Best Cat/Animal Repellent?

We have recently moved into a new rental property and noticed that a big cat belonging to the neighbours like to free roam around our house, even entering if the deck door was open.

I usually don't mind them but my wife has a massive phobia from any cat (I tried as much as I could to talk her out of it, no chance).

Already talked to the neighbour but they are an old couple who apologised and couldn't really control where the cat goes.

I considered buying an ultrasound repellent from ebay but i have no idea if this will work:…

I was wondering what experience people have with keeping pests (cats included) away ? cheers.


  • +5

    Squirt bottle full of cold water every time you see it, they soon get the message… ;)

  • +3

    Or water gun. You can 'shoot' the cat from a distance.

  • +2

    A .22 should do it ;-)

    • +2

      You forgot to mention that you'll need subsonics in a built up area! :P

    • +1

      A last last LAST resort !

  • +3

    You could borrow someone's dog for a day or two. Sometimes once a cat thinks a dog has moved in they just stay away, even a after the dog actually leaves. Don't borrow one that might actually catch/kill the cat though; borrow a little yappy dog if possible. Or you could even just get the friend who owns one to visit from time to time (bringing their dog, of course, who should be stationed in the back-yard for a while while you guys have a few beers/ etc.).
    The water-gun idea is also a good/ humane one. Maybe tell the cat's owners that you will be doing this though (you have every right to/ they should understand), so they know what's happened when he runs inside looking a bit freaked out/wet.

    • Wife decided on a spray even though i begged for a water gun based on recommendations here !

    • Already tried ! Incidentally she is also pregnant so there's no room for negotiations ;)

  • +2

    Strong, sharp smells seem to deter - to a degree.
    Half-water-half-vinegar in a spray bottle applied liberally around entrances and areas where unwanted cats (and dogs) visit (and doth crap) seems to have had some effect when I have tried it. So has orange spray. Haven't tried anything lemony, but anything citrus is worth a try.

    Alternatively, tell that cat that you will take embarrassing videos of it and put them on Youtube.

    All those suggestions above may be slightly less effective than the aforementioned .22…

    • Cheers will try vinegar and citrus mix in a spray, also just read that lavender smell seems to work as well.

  • +4


    • LOL Fun idea as a welcome to the new neighbourhood !

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