This is my 900th post… and thanks for the reminder jv!
Has to be the bargain of the night. $57 cheaper than Costco, and a massive $157 cheaper than JB!
Catch? Only available in one colour. But at this price, who cares!
This is my 900th post… and thanks for the reminder jv!
Has to be the bargain of the night. $57 cheaper than Costco, and a massive $157 cheaper than JB!
Catch? Only available in one colour. But at this price, who cares!
Cheers :)
That's me. Bottom left.
It will go with my purple outfit
you need to fire your stylist, magneto
Never seen a Bose this cheap!
dat purple tho
I suppose if I wanted one of these it would be worth disassembling it and dying the fabric.
I was thinking the same, i wonder if it looks better with just the fabric removed?
Great if youre a dockers supporter
Go Storm!
So it requires some kind of MP3 player?
(You can't just put a memory stick with music into it?)
no bluetooth, no speaker update for several years. ugh. good price compared to market , but doesn't represent good value for money in my mind.
It wont fit if I use thick iPhone case.
1st world problems :)
yeah, i ended up taking back the Apple iPhone case because it's impossible to use with just about any accessory.
Thanks ta! Have bought on impulse. Aaahh yeah!
you can buy a sound dock cover if the colour is putting you off !!
I like purple, and I think these docks are amazing sound-wise (even from their first series). I was even looking for a second hand older one (series II) on ebay to use it with bluetooth dongle.
Thanks OP for the post, and 899 others!!
im having trouble finding bluetooth dongle (for lightning anyway). where did you get yours? i got the 30pin adapter from COTD a while back for $10, works like a charm with my bose lifestyle speakers
You're right, lightening ones are rarer and more expensive (probably thanks to Apple licensing), but I've seen one around the internet somewhere. But now that I've bought one of these, I will be using it as a dock-speaker. I already have a Bose soundlink.
Equipment. No, Seriously.
Hi All - what an amazing response from our Bose Sounddock promotion. Just a quick heads up to let you all know that this has now sold out and subsequently been removed from our website. Those who placed their order successfully will be contacted by our account co-ordinator tomorrow as today is a public holiday in QLD. Thanks-Maddie
This is ridiculous! Ever heard of a CRM system?
I got an email saying that I'm not getting mine.. May be I was too slow.. Has anyone received theirs?
I got mine yesterday!!! Really happy!
900 Posts !!!
Pop the champagne !!!