• expired

[US PSN PLUS] MGS V: Ground Zeroes PS3 US$12.59; Saints Row IV US$13.49


US PSN is having an E3 sale for PS Plus members. I think quite a few of us are US PSN Plus members so thought it might be worthwhile posting. Understand that USD12.59 might still be a bit rich for what's essentially a 2 hour demo of Kojima's next megablockbuster.

I am also tempted to get Diablo 3 on PS3 for USD23..The first price represents the sale price and the second price is the regular price. All in USD.

E3 Sale

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (PS3) $19.59 $39.99
Battlefield 4 (PS3) $24.49 $49.99
Battlefield 4 (PS4) $48.59 $59.99
Contrast (PS3) $7.34 $14.99
Contrast (PS4) $7.34 $14.99
Diablo III (PS3) $23.99 $59.99
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn $12.24 $24.99
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition (PS3) $22.04 $44.99
Just Dance 2014 (PS3) $19.59 $39.99
Killzone: Mercenary (PS Vita) $17.49 $35.99
Luftrausers (PS Vita) $4.89 $9.99
Luftrausers (PS3) $4.89 $9.99
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS3) $12.59 $19.99
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4) $18.89 $29.99
Need For Speed: Rivals (PS3) $29.39 $59.99
Need For Speed: Rivals (PS4) $48.59 $59.99
Outlast (PS4) $9.79 $19.99
Saints Row IV (PS3) $13.49 $29.99
The Walking Dead: Season Two – Season Pass $9.79 $19.99
The Wolf Among Us – Season Pass $9.79 $19.99


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closed Comments

  • +1

    The thing with Ground Zeroes though you can finish it in 16mins speed run, or fully complete it in 17 hours.

    • +1

      I've played it for about 15 hrs and only have 35% completion. It's a small prologue game but if your a Metal Gear fan it's worth it.

      • +1

        Agreed. There's a deceptive amount of content given all the side-ops and trials. Been trying to 100% it. Got all the trophies, just need to finishing off getting all the mother-base app unlocks too.

  • So few PS4 games go on sale :(

    Is there any news on PS+ subscriptions going on sale? It usually happens about this time of the year.

    • Can't quite remember what's the timing but I thought it was closer to Sept-Oct. Hang in there, I am sure we'll either get a sale to offset the cost of a subscription or a sale on the subscription itself. Think we got both last year through the $10 off $50 spent and $39 1-year subscriptions.

      • My (AU) PS+ just expired which means that 12 months ago the discounted PS+ was on. It usually happened a couple of times a year.

        • Ah.. i thought you were referring to US PSN Plus. My mistake, not too sure when the discounts for AU PSN Plus are. I normally buy two years worth of subscriptions when they go on sale just in case there's a longer than expected dry spell. Having said that, i am pretty sure US PSN will be pretty keen to get more people onto PS Plus especially with launch of PS4.

        • I also assumed that AU and US both had the discounted PS+ around the E3 time, I guess not

  • Any sale for non Plus members?

    • +1

      These deals are available for non-PS+ subscribers. They will just have to pay about 10% more. eg MGS V: Ground Zeroes PS3 is $13.99 for non-PS+

      You can see the prices in the store here

      • Awesome! Thanks.

  • Pity Second Son wasn't on sale…

  • Bit off topic but if I create a US Psn account then download the game, is the game & trophies connected to that account or can I sign out of US account, sign into my regular AUS account n play the game / unlock trophies? Thanks

    • Yeah you can do that. Just remember to sign into AUS account.

      • Some games don't allow you to play on other accounts for example Final Fantasy XIV and War Thunder had restrictions on PS4, but these are region specific games.

  • +1

    Trine 2 (PS4) is currently free on USN PSN too, good platform game if you guys are interested.

    And Sly Cooper®: Thieves in Time (PS3) is also free.

    • Free for Plus users…

      • +1

        Figured that didn't need mentioning see this is a USN PSN Plus post.

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