• long running

Free Wi-Fi in Adelaide CBD and North Adelaide


AdelaideFree WiFi Hotspot locations

Free Wi-fi Internet in Adelaide is finally here!

Whether you are travelling to Adelaide or a city dweller already living in Adelaide you can finally roam the straight of Adelaide and browse to your hearts content. Provided by Adelaide owned Internode you can now surf to your hearts content!

Here is the article:

1.5m projects delivers free Wi Fi in public spaces across CDB and North Adelaide

THE FREE wireless internet access network covering public spaces in Adelaide’s central business district and North Adelaide is officially up and running.

Today’s launch in Adelaide at the Central Market has prompted claims the network is one of the largest CBD-wide outdoor wireless networks in Australia.

The $1.5 million project was a joint initiative between the State Government, the Adelaide City Council and Internode.

TELL US BELOW: What do you think of the initiative?

Internode Chief Business Officer Greg Bader said the company has deployed nearly 200 outdoor wireless access points in the CBD, including ten mobile access points for use at special events.

“What we have built here is pretty exciting, it’s the largest public network in the country,” he said.

“We are getting 5000 people using this simultaneously and 30,000 people a day.”

Internode will add another 11 access points in coming months and has also renamed an old free wireless network, with another 100 access points, so it can be part of the new network.

The new network, AdelaideFree, provides coverage between North Terrace and Wakefield Streets/Grote Street and access in south city, North Adelaide and some parklands.

Science and Technology Minister Gail Gago said the network would benefit businesses and tourists.

“The introduction of free Wi-Fi is another significant step forward that will benefit visitors and locals alike,” she said.

Adelaide City Council Lord Mayor Stephen Yarwood today’s official launch of the network marked a historic moment for the city.

““We are realising a dream in the city of Adelaide by having the best Wi-Fi network in the public realm of any city in the nation, indeed one of the best on the face of the planet,” he said.

Backpacker Natasha Lobo from India said she’s hasn’t had any problems using the network.

“It’s excellent actually. I am living at the YHA now but the moment I step out I have been using the Adelaide Wi-Fi,” she said.

“I have used it everywhere in the city, staying in contact with family and looking for jobs.”

Internode have been switching the network on as they build it and making AdelaideFree available in increments.

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  • What's the deal? :)

    More of a forum topic, no?

    • +10

      How is free wifi not a great freebie deal?

    • +21

      I do not often check the forums and I work in north Adelaide so this is in the right place for me. No offense but I dislike when people kick up a fuss as though there are a limited number of posts and this post is stealing them. The amount of crud that gets posted and we have an issue with free wifi for a city? Anyway just my 2 cents…more like 4 cents reall lol

  • -5

    More like a forum post as there's no specific 'bargain', it's just an announcement.
    I have used this at the access point right next to their office & turned it off as my phone's 3G was better. Doesn't say much about it.

  • +9

    Free sounds like a good deal. Anyone from Adelaide is clearly blessed.

    • +7

      LOL. As an Adelaidian I'm pretty sure that's the first time I read that sentence ;)

  • Forum post……surprisingly I used it the other day…. kept disconnecting :) (I believe I was too far from the signal, But I was located well within the CBD) cool thing to know I guess.

  • I recall getting free wifi in the Adelaide CBD provided by Internode many years ago (maybe 5?). How is this new?

    • Internode offered free wifi in Adelaide at or around hindmarsh square but now it is the entire adelaide CBD and North Adelaide.

  • +1

    Fair enough but what's the difference between Adelaide wifi and this deal:


    I know there's an ap that makes it easier but still.

  • +2

    Perth CBD also has free-wifi. Should I post it in here too?

    • +5

      If it hasn't been posted before why the hell not?

  • +3

    Wi fi has been free via internode for AGES

    • No it hasn't. Only in Hindmarsh Square. This is government funded in the entire Adelaide CBD and North Adelaide.

      • +4

        At the very least it's been free on hutt st, rundle mall, north Tce and o'connell st for at least 12 months (if not longer)

        • +3

          & Currie St

        • +1

          Yes, because if you read the announcement posted above they have been turning it on as they have been installing it, I know because I use it when in the city also over the last 12-18 months since they first announced the project. They clearly didn't just turn it on all on today.

  • +1

    Good to know!

  • +1

    positive for the free

    • +7

      With an attitude like that you wouldn't be welcome.

    • +3

      I have lived in all Aus major cities, Adelaide is the best & most livable among all.

      • -1

        Shame there are extensive studies to show otherwise.

        • +5

          Utopian, can you please post the sources of the studies that you know so well.

          I'm very interested that not only are there studies but they are extensive and that you have a detailed knowledge of the existence of them and how extensive they are.

          Thanks in anticipation.

        • Also in terested in said studies, most i know of say adelaide is the least expensive and most liveable right after hobart

        • -1

          No internet under that rock? ;)
          Google most livable city

        • "ADELAIDE has been ranked as the fifth-most liveable city in the world for the second year running. Melbourne again topped the ranking, for the third year in a row."

          This came up from a google search "most livable city". Go back under your ignorant over sized head.

        • So no actual facts to live to your claim?

        • Is your reply to: devang153 on 25/06/2014 - 19:22?

          A false claim, merely opinion. Which is fine. "Most livable city" studies repeatedly have Melbourne higher/highest on the list.

        • Utopian is referring to the EIU Report
          This report does NOT take into account affordability.

          Devang is probably referring to the Property Council of Australia study.
          This study asked residents to rate their own city for various factors, and ultimately had the big cities up in arms about how Adelaide could win (read a lot of the sour grapes comments).

          Different horses for courses. If you're young, looking for jobs in the big smoke, Sydney and Melbourne will be where you should be headed. If the city buzz and culture of big cities are not important to you, why suffer with traffic and inefficient public transport systems, and high cost of living?

        • Referring to what schwinn has said below, cost of living is an important factor to most people, while not the be all and end all, liveable doesn't always mean affordable. Good public transport is no good if its cheaper to drive which was my experience in melbourne but thats was based on location and travelling time

    • Narrow minded

  • What is vertical range of this
    Say lvl 22

    • Don't seem to get it on level 2 at work.. So not great :(

  • -1

    Its not free, you need a wifi capable device. ;-p

  • Does this include the Rundle Mall area as well?

  • Internode isn't Adelaide owned anymore…

  • $1.5m you say? That doesn't sound right. Unless the Adelaide CBD is quite small?

    $1.5 million doesn't buy a lot of infrastructure, let alone labour costs.

    Good thing to have though, free wifi.

    • +1

      yeah its small =)

  • +1

    Haha Adelaide is like a big country town, it is quite small.

  • Would have been good when I was living in North Adelaide.

  • Internode are probably making out like bandits on this deal. 200 outdoor Cisco access points at $300 each costs only $60,000. Even allowing for installation and other hardware, you probably still have a lot of change from the $1.5 million project. More mates deals from the government (and this applies to Labour and Liberals).

    • +3

      And would those access points allow up to 1,000 simultaneous connections with usable bandwidth at $300?

      • -2

        255 connections with useable bandwidth. Not sure if your comment was sarcastic or ignorant.

    • This is the government we're talking about mate.

  • So who is actually paying for this free wifi?

    • +2

      I bet the rate payers are.

  • +1

    I've been using this 'Adelaidefree' every day on Wakefield street since the start of the year, it's generally really slow and I often switch to the internode access point instead or turn it off if that is slow as well. Hopefully they improve it :)

  • That's beautiful :')
    I hope they do this for Perth sometime.

  • +5

    As an Adelaidian, how does this announcement differ from the free Internode WiFi hotspots that have been available throughout Adelaide for the past 5+ years?

    • The state government and city council have chipped in token efforts to help expand the coverage area that internode had been planning to do for a long time of all major public spaces in the city. This means the council and state government can look good on the news for a day or two….until they screw everyone again!

    • +9

      ^We knew there'd be some twat who'd post this very unoriginal comment and think he's cool.

      Gorant sounds similar to Ignorant for a reason I suppose.

      • +1

        ….I've made that joke before too…. But I live here so I get the pass card :) Also that belief keeps the riffraff away :P

        • -1

          Same old Radelaide jokes. Tongue-in-cheek, but some get so uptight about them.

  • +1

    Need this in Melbourne!

  • hardly got any decent reception when i was in china town tonight.

  • -1

    Is this good enough for cbd dwellers to cancel their home DSL connections? Just wondering if I should can the free broadband I offer my city tenants.

    • +1

      Definitely not good enough, it's usually quite slow and can sometimes not connect, assume it gets overloaded. It might not even reach inside the house anyway.

      • The one in China town actually has a long distance range to connect. Felt like 100metres. I wonder if 300 will be able to cover the whole cbd.

      • +2

        Yes, they have used the services of the most experienced Vodafone engineers, to ensure the signal does not penetrate in to your house!


  • +1

    The upmarket hotels like the Intercontinental who love to charge $25 a day for their guests to access their internet will not like this. Free! Love it! :D Will be awesome for the Tour Down Under

  • -1

    Does nobody realise how insecure using a public wifi is? You can sniff facebook traffic, bank logins and basically anything that is connected to the same ap as you are with just a mobile phone. I would never use free wifi ever. I'm negging this just so people see this comment and think twice before deciding to use a public wifi network.

  • +1 because it sets a precedence of other capital cities.

  • The free WIFI is great but it doesn't work as well as my 3G connection… When listening to Spotify it stops sometimes… Can't complain though, free is free :)

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