• expired

Aldi: $10 off Coupon with $100 Minimum Spend / Coupon in Todays Courier Mail (QLD)


Today's Courier Mail (QLD) has a coupon on page 27 for $10 off a minimum $100 shop at Aldi.
Coupon is valid from 14/06 to 21/06 2014.

Valid only in all Aldi QLD stores however it is also valid for use in Byron Bay, Casino, Coffs Harbour, Grafton, Lismore, Toormina and Tweed Heads stores.

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closed Comments

  • The newspaper will cost you $2

    • +2

      FREE by late today at many coffee shops & maybe Maccas, HJ etc. (It's just Anaconda & political ads on the back.) Just ask ;-)

      • +2

        Thought Anaconda was a nickname for a QLD pollie, like Tunnel Man, then disappointed to discover it's just a chain of stores. :)

        • -1

          Up here in Q what we really need is a real 'conda big enough to swallow Clive, but, truly tragically, the dinosaurs all around his 'Coolum Resort' place - that might otherwise do the nom job - appear to be animatronic.
          Pray for us, gp. I for one don't want to be eaten - by Clive…

        • gp? as in GP? you may have to pay $7 for that…

        • A greenpossum co-payment? It'll never get through the senate…

        • I take that back! The Greens will definitely vote for it.

        • The Rabbit will probably make me pay more than everyone else, with both a GP and a gp copayment. :(

        • It's a veritable pollie-jungle out there. We'll all need stay strong and hide up our respective trees.
          Following trips to use Aldi vouchers…

        • Many of the pollies are living fossils. :) :(

        • +1

          Palmer certainly is. (Somebody will give me another neg for that. God help us if there are actually clueless Clive supporters on OzBargain…)

        • +1

          As opposed to an "informed" Abbott voter however oxymoron that would be.

        • Actually, I reckon that most people who voted for Abbott were informed to point of still having a whole lot of misgivings about him on polling day.

          Don't forget that there was plenty of publicity about the '7.30 Report' interview where he started and made it very clear that you 'couldn't believe anything from him unless it was in writing'…

          He wasn't joking.

        • +4

          Cool, so the leader of the australian parliament can't be believed when he is talking to the Australian people let alone listen to them. That explains why he just went all the way to new york to dine at rupert murdoch's house for his next instructions.

        • I didn't neg you, incidentally. I wasn't defending politicians, either!

        • Don't forget that there was plenty of publicity about the '7.30 Report' interview where he started and made it very clear that you 'couldn't believe anything from him unless it was in writing'…

          Did he put that in writing? Then we can't even believe that. :)

        • Very possibly the one thing not in writing that we can believe.

          I received a note, and I believe, a phone call, from the Tooth Fairy when I was a kid, and everything in both was absolutely true… Just generally, I use that as my 'verisimilitude' benchmark.

        • Clive is the least of your worries. He's all wind.

  • Anyone know if it can be used for alcohol in Tweeds Head store? 96 cans of beer for $90 would be steal.

  • Damn that's a shame - I do all my shopping in Melbourne Aldi. Good spot tho

  • +4

    Might want to add Gold Coast Bulletin too

  • I remember when Aldi started in Oz, they vowed that they would never do any TV advertising, but they have been doing just that for awhile.
    Now we have newspaper vouchers…
    It is hard to complain, though.

    Thanks OP.

    • +1

      Overseas chains like Aldi, Specsavers, Starbucks, McDonalds all have pre-existing ideas and ideals, but many of them change to adapt to local market conditions

      • Maybe cash back some day, buy your breads and milk now and claim for a 20% RRP cash back by sending the barcodes, and wait 2 months for your cheque.

  • THanks OP

  • Maybe buy eggs? Apparently there's a national shortage.

    • There is? I suppose Clive does indeed enjoy a hearty breakfast…

      • +1

        A reli mentioned it before and I saw at Aldi (not in QLD alas) a notice about impending shortages. On searching the news it seems that there is a shortage of laying hens due to an outbreak of avian flu.

      • Here's one of the reports I found. It's from Feb 2014 but says the shortage will last 12 months for SA consumers. Other states would I guess be affected due to competition for the supply.


  • +3

    You can access the online version of the newspaper and print out the coupon. Go to library.pressdisplay.com - for barcode, enter any 8 digit number.

    • Assuming it gets accepted instore, that's a good find.

    • I think there is some kind of checksum on the barcode number. The second random number I tried worked.

    • print out the coupon

      no - show it on-screen as per https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/141691#comment-1955904 :)

      Original vouchers only, copies will not be accepted


      Voucher to be surrendered at time of purchase

  • Awesome thank you for this! Just gotta find myself a Courier Mail from somewhere

    • Funny no one here has a copy of that newspaper. Could it be that it costs $2? You be the judge of that.

      • +1

        Or maybe because the Courier Mail is utter garbage and not worth a cent

        • No, no, no - without the Courier Mail I wouldn't know how to vote, I need to be told.

  • Can someone post a scan of the coupon?

    • deal updated with digital edition newspaper :)

  • Doh. I spent a heap at Aldi today and then came home and saw this deal.

  • Bugger. Spent $150 at aldi today. Didn't read about this.

  • Managed to find a Courier Mail with the Aldi voucher still in it. Once again thanks so much for posting this I wouldn't have known about it otherwise

  • Bought electronics over $100 using voucher. Got discount, but no discount shown. Product was crap. Took back for $10 profit ;-)

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