Works fine on my iphone, but at my wits end trying to get it going on my Tab
Works fine on my iphone, but at my wits end trying to get it going on my Tab
* Proxy: Leave Blank
* Prot: Leave Blank
* UserName: Leave blank
* Password: Leave blank
* Server: Leave Blank
* MMSC: Leave Blank
* MMS proxy: Leave Blank
* MMS port: Leave Blank
* MCC: 505 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* MNC: 19 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* APN Type: Leave Blank
You don't mention the tab having a SIM-slot, or whether you've just tried to tether data from your iPhone.
Telcos can put restrictions on use in both tabs (device-type ID) and tethering from Apple devices, if they want.
Either way, try tethering data from an Android phone.
I'm assuming (if your tab takes a SIM), that you've checked your APN settings. Not all devices reliably recognize auto-setup info.