How can I get my money back for Air Asia sale flights? P.S. How do I get over a cheating significant other?

Today I caught my boyfriend of almost 4 years sleeping with another woman.

I had bought flights to Japan for Jan next year for the both of us when there was that big Air Asia sale earlier this year. It was supposed to be our dream trip. I don't want to even think about it any more.

I just want my money back.

The sale fare guidelines are quite strict so I don't even know if I can get my money back.

Can someone help me?


Thank you everyone for your advice. I've decided to do what many people have said and just see how things turn out at this point. Hopefully with enough time I'll get over it. If worse comes to worse, I'll sell the tickets. Or get pregnant (I'm looking at you escimojoe).

But seriously, I never thought the ozbargain community was so caring.

Thanks everyone, you're all pretty great.

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  • +1

    You should look out for the next knife deal on OzB

    • +2

      You are normal? Part of the human race?

    • yeah me too… i hate laws that protect innocent people from brutal deaths! Viva Le Taliban!

  • You could always share the tickets with a friend. :)

  • Exactly, you should feel lucky that you found out about the cheating, conniving, dishonest, unloyal, scumbag that he is before you married him.

    Speaking as a guy in his 20's, if there's one thing I can't stand it's big fat liars. Lol at the comment by Kamsi, name and shame yes but not as far as stoning. But if he had any honour what so ever he'd pay for the ticket himself.

  • -1

    I am sure Japan will be adventurous (if you are a foreigner)!
    I have been there twice and I definitely would go there again!

    Grab a good friend of yours (preferably if they speak Japanese - always handy) and enjoy the awesome food and the great hospitality!

    P.S. please do move on and forget about that d/ck ~

  • +3

    I had a very similar thing happen to me and got a full refund. I had booked flights to go see my then significant other in north america and then found that I had no reason to go see them… 4 weeks away from the departure date.

    I got on the phone with Quantas and after relaying the ugly details to the customer service department (Strangely all women) They took pity on me and worked magic to refund me entirely, I was bounced through levels of management and had to relay all the details each time, But it was worth it in the end.

    It really hurts to have someone cheat on you like that, As others have said Time/Friends&family are really the only things that will help, (along with OZB'ing!)

    But don't let your Ex stop you from experiencing Japan, It is a wonderful place and is very easily traversed on your own with little to no help from a phrase book..

    • That's amazing. Great to know they're sympathetic and gave you a refund considering your circumstances. But sorry to hear the reason why :(

  • I've had a similar thing happen to me except I found out I was the guy that she was cheating with and had a boyfriend the whole time from before I met her. I was luckily able to refund some of the money but I lost a bunch of money elsewhere on part of the trip we'd organised. How she was planning to explain her absence to the boyfriend I didn't know about while travelling with me I don't know. But hey, at least she didn't pretend she had cancer like another girl did to me… talk about reasons for developing trust issues, hahaha.

    As you can see from the comments here plenty of people get screwed over by selfish people but you'll find someone who'll treat you right one day so keep your head up and stay positive!

    If you get around to that date and still want to go but no one to go with I'd seriously be keen in buying the other ticket. I speak Japanese and I used to work in Osaka so I'd make a great tour guide. I probably wouldn't accompany you on the flight home though as I'd go do volunteer work on organic farms for a month or two - after travelling around Japan with you of course. The farm work is a great FREE (because you work for food and accommodation) way to experience Japanese life =)

    Good luck for your exams! I've got 2 more left myself, can't wait for them to be over. I reckon I got the longest possible exam period possible at Melbourne Uni.

  • +7

    I caught my boyfriend of almost 4 years sleeping with another woman.

    Lots of good advice here, but can I suggest finding a boyfriend older than that next time?

    • lol Isn't 4 yr old too old for an afternoon nap?

  • -7

    My ex cheated on me but i hadnt had sex with him for a month so he probably had good reason or it was almost over anyway.

    My tip is to go to japan anyway its amazing.
    Just dont sit next to ex on flight.

    Otherwise name change is best bet or date change orget a new guy.

  • -5

    Not sure why no one suggested that OP may talk to his ex and see what he has to say. Maybe he's just drunk. Maybe he's in great depression as well. I'm not saying OP should forgive him for what he did. He has to pay for what he did and what he did was terribly wrong.

    But only if he can get his act together from now on things may not be that bad, if this was the first time he's caught. If it was me I'd give him several months and see how he behave himself. We are all human and we all make mistakes. Such betrayal is no small mistake but OP might give him a chance if he really realises his problem thus become a more caring and decent partner.

    All the best to OP.

  • +1

    Love seeketh not itself to please,
    Nor for itself hath any care,
    But for another gives its ease
    And builds a heaven in hell's despair.

    So sung a little Clod of Clay,
    Trodden with the cattle's feet,
    But a Pebble of the brook
    Warbled out these metres meet:

    Love seeketh only Self to please,
    To bind another to its delight,
    Joys in another's loss of ease,
    And builds a hell in heaven's despite. -W.Blake

    Don't be the co-dependent clod nor the passive-aggressive pebble. A good relationship should be about give-and-take.

  • +5

    If I was an evil person, I might hypothetically suggest the following.
    But I'm not an evil person.

    Give both tickets to your ex, tell him that he might as well enjoy the trip with someone else.
    Then plan your revenge.

    Get a UV security pen and write NARCOTICS on the photo page of his passport.

    Once he has been over there for a few days, call into the travel agency and say that your plans have changed, and that you'll be going to Europe straight from Japan instead of returning straight home. Get them to cancel the ticket for the return flight.
    Having to buy a return tickets on the day will be expensive x2.

    You won't be getting your money back, but that warm satisfying glow of revenge - priceless.

    • I read the first 3 lines and gave you a +1 haha

  • January is a long way off I would sit tight for a while and see what develops in other areas.
    By January you will be well over this (profanity) and the holiday sounds awesome.
    Best way to "stick it up him" is to keep the holiday plans and go like he means nothing.
    Between now and then don't show him it hurts what he did

    • +2


      • ^ can't say it better

  • +4

    so where's the poll where we choose bikers?

  • Ditch him/dont get back with him and take a female friend or family on the holiday

    • I am available :o)

  • +1

    Have you explained the situation to AirAsia? They might offer a refund or a credit.

    If they say no, it might be worthwhile approaching the company's CEO. Air travel is such a competitive business that he might look favourably on your case, and getting some positive customer feedback on social media. His name is Tony Fernandes, and according to the website I found, his email addy is [email protected] He seems like a reasonable man from what I have read about him.

    And, in my experience, the best revenge is to be happy. Put the BF behind you, move on an enjoy yourself. Harder to do than it is to say, but things have a way of working out in the long run.

  • Why not follow the footsteps of Hillary C? She is not a weak person by an means and she is also a champion of women's rights.

    • +1

      Stand by for the sake of her cheating partner's (and her own) political career? A bit of a niche situation…

      • So people prefer to elect women who stand by their straying men?

        • Welcome to the real world, mate. Expediency is everything in politics. Just ask Margie Abbott. :)

        • If an ordinary woman stands by her lying and cheating husband, people would think that she is weak.
          Yet, a politician woman does the same, it is a plus point for her to get herself elected to govern people?

          I remember reading somewhere that in the second case, people will think that the politician woman is 'strong' to stand by her unfaithful husband.

        • +2

          Staying married during Clinton's presidency kept Bill's administration from veering off. It's a selfless thing to do, but it's necessary while in office. The fact that Hillary didn't leave Bill post 2000 is likely to do with her own ambitions (and the advantages of having Bill's networks, expertise, positive associations etc). Leaving him would have been a huge story in itself, and would have lost her all those advantages of being close to Bill. I think she also appreciates his mind, even if she knows he's unfaithful.

          As I said, political reality. I wouldn't say it makes her strong for staying with him, I'd say it highlights her determination to have an impact on the world. For that I admire her.

  • Exactly same thing happened to me I was dating my ex fiancĂ© for 7 years we booked to go to Hawaii,LA, And Las Vegas however I caught him cheating 5 months before we left, I was devastated however It was my dream trip my darling mum paid for my Aunty to come with me because she didn't want me to travel alone and I couldn't pay for anyone else to come with me

  • bring me! we will go skiing and snowboarding. I am a good wingman. I will help you get a new guy.

    We will have a great time at the snow, I will take nice photos for you and your new squeeze to put on facebook to make him jealous.

    What say you?

  • There's another option that hasn't been mentioned. You could use both tickets yourself.

    Can change the date of the second flight to 12 months or more, then you've got a second holiday.

    Osaka's a huge city and has lots to do and see. My brother spent 2 weeks in Osaka. When he returned he was already planning his next trip to Osaka.

    If you don't like Osaka then why not consider using its airport to fly out to one of Japan's remote islands/destinations.

    Sorry to hear about the ex-boyfriend.

  • -5

    How about trying out an open relationship? I think polyamorous living makes sense. I don't really get the hate for a partner that has sex with another person.

    • Sooo… you good looking?

      • No. I'm one ugly mofo. Glad we got that straightened out.

  • +1

    This thread needs an update

    • +2

      Last Login
      27 Mar 2015

      still active, chance of update is possible :D

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