• expired

Free Sydney Ferry Transport All Long Weekend (After 5pm)


Ferry Staff workers have decided as part of their strike action to not charge anyone for Sydney Ferry after 5pm for the whole long weekend.

From the article "Workers will also stop selling tickets or wearing uniforms from 5:00pm until the end of the long weekend, allowing commuters taking in Vivid, to ride for free."

Free transport around the harbour and to Vivid. Enjoy.

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closed Comments

  • +16

    If someone working at a shop decided to not charge anyone for products for a day they would be charged. Yet because these people are backed by union thugs and ripping off tax payers its suddenly a strike and ok?

    I'll plus the deal, but not the idiots offering it.

    • Aaaahh union again ….. Wait until it turns like qantas,ford or holden. Thanks to union. More jobs will lost with your "help"

      • +1

        are the ferries privatised?

        • "Franchised" by the govt… so yes…

        • +2

          Read link as to who owns Sydney Ferries. Does not seem to hit taxpayers' pocket.

      • and the latest AusPost?

    • -1

      I agree. Some forms of protest I can stand behind, but this one is not one of them. There are a million ways to protest, however this falls into the region between theft and bullying.

    • +17

      Alternatively, they could have stopped working. Then the tourists and commuters would be inconvenienced. Perhaps the net economic loss could be higher. So I think this is a better solution. They still get their message across to the employer yet not inconveniencing the public.

      I believe the Employer could have ordered employees to stop work altogether rather than working and offering free tickets, if the former was better for the employer.

    • +2

      Can you explain to me like you're explaining to a primary school kid? What's all these politics about?

      • +3

        Sure. The commentators above are just repeating what Rupert Murdoch's papers have told them. He's anti-union, and so they are, too.

        They're not worried about what the workers are actually striking about (maybe they have a legitimate case?), they're not worried about the loss to Australia's tourism industry if a strike does happen and holidaymakers can't get to their destinations (and tell their friends and family back home how their holiday was ruined by a strike), they're just anti-union because a very old man who inherited all his wealth from his parents told them to be.

        • +4

          There is no such thing a s a strike that doesn't affect a company's bottom line

        • -3

          plenty of wise advice there
          the world is full of leftists now , BS in theories nothing but BS in act!
          Yet when it comes to reality all the benefits are coming from other side!

        • +9

          I can't believe the hatred towards unions.

          When it boils down to it, who's going to negotiate against unfair/underpaid working conditions? Without unions, employers would have significant leeway in possibly exploiting their workers - and yet all these idiots care about is asserting their ignorance, one grammatically disjointed insult at a time.

        • +11

          Having been a union delegate and gone to Union delegate meetings (across lots of businesses) there are some that just take union membership too far and seemingly think their employer comes second and forget they're there to work. Unions have there place , but both sides go too far at times…

        • In the ten years I've worked in my field I've never once belonged to a union. In the that time I've negotiated various changes to my hours and pay reviews.

          I see no reason to belong to a union if you have a skill, you're a hard worker and you have a decent employer.

          With that said, I accept there are some fields that need unions. I'm not saying unions shouldn't exist, I'm saying modern unions have become a bunch of corrupt thugs that bully the public and rip off their members.

        • +1

          Best commend i've seen from a union delegate. hope you won't get kick out from your thuggy union companions (or i should say those think and act like thugs)

          This comment is for +1 for Tal_Shiar

    • I'll plus the deal, but not the idiots offering it.

      Oh, the hypocrisy…

    • +2

      Lunch, soon after started first professional job.

      Manager: I think you should all join the union.
      Underling: Why?
      Manager: Well, to stop me screwing you over.
      Underline: Oh.

      Some time later the same guy made Peter Reith look like a fluffy teddy bear.

    • +6

      You ignorance is top notch sir

  • +28

    Without unions everyone would be paid peanuts! And corporate greed would be out of control.

    • +7
    • +41

      Alot of people seem to forget that the basic entitlements we get as a given (such as 4 weeks paid annual leave, maternity leave etc) was all fought for and won by union members decades ago, unions have their place, ive worked in yards that are very union orientated (to the point where it was detrimental to the company and every employee eventually suffered) to non union yards, there has to be a balance, the company needs to give a little and in return the employees need to give a little back, but any semi decent boss knows that without employees he wouldn't have a company.

      • +5

        Thanks Copie, I was beginning to think that Ozbargain was populated only by fascists. Thanks for stating the facts. I'd love to send people like PainToad and medium_tight back over a 100 years and see how they would cope with no proper wages, no sick leave, no paid holiday leave, no rights at work etc. Mod edited: Inappropriate.

        • Just because unions were once relevant does not mean they are still relevant now. Union membership is at around 20% of the workforce yet you don't see the other 80% of the workplace losing their entitlements.

          Once upon a time blacksmiths were needed to make horse shoes for the carts that carried the goods to build this nation, but you don't see them throwing out that reason to justify their existence in today's society.

        • +10

          If they didnt exist today then alot of the entitlements we get would be at risk of being removed. Also alot of companies would then quite happily screw employees over, retrenching at lower wages, getting lax with OH&S/WHS etc etc.

          Its a fine line.

        • +4

          Union membership is at around 20% of the workforce yet you don't see the other 80% of the workplace losing their entitlements.

          It was called "WorkChoices"; if you've forgotten you can Google it.

        • +12

          That's because when unions make an agreement it stands for all workers and not just members. Just because 80 percent are enjoying the benefits unions bring without actually being or contributing to a union, doesn't mean they don't owe unions for their working conditions

        • +1

          Hell yeah Jackson! Right on!

        • You sound like anti-immunisation organisation.. facepalm

        • +1

          80% scabbing of 20%

        • +1

          You sound like anti-immunisation organisation.. facepalm

          Dafuq??? Yeah, exactly nothing like it…keep your palm up please, so I can ram my face into it too…

    • +6

      People forget what Australia was like before Unions. What it was like for ordinary people and how it seems to be turning again. Thanks bharrop for injecting some sense.

    • I guess union greed doesn't apply?
      Unions have no right to demand job security and ongoing wage rises while the rest of us live in relative uncertainty.

      Less than 17% of the workforce are members of a union. Union membership has been on the decline during the last decade.

      Why should the self entitled 17% receive entitlements and assurances, that no other employee in Australia is entitled too, simply because they pay a union membership fee!

      • +1

        Join a union then.

  • +1

    I'm a tourist in Sydney this weekend and we had to pay for our ferry ride yesterday. So not sure this deal is accurate?

    • Might depend on where you're catching it and who is staffing the ticketing area at the time.

    • +1

      Did you buy your ticket before 5pm?

      Workers will also stop selling tickets or wearing uniforms from 5:00pm until the end of the long weekend, allowing commuters taking in Vivid, to ride for free.

      Oh wait…

      Updated Fri 6 Jun 2014, 10:04am AEST


    • I didn't have to pay last night. Sure it was past 5PM?

  • +1

    after 5PM

  • -8

    Strike again?
    Sorry Like others I do not see this as a deal, beside last time this greedy people went on strike and I knew tickets are gonna be more expensive soon as prices went up and up again, so we will pay for it nice and easy.
    So many Australian are struggling for their food, some others cant stop eating!
    I downvote this as it is not a deal and I do not see any benefit in its basic concept!

  • +14

    The ticket collectors make $80,000 PA….just to collect tickets etc….and they need a pay rise? Why?

    • +4

      How do you know how much they make? :/

      • +3

        it was on the ten news recently… so accuracy ballpark:|

        • yeah they also said holdens workers earn $80,000 plus my wage with 37yrs service is about $53000

      • +2

        A rail staff show his pay slip to a friend of mine, it was about $100,000 per year. No suprise they loss money every year.

        • The people you see heralding people into trains at busy stations in the morning are on about $38 an hour, so I think it depends on what sort of rail stuff you refer to.

          Source: Interviewed for that job

    • +3

      Inc overtime etc, i very much doubt they are doing mon-fri 9-5 for that. If you work a 10-12 hour shift on a rotating roster (inc weekends/Public holidays) its an average pay.

      Works out to be around $24 an hour presuming they are on OT after 7.5hrs and get 100% loading on weekends etc.

      I personally wouldnt even get out of bed for that low rate, im on 29.30 an hour and thats barely enough.

      • They are certainly getting paid more than front line nurses (not the CNCs and CNSs that sit in an office and go to meetings) and MOST of the junior doctors… (100k a year, you never get there as a registered nurse unless you become a clinical nurse consultant/specialist which require extra training and certifications, and it will take you to registrar 3 to break 100k base pay which is like 5-7 years after finishing med school)

        I would think the figure quoted is BASE salary, loading etc are not included (because everyone does different shift combinations so it can vary quite a bit). So not the 24 hours you calculated.

        Unions are a necessity to achieve a balance between employers and employees, it would hurt industries if the unions go overboard, whereas if the unions do bugger all then workers get screwed (e.g. HSU).

        Based on the limited and probably pre-filtered (by media and friends) information I have, I think ferry works are over paid for what they do, thus I do not support their actions. (I think they were not allowed to actually strike on periods of festivity like vivid or new yeas etc, but I could be wrong).

    • I don't think $80,000 PA is making ticket collection a dream job and people are lining up to become one. There would hardly be any job requiring $100k or $200k payout. But we know there are, a lot.

  • +2

    I support this as a deal.
    But I cannot understand why the workers decide to strike?
    Aren't they be paid high enough?
    Wouldn't they care about Syd/Aus image like last week they don't operate ferry due to pay dispute?
    Or maybe they just care for their pockets?

    • +11

      Nobody is ever paid "enough".
      I don't remember any employee saying he is paid enough, nor any employer or owner or shareholder that they are making enough and agreeing on less profit. And also consumers/customers will never say this price/fare is low and would they would never want to pay more. Key is to find the state of equilibrium, not to stop/remove other parties.

    • -1

      The last thing unions care about is the reputation of the company or city they serve. Their whole point is to disrupt and disturb in hopes of the govt/management caving in. As usual, everyone is self-interested - unions are no different to the corporate CEOs that everyone seems to enjoy antagonising.

      • +6

        Yes they are very different - they are there to support ordinary working Australians - the kind that have been screwed over by Corporate CEOs for decades. That you can't see that is very tragic.

        • -1

          What's even more tragic is that you can't see how one reached the conclusion that unions are self-interested and screwing consumers and the company they work for in the process. Wages going up means prices will go up, and as seen today unions have no regard for the companies they work for. In which case, taxpayers are being screwed, and as civil servants, they have no regard for NSW as an entity. They are benefiting no one but themselves. Now tell me, how are corporate CEOs any different. Point you seemed to miss is that everyone is self-interested.

        • Absolutely. many CEO enjoy golf day or enjoy lunch on weekend. These guys work on weekend and watch people enjoy.

  • -5

    A deal where you steal from the taxpayer. Good work OzBargain.

  • +13

    Ugh… OzBargain always turns to s**t whenever politics is brought up.

    • +2

      I blame God…

  • +1

    Huge line last night at King St Wharf for the ferry to Circular Quay. Didn't bother lining up.

  • +6

    If the ferries have a similar contract to the buses, you do realise that the fares are collected on behalf of the NSW Govt and that the private operator will still get their payments from the NSW Govt to operate the ferries subject to performance payments/penalties (whatever they may be)?

    In other words, by foregoing the collection of fares the union is financially penalising the NSW Govt because of the union's failure to successfully negotiate with the private operator of the ferry. As a NSW taxpayer, I am quite furious at the unions for this - their greivance is with the operator, not the NSW Govt, yet we are all out of pocket.

  • -6

    At 13:30, you still have to pay in Circular Quay.

  • +1

    It's only night time when you do not have to pay. You still have to pay during the day.

    Workers will also stop selling tickets or wearing uniforms from 5:00pm until the end of the long weekend, allowing commuters taking in Vivid, to ride for free.

    • +2

      Read on the link from ABC sounds like from 5pm the day the new was published/updated (6 June) until the end of the long weekend, non-stop.

  • +2

    Not available in WA

    • +2

      Victoria either golf clap

      • +4

        Price match on Adelaide's Popeye boats?

        • I love Popeye!

  • -7

    This is stealing

    shame on ozbargain removed my neg
    if you go to any company for any service or product you have to pay for it even if the guys at checkout do not ask or if go on strike, it doesnt mean its free
    not paying for the service is stealing
    these ticket operators and checkers are not authorised to change the ticket price
    are we living in Australia?

    • Hard to tell if we are with all the fascists on Ozbargain.

      • -2

        No its hard to tell if we are with all the undercover communists on Ozbargain.

    • Yet here they are announcing it days beforehand and doing it whilst still being authorised to operate the ferrys.

      • Thanks to authorities that do not shut it and to the law not having power to stop them.

        • The authorities haven't shut it down because the employers are allowing it to happen.

        • +2

          Protected action laws. Read a book or something rather than the Telegraph next weekend.

    • +1

      So how do you pay, if they are not collecting fares ?

      Is it actual stealing or receiving stolen goods ?

      I guess I better call Saul.

  • +2

    All the right-wing, nationalists, 'Liberals' are just talking about money. Money is a human invention. Values, equality, quality of life, and ultimately environmental sustainability is the important stuff money can never buy. Get dollar signs of your minds and see the world in its naked state. Left is common sense, right is greed. You choose.

  • +6

    In This Thread: people who don't understand enterprise bargaining and protected action laws. It is the right of the employer to employ who they choose, and the right of the employee to withhold their labour.

  • +1

    Thanks Gorant. Better than I could have even thought of let alone articulated!

  • +1

    No uniforms eh? Perhaps it would be fun to ride on a free ferry operated by naked staff. Could be a trend that catches on!

  • -4

    Hate the unions who do this, Hope they sack everyone and bring in congltractors

    • +7

      …bring in congltractors

      A conga line of contractors?

  • +4

    What this thread tells me is that my fellow Ozbargainers are from all over the political spectrum, and it doesn't matter what you believe or what walk of life you're from, you're still up for a $59 coffee machine or a half price set of Sennheisers!

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