Panasonic 18650 Batteries - NCR18650B US$21.25 for 2

Hi all

After buying a 2nd torch that takes 18650 batteries, I was on the lookout for some good value and good quality batteries. DX still seems to be shipping lithium cells, and these just came back in stock. I ordered last week and they have shipped (haven't received them yet so I hope I haven't jinxed myself). Not the cheapest around, but generally regarded as one of the better cells.


    • I wish they did, but when you get through the checkout process it turns out they don't.

      From what I can tell, DX are the only ones who are shipping batteries at the moment out of the usual crowd (Banggood, Tmart, Meritline, Fasttech)

  • Before the MH370 disaster, and after a few months of there not having not been any option, Fasttech started re-shipping lithiums, but only via Malaysia Post. Not a surprise that the option is now gone again. Might be a while…

    Keep in mind - and this is barely known by any buying protected-cells - protection circuitry is all aftermarket. Even Panasonic doesn't actually install protection circuitry in-factory. Protection circuitry is attached and batteries re-wrapped by others.

    As born out by various forum threads, the quality of the protection chip types (and numbers) used per battery varies, and some buying some 'protected' Panasonic NCR18650B's have seen multiple failures. I seem to remember one poor guy had 3 out of 4 fail.

    OP, I hope your DX-sourced ones are among the good-uns, and that they arrive in the first place…

    • Well apparently the MH370 had lithium batteries in it's cargo.

      ""About two tonnes, equivalent to 2,453 kg of cargo was declared as consolidated under one master airway bill. This master AWB actually comprised five house AWB. Of these five AWB, two contained lithium ion batteries amounting to a total tonnage volume of 221 kg. The balance three house AWB, amounting to 2,232 kg, were declared as radio accessories and chargers," MAS said in a statement."

      The plane carried over 200kg of flammable batteries, so if it was the cargo that ignited, it's pretty much going to burn a big hole in the plane's fuselage.

      So, no more cheap lithium ions from Fasttech unfortunately.

      • Yes, but I still think it'll turn out that the non-human cargo didn't play a role in the plane's demise.

        Assuming that we ever find out the cause - with, of course, a bloody big 'if' attached to that given the way things stand - I think it'll turn out to be the pilot.
        Political protest relating to the Anwar Ibrahim business combined with a desire to create a full-on aviation mystery for the ages.

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