Dear fellow riders, could someone please tell me if motorcycle parking in metered parking bays are free in newtown? I am aware that it's free in Sydney CBD, but my work has changed to Newtown and I am a not sure where I can find a clear answer. I've called Marrickville Council but they say they can't help. Is there a way to securely display my parking ticket? Or can someone direct me where I can get a final answer. I can't flight the ticket with a 50 dollar non refundable fee to SRDO. Thanks.
Motorcycle parking
akula on 27/06/2014 - 16:13
Hi mumbles, thanks for the effort. I've finally found my answer. Motorcycles are permitted to park free even in metered areas in Newtown/Marickville council. I personally received a email from the council. Of course one has to observe the time limits. Ex: 4P ticket = 4P free for motorcycle. I do understand regarding parking permits, it can be held in a holder but its just regarding the parking ticket because unlike parking permit the parking ticket can be stolen from my motorcycle and can be used and so motorcycle will become a magnet for crimes. Thanks.
For finding the motorcycle parking permit holders I would recommend shop at motorcycle shops. Most of the them sell the holders or know where you can get them.
If there's a shop close to work then have a chat with them to ask where their customers park their rides.
For the parking issue, I'd recommend posting to one of the motorcycle forums (eg. or joining a local motorcycle group. As a last resort, maybe ask the motoring associations (eg. NRMA) or motorcycle council:
If you want to fight your motorcycle parking fine it is the same process as the car drivers. Am guessing there's a lot of info on the web about this. The back of the fine has an email address or postal address which you can write to. It costs nothing to write them a polite email explaining your situation. Its super rare but maybe you'll get a nice person who'll let you off but usually they will reply to you with a no plus the reason they think the fine still stands.
Lastly, to find free motorcycle parking, Google search "free parking in Sydney". There are several helpful websites that might help you to find parking.