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Xbox One - Max: The Curse of Brotherhood and Halo Spartan Assault Free [Xbox Gold Required]


Games with Gold has landed on the Xbox one with 2 arcade style games to kick start it off.

Also 50% off Crimson Dragon

Direct Links
Halo Spartan Assault https://store.xbox.com/Xbox-One/Games/Halo-Spartan-Assault/a…
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood https://store.xbox.com/Xbox-One/Games/Max-The-Curse-of-Broth…

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closed Comments

  • +4

    You can also load the games without your xbox one online via xbox.com.

    • thanks, currently overseas and this is the only way to get these games. champ!

      • I don't think it's a huge rush. The XB1 model is more like PSN+ where you don't get to own the games, just that they're available for a while. I don't think they said these games are available only for June - just they are available IN June.

        I could be wrong though.

        • It is like the PS+ model. However, you do own the games so long as you're a PS+ or Xbox Gold subscriber, they won't disappear so long as you download them. If you don't renew, you won't be able to play the games until you renew the subscription again.

        • I suspect that they'll be on a two week rotation as they were with the Xbox 360 scheme…maybe four weeks (given we got two games at once). If MS was giving you longer to redeem them I think they would have made more of a point of highlighting that when they announced this. It's probably not in their interest to keep a large back catalogue of free games at any one time as it discourages people subscribing to Live immediately.

          Just a guess of mine, but if I was away from the Xbox I'd play it safe and grab them now. Likewise 360 owners may as well grab them via the web site even if they don't intend to get an Xbox One any time soon.

        • ahh ok. I thought with the PSN+ model, they seem to have a bunch of games available and every so often replace one with another and when the game goes off the list, then it's no longer playable under the sub. Sony don't seem to add games as often, but they usually have a larger list of games available for you to access.

  • Thanks OP


  • Been waiting for this to start since the Xbox One came out. Thanks

  • +2

    I wouldnt buy crimson dragon if i were you.
    There are so few xbox one games available that crimson dragon is bound to be free by the end of the year if they give away 2 free per month.

  • +2

    FREE XBOX ONE Games begins… yay

    • -2

      Not really free when you need to keep subscribing to be able to play them.

      • Negged for the truth ?

  • +2

    So I can 'buy' this now, and if I ever get an Xbone they'll be there in my account?

    • +1

      If you have the gold live member then yes it link to your account not the xbox one, later when you buy the xbox one log in with your gold live member and download the game, just think it like PSN.

  • Thanks downloading now.

  • +3

    Thanks go out to Sony for showing the bone how it's done.

  • +5

    Be aware that unlike the xbox360 gwg, you also need a valid gold subscription to play these games and you lose access to them if your subscription expires (I.e. similar to ps+)

  • I was never interested in buying an xb1, as no backwards compatibility. But now, knowing I've got games in queue waiting for me, it just became appealing to me for the first time…

    • Not many consoles do have backwards compatibility. I just use the XB1's other HDMI slot to play my 360 through it, it's not a big deal.

      • Do you need the XB1 on to do that though? Seems like a waste of power.

  • +3

    You can download these games now, but it looks like they may not be playable until the June system update is rolled out to your console. I'm getting an error: "You need an update for this". Major Nelson mentions the June update in the announcement about these games being free here: http://majornelson.com/2014/06/03/xbox-one-games-with-gold-a…

    • +2

      That was the case for me this morning when I downloaded both games. The wonderful folks at Microsoft have been quick to react to the problem though, and the June update has begun being rolled out to Xbox One consoles (I've just finished downloading it now). I can confirm that update allows you to fully download and play the games. :)

      • Got it now, too. All better.

  • Can't play - error 0x87de07dc

  • works like a charm like PSN+, you can add the games to your live profile even if you don't have an Xbox One yet, it'll be happy days when I get around to buying one with a load of free games ready to play :)

  • Im not sure but my account still tries to charge me for these games >_<..
    I've been gold for like 6 years.
    EDIT: weird it worked now

  • +1

    Just bought an Xbox One TODAY!
    Seems like i chose a good time to hop on board the XB1 train :)

  • Thanks OP! Put the games in my list to be waiting for me if I get a one. Happy with my 360 for now, but be nice to have a back catalog waiting for me when I jump over.

  • Jumped on ebay - bought a monthly live membership for a $1.50, and downloaded the games. Long weekend sorted.

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