Money saving ideas in the area of food and eating out

Any pros over here when it comes to saving money but still eating happy and healthy?

What are the ways you save? And what about saving while eating out or not eating out at all?

Cheapest meat?


  • +2

    One word to save when eating out.. Picnics

    Area of food.. Two words .. Slow cooking - even cheap cuts of meat taste awesome

  • Bread maker is awesome for top notch cheap bread.
    Homemade cakes etc.
    Basically, make everything from scratch saves money and usually gives a better result.
    When out, snacks/picnics sourced from the supermarket beats take away.
    Drinks are a killer. I tend to bring a bottle of lemonade from home or buy a 2l flavoured milk to sort the kids.
    Dining out I go with pizza or Asian so things can be shared, but we go out fairly rarely so don't feel too bad if we do splurge a bit.
    I make my partner pay the bill though, as seeing the restaurant prices at the end always take the shine off the meal for me!

  • Whenever I am out with friends at Maccas I buy two small fries ($2) and a burger ($3) from the Lose Change Menu. Who pays for overpriced soft drink nowadays :D Also if the restaurant is expensive I share meals where possible (it halves the cost of the meal). You really don't need a full size meal to be full.

  • I don't normally eat out but if you need something get a hot coles chicken when they are reduced, typically around 5 PM. They're usually pretty good value. Only problem is plastic cutlery is hopeless in general and I'm guessing you wouldn't want greasy hands on the street. They're good if you're returning to a hotel room though.

  • There is no such thing as eating healthy outside, as you have no controll on what has been added to the dish, don't think that even salad at mc donalds is a option it's not healthy nor cheap. Best to cook at home.

    If you are real desperate to eat out, won't. Be healthy but it is cheap, buy groupon, scoopon, our deal, spreets, deals, vouchers, there are things which you will find incredibly cheap, even your fav restaurants, they might have it for half price or more. There are also buffets for $10 and under.

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