Looking to buy a USB Coffee Mug

Coffee prices in WA are very high,actually quite high all over AUS.. and i have been spending almost $100 or more on cofee each month ( i drink when i am at work or in a cofee shop) I am planning to take my cofee from home when i leave work.

I am looking for a USB Warmer mug/electrical socket mug whereby i can heat it when required and dont have to drink it asap as it will get cold.

Looked at a couple of mugs on ebay and amazon ranging from $20-$40 . Jus wanted to know if anyone uses this and are they really good?side effects if any i hope not. Or anyone would recommend a place from where i can get it.



  • +1

    My understanding (don't have one so may be wrong), is that usb heater/cooler mugs/pads as a group are more gimmicky than really useful.

    I don't own one of these either, but google 'jaycar heated travel mug'. $30, but probably something similar, cheaper online.

    It runs off 12 volts, so intended for the car. Tempted to buy one in the past.

    If you ring Jaycar, I think that they would test the current-draw for you. I reckon that it may well run comfortably off large 12 or 13.8 volt plugpack, possibly without any extra plug adapter needed at the cup-end.

    Anyway, it's something that will definitely keep your coffee warm. Something to consider, given the likely lukewarm performance of the usb stuff.

    • +3

      Big stove top coffee brew in the morning.
      Pre heat and fill up your travel mug for in the car on the way to work.
      Put the remainder in a proper good Thermos.
      Drink through out the day and enjoy.
      Hot tip: If you pre heat your cup with boiling water, makes a HUGE difference.

      • +1

        Aaahh… Childhood school winter-thermos-soup memories!
        Environmentally friendly too, for coffee - can't argue with that.

      • i travel by bus ..and i need to buy a good thermos, the last time i bought 1 it bursted in few months. god knows why.!


    • u r right.. i was into buying one but after spending time on reviews and products online i think i will buy once in a week and limit my intake of coffee ..it seems lots of caffeine is not good as well.

      thanks for the suggestion Cheers

  • +1


    $12.99 + $10 shipping. (USD)


    PS- seems a techie/geeky AU shop might sell these, as well.

    • +1

      Variable heat settings are what tempted me with the Jaycar one, but that one looks nice too.

    • Thanks i m having a look @ it .. :)

    • oops, the fb feedback/reviews doesn't seem good ….

      Some1 commented :Sounds exactly like the one I bought in a local shop hoping to use it to heat soup. It doesn't heat your drink, it only 'keeps it warm'. After five minutes the cup was barely warm, and it would have taken an hour or more to have any real effect. Basically it's worthless.

      but thanks for ur suggestion

  • +2

    why don't you buy a cheap kettle from kmart $9 and store some milk in the fridge.

    Saves on worrying about transporting coffee from home.

    • because i don't have a fridge or a microwave oven @ work. :(

      • UHT milk should keep fine during the day..

        just bring as much milk in as you need that day - presto :)

        • Once opened, bacteria can get in and go crazy in UHT milk as keenly as in anything. A few hours is all it takes to get you into petri-dish territory…

          Always a gamble with that sort of thing. You can rationalise to yourself that the hot coffee will kill any bugs, but not all of the toxins various types of bacteria produce are readily destroyed by heat.

          In a good proportion of cases of food poisoning, the bacteria the food contained is killed by cooking, but some of the nastier toxins remain to make you feel 'as sick as a dog'.

  • +1


    Buy a quality insulated coffee mug, which should keep your coffee warm for a decent amount of time.

    laughforlife is on the money.

  • thanks everyone for ur suggestions, even me thinks that usb coffee mug will only make the coffee warm ( diff sources and reviews). I like the idea of thermos combo will def look into it thanks

  • I didnt buy the USB Mug, just bought a flask and having green tea :)

    thank u all

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