DLC) I don't really think it's worth it. Some people may want to experience it again in 60fps and with some improved assets and all the more power to them, but for me the experience was never marred by the technical aspects of the game.

      There are extras such as developer commentary and interviews if that's your thing. Good luck with your choice.

      • I think it's worth it, if you can sell your PS3 copy the price difference isn't much, more or less just paying for the included season pass content.

        • Sold my ps3 copy for $32.50. Shame I bought the DLC on PS3 though and haven't even played it yet haha.

  • Pre-ordering with DSE is asking for trouble. I preordered EA Sports UFC PS4 from Brisbane City DSE. The release date was the 19th of June, they didn't have stock to give me until the 25th of June (and always said, it will be here at 2pm on each day I enquired). They had it on a catalogue for 64.98 preorder, which nobody in the store knew about and wasn't in their computer systems. By the time I picked up the order, they had re-printed a new catalogue with 69.98 price and no pre-order discount and wouldn't budge on the price.

    Would not trust them as far as I can throw them

    Edit: They also don't sell pre-order editions for pre-orders, so don't expect any pre-order bonuses with your copy.

  • +4

    I personally had very good pre order experiences with DSE. I think just depends on store managers…(but should not be pot luck)

    • I had a frightful experience with their online store. Bought the PS4/NBA bundle a while back. The courier left an 'unsuccessful delivery attempt' note and didn't bother ringing. I know because I took a half day to be able to collect it at home, as getting to my post office is a bitch. A lazy courier isn't their fault but I sent them a ticket so they know what's going on (had the same problem with Star Track from other online stores too). DSE didn't get back to me for nearly a week, until the day I was going to pick it up from the post office, saying they organised it to be returned to their warehouse for another attempt (what?). So it further delayed the order and they were silent for another week, so I sent them another email, asking for an update so I can weigh up my options including refund as they held onto my money the whole time > usual delay and PR apology > "Hi, I'm forwarding your refund request to the appropriate department!" > Sent them another email telling them to hold it and that they shouldn't organise returns or refunds unless the customer actually asks for it.

      TLDR: Thing took nearly a month to eventually arrive. If I hadn't contacted them that second time, they'd probably have forgotten about it. Normally DSE online orders have been fine, but their customer service is a joke.

  • Going to go down and preorder at lunch time

  • JFYI, may be slight spoilers
    I have it on PS3, borrowed it from a friend. It is extremely buggy and I am stuck on a chapter called "Tommy's Ranch". The graphics/ landscape is not rendering and I (Joel) am floating in mid air for the past month. I get off the horse and I die.
    Reset DB etc in safe more but no go.
    I have formatted my ps3 and still same spot to get stuck.
    VERY sceptical about purchasing it on PS4 too. Naughty dog is not very good with providing patches for bugs and other fixes.
    The multiplayer is excruciatingly slow, so I would suggest dont go buying online extras.

    I am an avid gamer and play BF4 on ps4 but wanted to try TLOU on ps3, it sucked monkey balls.
    Game is good though, awesome design and story but glitchy like the game is telling me to get back to BF4 :-(
    More info:…

    • I played through this game with out an glitch at all. I think your save game is screwed.
      ND ate excellent for supporting their games. UC3 is still getting regular updates.
      Online is slow because you are playing against Americans. I mentioned earlier that the mp is dead here. No need to buy any extras as this game is chock full of all the DLC on PS4 version. Also how are you even playing online without the online pass?
      Funny how you're happy to go back to the most broken game ever released though lol.

      • hahaha BF4 is fine now after the updates.
        I think ND are just working on the PS4 version and forgot about the PS3 version. Same happened for BF4, it was f***ed on Ps3 but on PS4 its fine.

        I agree I think my save game -autosaving is screwed, but I dunno how to resolve it and neither do ND! They released a patch and gamers are waiting for it to work.
        yeah UC3 was great! And I do have an online pass for TLOU but its so clunky and slow.

        • I had BF4 on release (PS4) and it was a catastrophe of a game? I know its supposedly fixed now and I actually have the Premium pass buti never feel like playing it.

        • Get online mate, I am tired of playing with Americans.
          Its pretty good now.

        • There are plenty of Aussies on. It’s harder to find Aus hardcore servers though.

        • If I had a platoon, I would set it up!

  • Just went to George St store and pre-ordered. Confirmed i'll only pay $39.98 when released ($10 deposit) thanks OP!

    • Also ordered there

  • Does not work for this price pre-ordering online. I got all the way to PayPal confirm screen and still had original price, I obviously did not proceed.

    • +1

      Another balls up by dick?

  • Asked in store if this was the Day One Edition with all the extras. They had no idea, so probably not!

    • DSE employees never have any idea. This is not an indicator of anything other than our training.

  • +1

    Pre-ordered at Southland. picked up a copy of the brochure to keep with the $10 pre-order receipt.

  • Just paid my $10 in-store for my pre-order of The Last of Us Remastered. Will only need to pay $40 when I pick it up :)

  • If you don't want to visit the shops you can preorder online and use the SUPER10 code, I even got free shipping for the game :)

  • +1

    New catalogue is out, and it's in there again until the 28th -…

    Although this time it lists as as $49.95. Save an extra 3 cents.

  • +1

    You can still do the preorder on Monday which is the last day to do so.
    My local store already has the stock for Wednesday.
    If I worked there I would already have taken a copy home.

  • +1

    Anyone have a copy of the original catalogue ad?

  • Took 10 mins for the guy to find this price to apply to my pre order. Why don't they know their own catalogue specials?

  • The person I'm dealing with doesn't even believe me. I've gotta bring back a copy of the brochure now. Useless.

  • I just picked up my Pre-Order which was made when it was $49.98, had $39.95 owing when the guy scanned it, so it picked up the cheapest pre-order price. So $49.95 total instead of $49.98. So I assume anyone that pre-ordered before the < $50 will also get the cheapest price.

    Urbanstylz, did you have a pre-order that wasn't automatically updated? Or were you trying to do a new order at the old price? I do have the expired catalogue if I can help in some way.

    • Can you confirm if it is the Day One Edition or not?

      I am yet to pick mine up.

      • As far as I can tell, there is no Day One edition sold in Australia. Or at least, I can only find this edition available in UK online stores.

        • Damn! Is the UK version Censored like the AU version for multiplayer? I may cancel or resell my pre-order to order online the UK Day One Edition is $63 on ozgameshop, not overly priced and I don't have a PS4 yet so I'm in no rush to play it lol.

        • Yep, it should be censored. All European versions of The Last Of Us are censored in multiplayer. Less blood spray and no decapitations. I can live with that, personally. as much as I dislike censorship.

        • @deek:

          Well then I think I can live without the Day One edition, however out of curiosity is the PS4 completely multi-zone like PS3 or are there restrictions?

        • The PS4 is exactly the same as the PS3. Games are region free, though at the discretion of the game producer. DLC must match the region the game was bought in.

  • I just picked mine up from Dick Smith. He scanned and it came up as $10 paid, $49.95 owing. After showing him the catalogue he still tried to argue that I need to pay $49.95 + $10 pre-order. Eventually he gave up and sold it to me for $39.95 + $10 pre-order.

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