Releasing free cPanel accounts. Need advice.

Hey All,

I own a few VPS around the internet and I've found it to be of little fruitfulness to sell accounts (huge market saturation). I still want this to be my hobby, as I like maintaining it and it'll be good to share something good with the community that offers so many good deals.

So I'm thinking of offering 5/10GB Quotas and 25/30GB Bandwidth for free, along with cloudflare/railgun, softaculous, etc.

If people donate some money for maintenance costs with no obligation, I'm cool with that.

Whilst I setup the deals and redo the website and portal, what is everyone's thoughts? Once I'm ready to deploy, could I post it as a deal?


  • Maybe more of an OCAU thing?

  • Free webhosting is one of the worst hobbies unfortunately (been there, done that). Servers are cheap, resource is vast, however what about providing support? What about resolving abuse? Those kill time easily. Good if you can get something out (for example, part of training for bigger things), but I wouldn't do it purely out of love of web hosting :)

    • I'd want it ultimately for training in production-like environments (linux/whm/aws) and I can easily get some friends to help support too.

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