Quiet keyboard

I am looking for a quiet keyboard as my colleague complaint about my typing noise. I tried the silicone one(foldable) but it was not good at all. I need a solid normal looking keyboard that's rather quiet. Is there such keyboard? TIA.


  • +1

    Wow, your colleague sounds like a miserable bugger. Maybe buy him/her a pair of headphones..

    Otherwise there this beautifully elegant solution for you.


    No need to thank me!! :)

    • I will give you a + mooney - I lol'd

  • +1

    I thought it was more the way people type than the actual keyboard that determines the sound.
    I've noticed some people hit the keys hard and from a distance like they're using a type writer where force is needed. if you gently press the keys without leaving much space between your hands and the keys it makes less noise. (though it's generally slower)
    I don't have much experience with using different keyboards but I imagine you can get spongey (but still plastic) ones.

    • Some people get distracted easily by the sound of keyboard typing, sounds like his colleague has this issue. Playing a little bit of soft music in the background as ambient noise can help alleviate this problem.

      I've heard of some workplaces that installed pink noise generators in a cubicle farm (mostly as a way of masking sounds and reducing the annoyance factor of keyboards being tapped on and people clicking pens).

  • I've found that those big microsoft wireless keyboards are often quiet.

  • Depends if you like the guy or not. If not get a mechanical keyboard, I think from memory blues are some of the loudest. That being said you can get a mech keyboard and put rubber rings under the keys to lessen the noise generated, though I haven't tried personally so it probably will be quite loud still.

  • I recently bought my daughter a gaming keyboard & it pretty much feels like a laptop keyboard (therefore- not as loud as the desktop/mechanicals). Maybe you could have a look in an EBGames or other type shop & test it out?

    It's the Death Stalker, by Razor. It's back-lit, too.


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