Here is another excellent cheap chicken deal. Usually $27.25 for the two's a platter and Nandos don't usually have specials on their chicken. Not sure if it's all states or when it expires cause it just says limited time. What I do know is that you get 2 quarter chickens, 2 tenderloins, 2 thigh pieces and 2 regular sides. This is a bit expensive when compared to my beloved KFC cheap chicken deal but I still have a soft spot for Nandos…
Nandos- Twos a Party Platter for $19.95

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I use to have Nandos every week but their prices kept going up and their portions went down. Im a Oportos fan now.
Not even comparable
The only question I have for Oportos is - Where is the flavour?
FYI Nandos is real food, Oportos is like mcdonalds.
Such hate. Their burgers are average. But I'm a wrap man, and their wraps have way more chicken than Nando's version (both grilled breast, not processed crap).
Just don't forget the chilli.
I usually have the half chicken meal for 18.65
To me, Nandos seems to be overpriced…but this deal isn't too bad.
they got a lot of balls expecting people to pay $20 for that let alone $27…
Must be owned by the same company as the Pancake Parlour then.
or top juice
If you like nandoes the loyalty program takes some of the bite of the high prices.
Its essentially $1 nandoes credit per $10 spent. They have apps (which comes up with a barcode they scan) so you don't need to carry a card around as well.
Probably one of the better loyalty programs around.
Not that it said it anywhere (that I saw), but this deal nets you 0 points.
I got full points, but i added a coke $3.10 to it.
That might of tricked the system.
24points, so its like a 70c coke.
Thanks Baghern. Buying a drink worked for me too!
you forgot to mention the free meal on your birthday if you make a purchase that year.
I think $10 pp is within a reasonable price range.
Never had to purchase anything
i went and got a free birthday meal last night. The burger was actually really bad…… Chips were nice though. I hope their chicken is good otherwise no idea how they compete with all the other chicken stores.
I know i won't be going back until next year for my free meal again :P
i got the impression that a 'party platter for two' is merely a 'meal for one' on ozbb
Are u calling us fat?
Much cheaper to get fat elsewhere.
You're not fat baby, you're just a whoooole lotta man/woman.
talking bout yourself, huh;) I don't really nandos btw. it's quite bland to my taste
Do you have it without sauce or something?
yes, the sauce is only spicy and tangy. just not my taste perhaps. or my ozb spirit turns me off with the price that I have to pay:)
Extra Hot sauce … all the way…
no not at all! it's just that on ozb with something like a 'party platter for two' you have your main meal as usual but you expect leftovers for tomorrows lunch/dinner!
Yup. Been eating it monthly for 5 years. Whole chicken hot, cut into 8. No chips/drink. Not cheap (~$18.50), but SO damn good!
KFC is apples vs oranges.
Comparing to a whole roast chook at coles/woolies is fair. Nandos prices are rubbish.
I think for this price it is definitely a party platter for ozbargainers!! Put this gourmet centrepiece amongst the $12 kfc deal and you got a party for 20 of your friends!! Byo drinks and alcohol.
Soz OP, while I would enjoy eating this Nandos food, in my humble opinion at $20 it is not 'another excellent (or) cheap chicken deal'. It's pretty easy to buy two whole (entire) hot, seasoned, stuffed, roasted chickens for $15-20 around the traps, so two quarters of one single chicken with some mass-produced extras and a not-very-atmospheric place to sit does not excite.
But Nando's is gluten free - an invaluable thing when it comes to coeliacs like my partner. Coles/Woolies chicken isn't.
Low carb and high protein as well if you only buy chicken.
Also from memory the free range chickens at woolworths are gluten free… but has the "may have traces of gluten" on it so I guess it depends on your partner.
Hmm…shall investigate and report!
Cheers for that. Would be nice not to have to spend $17 when you want a cooked chook.
The "may contain traces" generally just refers to the fact that it exists within the same warehouse as, for example, marinaded meat which has gluten in it, but has no reason to have ever come into contact with each other and is therefore safe. Just a legal thing, but you've got to take it as it comes.
EDIT: perusing the Internet, it doesn't appear to be the case, but I'll ask next time I'm there.
Is it just me, or are Nando's chicken getting smaller and smaller. Are they using juvenile or hormone-free chickens now?
Maybe we're just getting fatter :)
Australian chicken have been (added) hormone free for 40+ years. Against the law, in fact.
maybe they're trying to be "gourmet"?
You know, the fancier the place, the smaller the portions?
Yes! So many people I know think it's disgusting, I think it's delicious!
All chicken in Australia is hormone free, not sure why people think not.
They started "changed" to smaller chicken after the bird flu outbreak.
initially they still apologize for smaller size and mentioned due to shortage and bird flu.after they realised people still buying it , they stick to it.
I wonder whether chicken sizes are standard across the country. I happened to have Nandos in Brisbane last year, and the chicken was monstrously larger than the baby chicks we get in Perth.
Because everything is expensive in Perth
Is Nandos a romantic place to take your significant other?
I ask because as a permanently single guy I get lonely and pensive when I eat amongst couples in a restaurant.
Took a first date with a girl I was interested in at nandos.. That was 8 years ago and is now my wife.. Guess it was just an extra spicy morsel..
If you find a girl that likes nandos. She's a keeper
Well we've moved over to Oportos as the chicken of choice.. infact, oportos is her favourite food, bar none..
as a permanently single guy I get lonely and pensive when I eat amongst couples in a restaurant.
I used to be that guy too..and it sucked.
I'll do myself a favour and save the ~$20
Thanks for uncharacteristically vocalising S-Bob, and yes Ducky, I can confirm that it is likely to be considered extremely romantic; as long as your 'significant other' is not a chick.
I agree about the size of their chickens, at times they are like eating a minature bird!
Ive even gone to the effort to mention this on their facebook page and been told their portions havent changed, yeah right!
Its all about profits, charge more for less and expect the customers to keep coming back because their hooked on the sauce :pThey're
Agree, once (and once only) took the family for dinner and ordered a whole chicken - the anorexic scarecrow we were served was barely enough for 1 person. I'd take a $8 supermarket roast chicken (with a bottle of nandos sauce) instead any day
I've noticed the sauce you get in the supermarkets is noticeably different from the "in-store" sauce. The costco big 1L bottles though seem the same
There's more bottle choices, than what you're offered for basting. Medium, for example. Sauces are different in UK/Ireland, too. More vinegar'y. Different local tastes, like Coke variations (and many others).
heh they're taking the Mcdonalds denial method…
probs be cheaper to but chicken form shop and nandos sauce and just doing it ur self
I personally don't like but chicken.
Registered peri addict here. Will be taking up this deal
I'm a peri addict as well. I can understand that $20 can be hard to justify for some people but theres something about that peri peri sauce and seasoning on the chips that I can't resist.
Meh, the Peri Chilli is one of the most boring chillis in my opinion.
Give me a fruity Habanero any day.
It is all the MSG in the peri sauce. The chillies taste is to mask the MSG after taste. You could do this yourself: a bucket of pepper or chillies and a bucket of MSG will give you the taste, a massive headache and hard times in the toilet later.
There is no MSG in the sauce or chicken… that I'm sure of.
I don't think there is MSG in the chip salt as there is no MSG in the nandos chip salt they sell publicly…
Also, that's a myth and you are a victim of the placebo effect, I'm afraid.
MSG makes you really thirsty, so if there's a bucket load in there, you'll know. I've never encountered headaches or anything with MSG though.
Decades of MSG unfounded myths still running wild.
A small amount of MSG is better than the buckets of heart-killing salt it takes to replace it.
Nandos IS wayyy overprice, even with this deal. You can buy a whole roast chicken in Coles or Woolies… they may taste like crap, but still a chicken..
Kudos to OP for this deal though.
Agreed, you can buy two roast chickens from Coles or Woolies for the same price but I just love me some Nandos sometimes, those cravings just kick in.
Coles or woolies are so overpriced. Go for fried bats aka 'chicken of the cave'
So your logic is that we shouldn't be eating nice tasting food?
So when you see a tasty $40 steak at a restaurant you run to woolworths and buy some cheap steak?
In fairness, you're comparing raw to cooked & prepped. Nandos is heaven. But their pricing is b.s.
Restaurant steak is actually kinda reasonable, at times. Compare the weight, cut & quality… and it's usually not bad. It shouldn't be either. Slap it on the grill, serve. Nandos involve 50cents worth of their special marinade/sauce. $5 of chicken, $13.50++ for service.
Coming full circle, that's why they don't want to be compared/compete with Fast Food chains.
I would only eat woolies "new" Peri peri chicken……. normal "rubble band" roast chicken is just….. meh……
why they have to use rubble band to tie up the chicken legs and roast it? to create extra taste or hazard chemicals?
Chuckle… maybe there is some new kind of band out now, made of rocks? Of the 'stoneware' ilk perhaps?
Spelling aside, I've never actually seen rubber bands used on the roast chooks, it's the string stuff they use for roasting I'm pretty sure.
Mmm dry, tasteless Coles chicken. That hits the spot.
Anyone in sydney should try frangos and just for the chicken burgers.
I use to have Nandos multiple times a week with a few mates, but their portions went down whilst their prices went up seemingly overnight. They were way to aggressive with their strategies and I'm sure they've not only lost my mates and I as regular customers.
Still enjoy on that peri peri on special occasions ;) #barginlyf
Just went to Kent street and told the promotion ended on Monday
This is despite the fact their sign outside still has the promotion up
Just had it now an hour ago. This deal is pretty better than anything else in nandos. Their chicken is the best with juicy and tender. I am a regular customer, I can say that there are no health hazards like other places. Though the price has gone up in the recent times, it still tastes best. Well who else and what esle has not gone up in price (excuse me McD's and KFCs)
I miss Melbourne Nandos they really baste the chicken in the sauce you want, that gives the chicken real flavour
No matter what you order here in Sydney, it taste the same and you have to use the sauce bottles afterwards.
had for lunch
was okay - the deal wasnt that 'big' as we were both a little hungry afterwards
Read above its a meal for 1
If you live in Melbourne's west and want to try some Spanish chicken that's just as tasty as nandos for a lot cheaper, check out the chicken shop in Sunshine market place.
Anyone want to go halves with me? I'm in Liverpool NSW. Makes for a decent $10 lunch.
You wanna take me on a date and pay for the lot?
When asked about what sauce to get, I suggest mixing hot sauce and BBQ and ask for each quarter chicken to be cut into two because it cooks more evenly (and easier to eat), Though not mentioned on the menu, You can actually request for your meat to be prepared in certain ways…its a real divine treat, albeit imho waaay overpriced.
Also, avoid eating around 3-5, its usually around these times they use their left over chicken from the night before (called retherms in the office). 'retherms' are usually dry and a little shrunk and cooks normally put more sauce on them to disguise its attributes. May vary store to store.
PS. I worked at nandos as a chef/waiter for 2 years
Had another crack at this at another store.
Usually the pieces are a decent size, rarely feel gipped at getting a small cut. I usually order a half chicken meal.
All the pieces were not small. I can't imagine paying full prices for the tenderloins or so called thighs.
Of my 2 so called quarters, one was small the other bony. Would be pretty pee'd off if I got these in my normal half meal.
Can anyone confirm/worked at Nandos that its normal to give small pieces for large meals?
Good side, the entire value was added to my points. I added a "3.10" coke to my meal, so this maybe why the points have gone through. Noticed above people are saying they didn't get points.
Randomly for anyone in Adelaide - the two best stores in the state are Kurralta Park and Marion. Marion is sometimes a bit hit-and-miss depending on the chef though.
I only noticed that I have a local store a couple of weeks ago (no idea how long its been there?). Their advertising is not reaching me :( Must get around to going there while this deal is on.
Tried this at Broadway store and the portions are smaller than whole chicken and 1 side meal. The price of it was $23.95, but the chicken was obviously bigger. I rather pay $4 for a bigger chicken.
Tried this - I'd rather have full chicken!
Had this last night, and what can I say- completely underwhelmed by the serving size! Thigh pieces were pathetic small pieces of chicken,the quarter chickens seem smaller than what I remember them to be (having said that my last Nando's meal was Dec'13). Definitely not worth the full price and still overpriced at $20.
its a nice upgrade from my usual half chicken meal. Nothing special.
Deal still running in Richmond, Vic store
Had this today. As an OzBargainer it's on the expensive side but we can treat ourselves every now and then with all the savings!