Want to cash out my gift cards. What's the best way?

Hi guys,

I got quite a few gift cards so far (thanks to all the OzB deals):

  1. $110 Dick Smith
  2. $15 Westfield
  3. $80 Rebel Sports

Don't really think I am buying anything from them before they expire. So I am wondering what's the best way to cash them out (as close to the printed amount as possible). I think I can buy something from a DSE that's in a Westfield SC so I could get rid of the first 2 and then sell it. However, I dunno what's the best item to get.

Any idea is welcome. Thanks in advance.


  • I'm not sure of the refund policy's etc. But if it's lax, you can always buy stuff and get a refund. They generally pay back in cash for refunds.

    Or you can ebay the actual gift cards themselves.

    • +2

      I haven't tried with the refund trick. I always assume that the refund will be given in the same way you make the payment.

  • If there is a Woolworths at your local Westfield you can use your gift card there

    • Yup, already spent $25 out of $40 in WW and still got $15 left.

      • +5

        Well then go ahead and spend the other $15 at ww.

  • Most successful and easiest way is to offer to sell them to someone at a small loss, e.g. DSE one for $100.

  • +1

    Assuming you have 2 Rebel vouchers, each for $40, then you can sell one to this person. Presuming they haven't found one yet.

    Small loss, but I'd say a $29 profit is pretty decent :P

    *assuming it was from the newspaper subscription deal lol

  • +1

    wait in store and sell it to customers lining up to pay :)

    • Will this actually work? Probably most people will be very suspicious to you.

      • it does. pay with card first then they pay you. whats to be sus about?

  • +1

    Easiest would be to sell them to http://cardlimbo.com.au/.

    • Looked good, but site says "CardLimbo is no longer accepting Gift cards for sale."

      • Oh sorry, it looks like they don't have any for sale either. They used to buy cards at 70-80% of the face value. I wonder what happened to them…

  • Just tried, same result. You can't sell them cards any more

  • Try selling them on your local facebook buy and sell page.

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