My name is Mitchell, and I'm from Envisage Technologies. I've been using this site for some time now, and since taking on a position at Envisage I thought why not let everyone on ozbargain know what great deals we got going. We are a well established hosting provider who maintain all our own infrastucture in Perth, WA. Check out our web hosting deals at and jump in our live chat if you have any questions! Currently running a 50% OFF for life offer on all our web hosting services.
(Mod — URL changed to
This really does sound like an ad rather than a true bargain
I have a real problem with 50% off a service, why exactly are you offering such a big reduction?
Also I am a tad confused webhostingtalk is a forum from what I can see, so why are you putting the info on your own webpage, rather than on a third party site?
Anyway I'll let others decide about this - it just seems a tad odd
oh and a week is not some time - but thats me being picky..