Hey all,
Saw this this morning on a newsletter. Would be great for an entry level set of cycling bibs(with sets usually costing at least fifty dollars)
Thought someone might find it useful :-)
EDIT: Replaced link with non-mobile link.
Hey all,
Saw this this morning on a newsletter. Would be great for an entry level set of cycling bibs(with sets usually costing at least fifty dollars)
Thought someone might find it useful :-)
EDIT: Replaced link with non-mobile link.
Um, male cameltoe? WTF, cheap price for bibs
cameltoe or smurf fortune cookie?
Is it just me, or is there something really wrong with that man's anatomy? :o
I couldn't recommend these. Bought a couple pair earlier in the year, wore once & ditched. Awful pad, flat like a plank. Far better to scratch up some extra cash and get some dhb's from Wiggle.
And the $59 RRP is misleading - these bibs are generally on permanent sale for sub $20.
I haven't used these specific bib knicks personally, but this is not one area you want to be skimping on. My experience (and those I've spoken to) with anything Cell branded has not been good.
By all means, if you can find quality bib knicks at a good price then get them. But gents, this is a very critical contact point if you're going to be riding for a few hours.
If you want cheap quality knicks at a bargain price these are my tips
RRP is also a joke
Also Cell gear seems to suffer from sizing issues.
Lots of people order one size up for exactly this reason.
Shame about poor quality of these bibs, was going to recommend them as ozbargain uniform
cheap price, but only small is in stock now.
Didn't know penises needed bibs…What are they eating? Tuna?
This would be perfect for my fat gut.
Wait these are what cyclyist water as undies?
Cyclists wear shorts like these for riding. You don't wear undies underneath them as undies tend to bunch up and cause friction leading to blisters in very uncomfortable spots. The shorts have built in padding in the seat which, when combined with the bike's saddle increase the comfort of riding. They are called 'bibs' or 'bibshorts' because of the shoulder straps. These straps stop the shorts from riding down or rolling over your waist whilst you are bent forward grabbing the handlebars.
These might seem like an extreme fashion statement and immodest to occasional cyclists or non-cyclists but for anybody that regularly rides 50Km+ rides on a road bike they are all but essential. These kind of shorts are normally very expensive and the top versions from brands like Assos and Rapha can cost several hundreds of dollars a pair. The big difference for the top versions is the comfort of the chamois or padding. Riding a couple of hundred Kms in uncomfortable knicks would probably force somebody to question false economy!
Guys, if you are going to save on anything bike related, the chamois or pad in your bib shorts is the last thing you want to compromise. I've never even seen these bibs but reports above aren't promising.
Hilarious comments on guys wearing lycra around their nether regions too…seriously…cyclists have never heard any of these jokes. That other people think it is strange/funny that we wear lycra when riding is a complete surprise to us all!
Only funny when you're going around the block.
110% agree, bib shorts are very important, I was too shy to wear them so used a MTB shorts from Cell. It was okay, but always had a sore bottom after long rides. Mainly because padding slipping as I ride.
Then I switched to bib shorts, the padding stays on place, it was very comfortable.
I bought my bib at CoastToCoast cycling, official shop of Aussie GreenEdge team.
Clearance prices for 2012 team gear (but Top Notch quality, Italian made by Santini)
Superb fit and so comfortable (I am 95kg, got xxxl). Lost 7kgs since starting road biking this year :)
Looks like a wrestling gear.
i say the same to wrestlers, looks like cycling gear!
Hardly a deal when they only have limited "small" size left to fit a baby or Mr PunyVerse
That mangina gave me the weirdest boner.
All jokes aside good find!
Ps. this is the non-mobile link