Advice for Unlimited Internet

I am currently with TPG for ADSL+2 on there 25gb peak/ 25 gb off peak plan.

I have just purchased a Roku 3 Steaming Media player so I will need unlimited downloads with no time restriction.

I currently have a Telstra landline so was wondering if the best solution would be to take up the TPG Unlimited with Phone bundle for $69.99 or something else

Has anyone got their phone with TPG and can comment on the service

Any advice on a better solution of any gotchas would be greatly appreciated



  • I was on Unlimited TPG ADSL2+ with 24000kbps sync speed and easily download at 2500KB/s from the right sources.

    Downgraded my plan to 25GBpeak/25GB off peak through a period of low usage. My usage ramped up and I have discovered TPG are simply not shaping my connection when I exceed the quota. Doing 250GB+ month now. Maybe check for yourself…

  • Thanks for the comments guys.

    Matt when you say phone charges are expensive don't you get free local & National calls on the $69.99 plan ?

    We currently pay about $40.00 for line rental to Telstra so I thought that unlimited data with phone bundle of $69.99 was OK (we need a phone cannot only us VOIP)

    Please correct me if I am missing something

    Thanks Again for

  • im with TPG unlimited plan and no complain so far

  • Also with TPG unlimited and have found no reason to change at all. I don't have calls included but I have set up VOIP so I don't pay for phone calls through them anyway

  • Thanks Matt,

    I think I can risk the phone regarding csg rights. If the phone goes down I don't really care about compensation just getting it going again, always have mobiles as a backup

    Thanks for your great advice

  • $50/mth for 500GB incl landline w exetel.

    • He asked for unlimited. 500 GB may not be enough for him (it's not for me, otherwise I'd be more likely to get Telstra cable for faster speeds). I have the $59.99 unlimited + home phone plan with TPG and it's fine.

      • Yeah I know. But this is OzB and it's a $120/yr saving and 500GB might be enough compared to their current 50GB.

  • Fair enough. I forgot I was in OzB for a moment :)

  • I am on TPG unlimited with no phone and love it. Had no issues with them speed or service. I have no phone because I have a decent mobile plan and just use that.

  • With TPG for years with few problems - and those line/weather related and occurring when a friend some 5 miles away was also experiencing them with a different provider. I went for the phone bundle as, although it is a VOIP service, you can still phone it from time to time to put a wetting current down the line to blow off cockroaches. The phone is also handy as a check, as the 'Net dropped yesterday, and I was able to quickly check the noise on the line, which saved a bit of time fluffing around swapping out modems. [ Storm weather here, first real downtime in 3 years, line sounds like a cat eating potato crips, TPG help called back when I accidently dropped mobile call and arranged Telstra tech fairly quickly].

  • +1

    Steaming Media player

    Aww yeah, I know what sort of "steaming media" you're streaming! Diggity!

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