Request for new features

Just couple of things that I think should be implemented
When I am on mobile, and I search for something I would like to see the upvotes on all the search results which are from deals on the search result page
For example I want to find a mower, when the search results come up I would go to the post with high up votes, but I can't right now because it doesn't show it until I open the past post.

Secondly, in sorting the posts there should be third option by number of upvotes in addition to, relevance and post date

I have missed these two options many times when I need to search for the cheapest something has been because usually high upvotes = good deal = bargain price


  • also site should be locked so only members can see the bargains.

      1. It will reduce traffic of non/new members.
      2. I hate websites that force me to sign up to see content like this.
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